
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 22: Secret Alliance

(Oma's Home)

Oma was disrupted by the sudden knock on the house main gate

"Who the hell is that!" she shouted without hesitation

Her mother looked at her from across the table she was sitting on "Language" she said

"I am sorry mum" she quickly said getting up from the cushion, she had been lost in her own thoughts for the past minutes:" I am going to check who is on the gate" she said to her mum.

She hastily left the house to know who it was on the gate, it couldn't possibly be Linda or Erica who she is trying to forget …

"Lava! what the hell are you doing here?" she asked at the sight of Lava

"What's happening? you have been avoiding me ever since the party; you and Erica just disappeared from the party" Lava said 

"What are you talking about?" she asked ignorantly

"Don't do this Oma, you know what am talking about" Lava said

"Erica had gone back to where she came from, I don't think we have any business together now" she told him

"That's not true, she can't just leave me; I have been having sleepless night wondering what wrong I did" Lava said calmly 

"Who is that?" Oma's mum asked coming outside

"Good afternoon ma" Lava said coming inside leaving Oma behind in total awe "You look more beautiful in person" Lava praised 

"Oh, thank you" she said grinning from her ear to ear as Oma stood there looking at Lava.

"You look familiar, I have seen you in tv" Oma's mum said "You are the mayor's son, I can't be wrong "she said again

"You have a photogenic memory" Lava said

"So, what brings the big boy here?" she asked her

"Mum, he is about..."

"I am a friend of Oma; she tutored me too, I just came to have a friendly chat with her" Lava said

"Okay, feel free to talk with her, i will be sitting in a corner watching you both" her mother said giving Oma a quick stare.

"Thank you madam" Lava said in happiness

"Damn it" Oma said between her teeth.


(Mr. Hansel underground lab)

Erica groaned in pain when they had taken a skin from her body using one of their machines.

"Finally, we have gotten what we wanted; we will start with the experiment ASAP" one of the scientists said

"Why is she so quiet?" one of the scientists asked when she had noticed that Erica wasn't moving.

"Maybe it's one of her tricks" another responded

"No, I think she is unconscious, her body is sinking down the tank" another said

"If something happens to her without us getting done with the experiment, Mr. Hansel will have us fired or even worse than it" another said

"Come on, fish out her body from the tank, make use of the steel net, she needs to be conscious" The Head Scientist said.

Some of the stronger men quickly followed the plan as ordered, they drag out Erica out of the fish tank and dropped her on the movable bed to revive her, as soon as they dropped Erica on the bed to move her into one of the wards; Erica opened her eye immediately scaring the hell out of them, she moved her tails without hesitation flipping over the men beside her, she reached for the Head scientist and bite off his ears when she pulled him closer to her.

One of the men inside was able to reach and hit the emergency button to alarm the others outside, when he turned back, he saw that Erica was gone

"How did she get out without transforming?" the man asked in total shock


Mr. Charles watches Vashi walk around her holding cell without rest, she had been like that for two days now. Mr. Charles had locked her up when she tried to attack some of her men. She had refused to eat and has continuously murmurs words to herself without rest.

"She is a very strange one, I have never seen a stubborn person like that" One of his men said 

"That makes her interesting, how could a grown-up woman survive inside the deep river? this is a mystery I need to solve" Mr. Charles said 

"What do you suggest we do sir?" the man asked

"I am going to have a talk with her" Mr. Charles said

"She could be dangerous" his man warned

"We will see about that" Mr. Charles said. 

Mr. Charles left the CCTV room to meet with Vashi in her holding cell, his guards stood guard at the door in case something goes wrong. Vashi got closer to the cell to face Mr. Charles when she had seen him…

"What do you want from me?" Vashi asked him

"Now you want to talk?" Mr. Charles asked her

"Let me go, I need to find my daughter" she said to him

"Your daughter?" Mr. Charles asked

"Her name is Erica, she is in danger" she told him "I will give you the secrets to make your fish business grow if you let me out" she said again

"That's very tempting; especially coming from someone like you" Mr. Charles said

Vashi hissed at him "I could end you all here if I wanted to, I just need to get out of here and look for my daughter" she told him

Mr. Charles looked at her for few minutes with his hand placed on his jaw as if he was thinking "As much as I want to ignore you now, something is urging me not to" 

"I just need my daughter; I don't have much time" Vashi said to him

"I will help you find your daughter" he told her.

Oma and Lava seated on the cushion…

"Your mum is gone now; can we please go straight to the point" Lava urged her

"You will think that I am crazy if I tell you this" Oma said to him

"Hell no, I have seen crazy" he told her

"Not this kind of crazy, it is something that involves your father" she told him

"What is that? I promise not to tell anybody" He said with his fingers crossed

"Your father has Erica" she told him silently.

"That's crazy" Lava said really dazed


Back at the Lab, Erica crawled out from her hidden place followed by a younger scientist who she had held captive

"Please spare me" the young lady whimpered softly

"I will spare you if you get me outside this place" Erica threatened her

"It's going to be difficult because of your transformation" The girl said gently from under the tank they were hiding

"How about I end you now?" she asked her with her long nails placed on her neck.

"I will get you out, please don't kill me" she cried