
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 21: The Sea Witch

"Let's go Kinsey" The woman said taking her daughter with her. "What a weirdo" the woman cursed making a move to leave.

"Isn't Kinsey so cute?" Olga asked holding the little girl by her hand and drawing her back from her mother's grip

"What the hell are you doing?" the woman asked almost looking scared of the stranger

"I am only trying to be human; that's why I need a clothe to leave here" Olga responded with a grin 

"I am going to scream if you don't leave my daughter and I alone" The woman said nervously shaking from fear

"Go ahead, I bet Kinsey can swim perfectly like a fish inside the water? she might even be dead before the people come closer to us" Olga teased

"Take it and leave us alone" The woman said giving out the shorts and T-shirt on her bag to her

"That wasn't difficult" Olga said with a smirk on her face.



The time has finally come for the two kings of the sea to return back to their kingdom, they had overstayed their welcome at the convenience of the queen 

"You both are welcome here anytime you feel like visiting my Kingdom Riveria; having your assistance for the past days was something i needed after the loss of my king" the queen said to them

"You don't need our assistance my Queen, you are already a great leader and mentor to every siren at the sea, we are pleased to dine with you these few days that had passed" The king of Marco said to her

"We will be always willing to help you out, we are family now; you are very important to us" The king of Oceania said to her

The great queen smiled when they had said that "I am so thrilled to know you both will always have my back" she said "What about the two princes? i don't see them around" the queen said looking around

"My son Luca had gone to say his goodbyes to his betrothed wife before he embarks on his journey" King Ayata (King of Oceania) responded

"Prince Obi will be here soon, he needed to say goodbyes to the friends he made here, you know he is well loved were ever he goes?" King George (King of Marco) said

"Am glad they were able to mingle with every siren here" the queen said

Prince Luca and Princess Adunni …

"I had a great time with you Princess, I must say; last few days were very memorable "Prince Luca said to her

"I can't believe this day would come so soon" Princess Adunni said blushing in excitement

 Prince Luca grinned when she had said that, he could hear his own heartbeat from his chest

"I will always be there to support you whenever you need support, it's a promise" Prince Luca said to her.

Princess Adunni laughed in Excitement, she gets closer to Prince Luca and kissed his lips passionately

"Safe travel " She said when she had withdrawn her lips from his, she quickly swims out looking overwhelmed from her feelings towards him.


Olga sat down at the close by eatery waiting patiently to sneak into the bus of the delivery men who had come to deliver fish at the eatery. She believes she would at least get closer to finding Vashi from it. 

When the deliverymen were done, they got back into their truck and drove off without noticing the presence of Olga inside the storage. Olga fed herself with the life fishes inside the bus.

(Back at Riveria)

The queen and her daughter watch the two kings climb their sea animal waiting for their prince to join them. Prince Luca looked at the princess for the last time, his heart felt heavy leaving her.

Prince Obi kissed the queen's hand

"My royalty lies with you he great queen of the sea; just like my father" Prince Obi said to her

"See you again" the queen said to him.

The two Prince joined their father to continue their journey.

"Is you and I now your majesty" The Princess said to her mother.

"You must really like Prince Luca so much" the queen said glancing at her

"Why does it sound like you want to say something bad mother?" the Princess asked

"Prince Luca will keep living if Vashi doesn't return with Erica, I will make sure I end everyone so dare to you if anyone dares try to destroy the kingdom I had built; I will make sure you live to see that happens" the queen warned "you should be on my side" her mother said again

"The day my father died, every respect I had for you died with him; you built this kingdom with blood of the innocents" the princess said to her

"You are just like me Adunni, you can never change from that; stop hiding who you are" her mother said to her

"I am going to prove you wrong mother" the princess told her.


The fish delivery men got to their destination; they parked their truck ready to load out the remaining fishes that where on it

"Fuck, am so tired of this delivery shit" one of the men said heading to the back of the truck with the keys.

"At least we make some money out of it" the other man said, with that he helped the other man open the back boot of the truck.

"What the fuck!" one of the men shouted in shock at the sight of what he saw.

"What's that?" the other guy said peeping to see whatever it was. Most of the fishes were scattered on the truck

"What the actual…" his words were cut short when a sharp object had passed through his throat, his body lay lifeless on the ground as he choked on his own blood.

"Who is there?" the other guy asked going backwards in fear. He was disturbed by the silent melody coming out of the truck which sounded like a whisper

"Aargh! stop!" the man shrieked in pain from the piercing song coming from inside the truck, Olga come out from her hiding place still in her transformation of a sea witch, she could transform into a mermaid, a half monster and a half human; she has always kept her monster side hidden.

"What the hell are you?" the man asked in fear also struggling from the piercing sound from Olga. Before he could utter another word, Olga slit his throat with her pointy tails, she transformed back when the man's body had slumped on the floor lifeless.

She looked up the gigantic facility letting out a devilish grin.

"Where are you Vashi?" She questioned with a smirk

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