

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 39: Rumors

Mr. Hansel getting ready to address the people of the city...

"Are you ready Mayor?" One of the staff assisting him asked on her entry into the room

"Yes, let's go" Mr. Hansel said to her

Some of the guards at the door escorted him to the room to hold the press conference about the rumors going on for days now.

There were a lot of media's waiting impatiently for the mayor to come and address them. 

Mr. Hansel stand in front of them as they all focused their camera on him ready to hear and capture whatever he has to say to them

"What do you have to say about the rumors spreading like wild fires on internet? do you think they are true?" one of the journalists asked 

"Tell us mayor, people are living in fear, there have been killings recently" another said

The journalists kept on throwing questions at him without break as the staffs tries to calm them down in other for the mayor to speak.

"I will answer every of your questions today" Mr. Hansel said to them as he was ready to address them.

They all went silent having their camera rolling to capture whatever he has to say

" Whatever you have seen on the internet is true, I assure you of that" Mr. Hansel said to them

They were startled at what he had said as they stare at each other...

"How do you know they are real?" One of them quickly asked

" Because that's the truth, we all saw it; but I tell you... they are nothing but people who are seeking for social attention, they are just bunch of content creators looking for money " Mr. Hansel told them

" What about the killings? Everyone believe they are true?" Another quickly asked out of curiosity

" They are doing it for publicity, we have witnessed series of murder from the so-called content creators who are going around causing chaos among the people, believe me; we are trying as much as possible to find them" Mr. Hansel responded to them

" Do you think it's a coincidence that the murders have been taking place at various fishing industry?" another said without hesitation

" Could it be that someone from the same line of business is trying to send a message or is it just a fish thief as the internet labeled the murderer?" Another asked

Mr. Hansel slightly looked at Idris who was standing behind the door, he looked back to the journalists to answer their questions.

"Truthfully speaking, the marine water systems has been a dangerous journey for us; we encountered a lot of problems on the way and it is something the people won't understand, not only that the marine water serve us food; they help us with nutrients that nourishes the skin and helps fight diseases; it belongs to all of us, whoever that is trying to ruin this for the people instead of trying to find a solution to grow the business is considered to be a terrorist and is to be sentenced to death" Mr. Hansel said as the reporters and the media nodded their head in agreement together with him at the conference.

" What do you have to say to the people?" Another asked

"As the mayor of this city, I promise to find solutions to grow the business and help the people, As for those terrorizing my city and the people in it; you are just bunch of amateurs hiding in your shell; you can't even face the people in your own skin, you will be caught and justice shall prevail" Mr. Hansel said with a slight grin. " Thank you" he added

The people clapped their hands as they take pictures of the mayor leaving the hall.


Mr. Charles angrily switched off the TV after watching the news

" He is really gaining the attention he needed even when he is the devil himself" Mr. Charles said

" Terrorists? Bunch of amateurs? Content creators? I feel insulted" Olga said looking at Mr. Charles with her one eye as the other had been damaged by Erica and refuses to heal.

" So, what are you going to do? It's hard to beat him with his much authorities" Mr. Charles said

" I am going to shake his city; it will be the last gift I give to them before returning to the sea" Olga said.