
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 54: Exchange

(Oma's Home)

"Mum" Oma called out coming into the sitting room

"Yes darling" her mother responded still operating her laptop

"I applied for the university" Oma said

"Really?" her mother asked looking at her without hesitation

"Yes, i am going to be a marine biologist" she told her mother

"Marine biologist? i thought you wanted to be a researcher" her mother asked

"Well, i changed my mind" Oma said looking all happy

"That's good, am sure your father would love that too; he will be coming back tomorrow" her mother told her

"That's good news, i am so thrilled" Oma happily said

"What time does he arrive so that i can go pick him up at the airport?" Oma asked

"He should be at the Airport before sundown" her mother responded

"I will go pick him up" Oma said.

"You should help with the groceries in the kitchen, you have been forming lazy all day and staying indoor; i am sure is because Erica is not here" her mother told her

"Come on mum, i can do without her" she responded

"Keep telling yourself that" her mother said

"Don't tell me you are double dating Lava with her?" her mother said again

"Eww mother, we are three friends sharing one heart" she said with a grin

"That's a funny thing to say, now go" her mother said to her

"Alright" she responded as she sluggishly walks away.


Mr. Hansel's laboratory...

"She threatened you?" Mr. Hansel asked Idris

"You should see the way she looked at me like she was going to kill me that moment" Imelda told him

"Her body is still of good use to us; we can't give it up because she asked" Mr. Hansel said

"What about my safety, i could get killed if i don't return the body" Imelda said looking frightened

"I will have someone escort you on your next move, a good distraction" Mr. Hansel told her

Imelda inhaled and exhaled deeply

 " Our next delivery is outside the city" Idris said " A foreigner contacted me and demanded for the medicine; they want to partner with us" Idris told them

"We deliver the medicine to them tomorrow" Mr. Hansel told him "I will have someone accompany Imelda; she is the only one who can explain better to the foreigners" Mr. Hansel said again.

"I will have the medicines packaged" Imelda said.


Prince Obi received the message note from the assassin he had plotted at Oceania, he was so thrilled when he read the messages

"I never thought this day would come; this is more than what i ever asked for" King Obi said in happiness

"She is currently under the care of the Marco kingdom" The assassin told him

"It's a perfect time for a pay back" he told him

"Give us your orders" the assassin said

"We will take them by surprise, they would think the great queen died from the poison and Oceania's are the one to take the blame because they couldn't even inform the princess about it" King Obi said in excitement.



Imelda signaled the men following her when she had sighted the foreigners at the airport, three of them had arrived together looking for whoever it was that would be delivering the medicine to them, it was a secret delivery because the medicine hasn't been verified publicly to the people.

"Hola" Imelda greeted

"Buenas noches" one of them responded

"habla usted inglés?" Imelda asked

"'sí" he responded with a smile

"Good, this is your package, remember; you can't share it to anyone. The ingredients are rare and expensive" Imelda told them

"Noted" The man who seems as their leader responded. 

As soon as Imelda wants to hand over the medicine to him, a figure from nowhere grabbed the box in a flash cutting off Imelda's finger with it.