
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 58: The Unlucky One

Imelda tries to unlock the door in other to escape from Mr. Charles little prison; although she didn't know he was the one holding her hostage

" Help me!" She cried out, she banged the door noisily without caring about whoever she was disturbing.

She heard someone opening the door from outside, when the door was slide open; she tries to escape but was forcefully pulled back inside by one of Mr. Charles men.

" Let me go!" She shouted struggling to free herself from their grip.

" Let her be, after all she can't escape from here no matter how much she tries" Mr. Charles said joining them inside.

"Let me go" Imelda angrily said to him

Mr. Charles grabbed the chair beside the walls to sit down and face her

" I will let you go, but only if you tell me what you know; you can start by telling me the ingredients for the new medicine" He asked her

"I don't know what you are talking about, i am just a delivery girl" she answered

"As a delivery girl, you seem to know more than you are supposed to; my men have been stalking Mr. Hansel's move for a while now and where ever they go; you were always there" he told her 

"Like I said, i am just a delivery girl" she told him

"It won't be bad if you lose your whole fingers, right? it can save you from becoming Mr. Hansel's delivery puppet; you can work for me then without conditions or die living a miserable life" Mr. Charles threatened.

Imelda blinked her eye nervously while holding her two hands together.



 Erica had smashed the medicine into pieces after which she disposed them, she stood beside the waters looking blankly at it while lost in his own thoughts; she has been thinking about the way Lava had looked at her when she had killed Gretel, she didn't mean to kill him but it happened so fast while she was trying to hold her balance after climbing the walls to get back on top where Gretel had pushed her down from

"He must hate me now" she said to herself "Maybe it's for the best, they will only get in trouble if they are around me" she said again inhaling and exhaling deeply.

(The Police Station)

Oma had tried stopping her mother from going to the police but to no avail, her mother had angrily promised to find justice for her husband since she was once a member of the field.

"Mum, it will only be complicated if we involve the police" Oma tried to explain

"There is nothing you are going to say that will stop me from suing those murderers, I can't believe you have been harboring serial killers at my home" Her mother told her

"It isn't like that mother; they just happen to be there" Oma defended even though she was confused at the whole situation

"Don't try to stop her Oma, you know she is right" Lillian angrily said pushing away Oma's hand from her mother "I told Lava, what did he do? nothing; you both are blinded by her" Lilian angrily said leaving Oma dumfounded 

"It's not that, this isn't something the police can handle" Oma said calmly trying to meet up with her mum who is already talking with the police with her swollen eye from tears

"Don't try to talk her out of this" Lilian angrily warn her

"We are sorry about your loss ma; we are trying to find the other accomplices and bring them to justice" One of the police men said trying to calm her down

"How long it's it going to take huh? I was once in this field and i know you all don't give a fuck about it" Her mum angrily shouted drawing the attention of the people at the police station

"I am sorry for your loss Madam; we have three people at custody; we assure you madam that we would see it that they are brought to justice" one of the police told her

"Officer, you said you have three of them at custody; who are they exactly?" Oma asked

"Yes, one of them have been unconscious for a while... " he paused when he saw the chief of the police walk pass them followed by three other police and a woman whose head was covered to avoid exposing her identity "She is finally awake" the police man said

Oma quickly stares at the woman trying to figure out who she might be; the next thing she saw was that her mother had already approached the woman dragging her by her dress

"How dare you! bring back my husband you idiot" She shouted at the unknown woman as the police tries to stop her, she forcefully removed the coverage on the woman's face exposing her to everyone

"Olga" Oma said looking startled as if she had seen a ghost.