
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 51: Poison

(Lava's office)

"Here are the documents you asked to be printed sir" the manager said

"Thanks" Lava said smiling at her "What about Gretel? i don't see him" Lava said when the manager had turned to leave

"Oh, he left to use the toilet the moment i entered your office" she responded

"He did?" Lava asked getting up

"Y... yes" she responded blinking her eye twice.

"That's goodness" Lava said taking his suit jacket "Leave the office in ten minutes after i am gone" he told her

"Okay sir" she responded scratching her head why wondering why Mr. Lava wanted her to stay at his office for ten minutes.

Lava quickly left the office in a jiffy without looking back.

(Kingdom of Oceania)

Prince Luca entered the shelter where the queen was been taken care of by the Mer-Nurses, the queen lay there fast asleep not noticing his presence.

"How long have she been asleep?" He asked them

"For three hours now" one of them responded

"Any changes from the antidote my father made for her?" the prince asked

"We have to check on it when the queen wakes up" another Mer-Nurse answered

"I wonder who sent the assassins' to ambush the great queen" Prince Luca said

"What about your injuries Prince Luca? you got deeply injured trying to save the queen" the third Mer-Nurse said

"Am getting better, thanks to you both" he responded "And besides, the pain isn't something new for a warrior like me" He told them with a smile.

"Get better your highness" they said to the prince


"Hi" Lava said once Oma had opened the door

Oma hugged Lava warmly without hesitation "Am glad that you are here" she said

"Yea, me too" he said looking around 

"I thought you will never come here again" Oma said

"No, i wouldn't do that" He told her "What about Erica?" he asked

Oma inhaled and exhaled before going inside the house followed by Lava

"Erica is gone" She answered

"What do you mean by Erica is gone?" he asked her trying to understand what she was saying

"Olga came here days ago, it was so frightening; Erica had to leave" she told her

Lava sat down on the chair with his head bent "How am i supposed to find her now? I don't think i will be able to get her off my head knowing that she won't be returning back again" Lava said silently

"That's how i have been feeling ever since she left" Oma said looking sad

"I think it is time to go now" a familiar voice interrupted

"You got to be kidding me" Lava said looking at Gretel

"And who is the asshole that scared the hell out of me?" Oma asked silently placing her hand on her chest 

"My bodyguard" He responded

"Does he do that all the time? creeping people out?" she asked 

"Am shock as you, I just can't get rid of him" Lava responded

"I am right here" Gretel said with a grin creeping them out


Queen Ola opened her eye, the room was a bit dark and silent, she tried to recall what had happened as she couldn't remember a thing

"You are finally awake the great queen" King George said from behind

Her eye quickly moves to his direction as she wasn't expecting him.

"I am sorry for scaring you?" King George said drawing closer to her

The Queen looked at him for few seconds as he comes closer

"Who are you?" she suddenly asked causing King George to pause from where he was

"I guess here is dark enough for you to see me, you are at Oceania, you got ambushed on your way home" King George told her

"I don't remember that" Queen Ola said looking confuse

"This can't be what i am thinking" King George said taking her hand as if he was looking for something on her hand

"A side effects from the poison" King George said