
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 59: The Wrong Prisoner

Lilian, Oma and her mother where in total shock at the sight of Olga at the prison

"You!" Her mother shouted in anger

"No fucking way" Lilian said in surprise.

No one was more confused and more shocked than Oma was as a lot of things ran through her head

"What the hell is going on? How is she here? someone tell me what is going on?" She questioned herself as she was unable to move.

Olga silently glanced at her and mouthed "We meet again"

The Police took her away before everything gets more complicated at the station

"That fucking parasite killed my husband" her mother cried out

"We need to get out of here mother" Oma told her

"Yes ma, you need to go; we might have to force you to leave if you continue like this" one of the police men told her.

"What about her daughter? she is in partner with her too" Lilian said to the police

"Enough!" Oma shouted startling them "We need to get out of here now" Oma told them

"Trust me, you don't want to be here the next one hour" she said again, with that she quickly walks out with her heart skipping faster from fear

"Did she just yell at me?" Oma's mum asked in surprise

"Let's go" Lilian said to her.


(Kingdom of Oceania)

Princess Adunni met with Prince Luca when she had arrived at the Kingdom

"You are here my princess" Prince Luca said in happiness 

"Yes, my love" she answered putting on her best smile, she gave Prince Luca a warm hug "It's been a long time i saw you" she said

"Now you are here, my Princess" he said holding her hands as they stare into each other's eye.

"I received your message today; can i see my mother now?" She asked him breaking the silence between them

"Yes, she is inside" he told her; he escorted her to see the Queen who was busy drawing symbols on stone

"How bad is her illness?" Princess Adunni asked her

"Like i sent you on the message stone; she couldn't recognize anyone" Prince Luca told her "It's a side effect from the poison 

"How long till it wears off?" She asked him

"I can't say, she might get better soon; my father had been making medicines for her, you know he is the best Mer-doctor in the sea" Prince Luca said making Princess Adunni to blush

"What about the assassins that attacked my mother?" Princess Adunni asked

"They refused to speak; they are well trained to serve till death" Prince Luca told her.

Princess Adunni approached her mother to take a look at her, it's been fourteen days she saw her mother 

"She got her injury from the assassins that came to attack her" Prince Luca told her when she had seen the injury on her mother's hand.

Princess Adunni glanced at her mother after looking at the Injury with her own eye; she could tell that the assassins were not the one who had given her that injury. Out of the whole warriors of the sea, only her mother could make that clean mark as a warning to her enemies when having a fair fight; she still can't believe that her mother would go that extreme just to see that she never loses to her enemy.

Her mother looked back at her knowing fully well that her daughter knew she hasn't forgotten anything and was just buying out time for herself

"Your highness" one of the Mer-guard ran in calling on Prince Luca

"What's that?" he asked him

"The assassins committed suicide by biting off their tongues" he told him

"What?" Prince Luca said in surprise as that had never happened before

"Now we are left with another puzzle to solve" Princess Adunni said.