
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 57: Betrayed

(Oma's Home)

Oma dropped the phone on her hand after receiving the phone call from the police

"Who was that?" Liliana asked feeding herself with the potato chips she had with her

"What's that honey?" Her mother asked in curiosity

"T...t... there were gunshots at the Airport and... and dad was shot d... dead" Oma said breathing heavily

"What?" her mother and Lilian shouted looking all startled

"Dad was shot dead at the Airport" Oma cried out

Her mother slumped and fainted on hearing that

"The hospital, let's go to the hospital" Lilian said looking around for the car keys while Oma tries to wake her mum still looking confused at her state.


Mr. Hansel smashed the Tv after watching the news, everything that had happened at the Airport was on the news including the faces of the one's that had caused the tragic event

"I am going to fuckin kill him!" Mr. Hansel shouted in anger.

Lava walked in holding Gretel's artificial face

"Not now Mr. Lava" Idris says trying to stop him from going further

"Let him in" Mr. Hansel said dressing his tie

"Care to explain this? Do you think i am a toy to play with?" Lava asked

"You finally found out" Mr. Hansel said looking at him

"How could you send a murderer to protect me? How is a dead person alive?" Lava asked him

"He is none of that but a body that started functioning after some experiments" his father told him

"You are experimenting on human beings now? you are the worst, father" Lava said

"Language" His father said

"How did you even do that? what the hell is going on?" Lava asked seeking for answer

"I used Erica's cell to experiment on his body secretly with the help of my scientist abroad, i didn't think it would work; he woke up without a memory and a decayed body that we had to work on" Mr. Hansel responded

"And you sent that thing to me?" Lava angrily asked

"Exactly, that thing? what difference does it make from Erica? they are both things right?" Mr. Hansel asked

"Releasing that video, angering the murderer to do more harm and extracting cells from the sea creatures for your play; when is all that going to stop? Don't you ever stop to think that whatever you are doing is causing chaos among the people and the sea people? the more you do, the more you want to gain. You are going to regret putting the people of the city in danger" Lava angrily said to him.


Lilian consoles Oma's mum who had been crying at the hospital after they had seen the dead body, her husband had been shot on the head at the Airport during the open fire; it was a heartbreaking moment for them as the people who passed by felt their pain. Oma stood there speechlessly not knowing what to say nor do, she looked up with her eye soaked in tears; her eye met with the familiar faces on the Tv. who had been declared wanted by the police

"Erica" she said out without been in control of her own words, her mother and Lilian were alerted as they stare on the wall Tv everyone had fixed their eye on

"Isn't that Erica?" Her mum asked as Oma had tried to block her view

"Is right time you tell your mum that you don't know who the hell Erica is and she isn't one of your friends" Lilian told Oma.

(Midnight at the Sea)

The two assassins King Obi had sent to kill the Queen arrived at the Kingdom of Oceania after sneaking in with the help of their messenger at Oceania, they headed straight to the queen's shelter as informed. On entering the shelter, they found out that the queen wasn't there as expected; they stare at each other after which they gestured at each other to leave the shelter.

As they made move to leave the shelter, they were suddenly attacked by an unknown stranger who was inside with them, as they tried to fight back; the stranger overpowered them stabbing the both of them without hesitation.

"If you move, you would be dead from the poison" The queen said coming into light

The assassins stood there in shock without saying a word

"Your king must have let his guard down" The queen said with a smirk startling them

"Your Majesty is me" Prince Luca interrupted trying to move the light stone that was used as door

The Queen quickly slashes herself with her sharp weapon

"What are you going to do now? there is no poison" she silently said to the assassins as she bleeds from her injury "Run" she mouthed

Before they could think about escaping after finding out their body wasn't having any poison as they were tricked by the queen, Prince Luca entered inside and saw them.

The assassins try to fight back but the Mer-guards who had escorted Prince Luca to check on the queen were fast enough to capture them.

"Your Majesty" Prince Luca shouted when he saw the queen bleeding from her tail

"What is going on? They suddenly attacked me" The queen said calmly

"It's okay, I am here now your majesty" Prince Luca told her " Take them away and get the nurses" he ordered.

The assassins watch the queen smile devilishly at them which creeped them out.