
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 52: The Deadly One

(Mr. Hansel's industry)

The delivery men loaded the 18th boxes of fish into the truck as one of them by the side takes notes of the boxes and make accounts of it on his book

"How many boxes are remaining?" The man taking account asked

"Two boxes" one of the men responded

"Load them quickly" he said to them

They loaded the remaining boxes and closed the truck's boot ready to leave

"Sir, we were asked to load this box too" one of the men quickly interrupted the man who was already done with the account he was making

"Who?" he Icily asked as he was already annoyed that the box wasn't brought to him earlier

"You don't need to get angry, it's just a little favor from the boss" Imelda said approaching him

The man quickly greeted her

"The box contains medicine that you will be delivering to the hospital address on the box" Imelda told him

"We will deliver it safely miss" he said

"Good, protect it with your life because the ingredients are very rare; your career could end if anything happens to it" Imelda threatened him as the man swallowed his saliva.

"You can go now; the VIP patient is waiting" Imelda told him

"Yes miss" the man said out loud, Imelda watches him carry the box into the truck followed by the delivery men.

"Am glad the experiment went well, this is the final round of success for this" she said with a smile, as she turns to leave; she bumped into someone who was standing in front of her

"So, it was you?" Erica asked

"Erica" Imelda called out in surprise as fear grips her "What are you doing here?" she asked her

"Where is my mother's body?" Erica asked giving her a death stare

"Your mother's body? are you being serious right now?" Imelda asked looking nervous

"You are way too close to me, i can hear your heartbeat" Erica told her

"Why will i have your dead mother's body? aren't you the one with her on that very day?" Imelda asked

"So were you, I saw you before the lights turned off; i knew you took the viral video" Erica told her "I know a green snake when i see one" Erica said again looking straight at her eye

"So what are you going to do now? you can't hurt me" Imelda said with a smirk

Erica gripped her tightly on her hand that Imelda struggled to free her hand from her grip

"Return her body while am being nice, you won't like me when i am angry" Erica said giving her a cold look, she freed her hand from hers and quickly departed. Imelda groaned in pain while looking at her hand; there were traces of marks from Erica's grip on it and slight injuries from her claws

"Fucking monster" she cursed angrily.



Lava made sure Gretel had gone to take his bath before sneaking into his room, Gretel's room was neater than any girls room that there was no trace of dirt on it

"Does the house cleaner clean his room better than mine?" he asked himself as he feeds his eye around the room looking for anything suspicious

"How do i search everywhere without getting it dirty?" he questioned absolutely nobody. "Drawer first" he said heading towards the drawer close to the table

"fuck, it's locked" Lava said looking around for keys, he was disturbed by the footsteps of someone approaching the room; he quickly hid beside the door where he watched Gretel walk straight to the drawer.

Gretel removed his chain necklace that was having a single key on it

"He had the key on him" Lava soliloquized 

Gretel opened the drawer, he reached for an injection and injected himself with it after which he dropped it back

"Is he a drug addict?" Lava asked himself

"This is some kind of medicine that is supposed to help me sleep" Gretel said out loud

"That's bad..." Lava quickly stopped talking when he had noticed he had spoken out loud

"Don't you think it's bad sneaking into my room? one might get the wrong idea if they see you here with me" Gretel said with a grin looking at the very place he was hiding.

Lava cleared his throat loudly as if something was stuck on it

"You have to walk properly when walking into your own room, i almost thought someone else was coming in; i was looking for you by the way" Lava said having his hand on his pocket why looking around

"How can i help you sir?" he asked Lava

"I forgot what I wanted to say, sleep tight" Lava said as he quickly leaves his room

Gretel waved his head having a smile on his face. He closed the door and headed back to his drawer facing backwards, he removed the artificial eye lens on his eye and placed it back inside, he placed his hand on his face and removed the extra skin on it and paced it on the locker.

"Now my skin can breathe" he said