
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 2: The Other Side

Erica watched her mermaid tail's part from each other forming a human leg. she felt disgusted looking like one of them, she has so much despised the humans. She got up from the sand she had been sitting on after she had crawled out from the river into the wet ground, making an attempt to get up; she fell as she was not used to using feet.

" What in the siren name do i have to use this feet's" she retorted

She heard laughter from behind followed by some voices murmuring from it

" Isn't she being slutty? How can she be sitting there with her bare butt?" one of the women asked. 

There were five of them who were passing by at the beach side, two women in their thirties, a younger girl of eleven, a young man in his twenties and an elderly man.

The elderly man quickly closed the eye of the younger girl "Don't look at her" he said

" She must be dying for attention" the elder man said again. 

 Erica turned to look at them, they were stunned by her beauty; her long curly brown hair waving at the cool breeze, her beautiful brown eye penetrating their eye, her pink lips and body made her standout like a goddess she was.

" What a beauty" the young man said dropping his mouth open.

The other woman who was with them quickly untied the little piece of cloth on her waist and headed to cover up Erica's nakedness, but once she had stretched her hand to give Erica the clothe to cover her lower body, Erica quickly brought out her own piece of cloth she had brought with her and tie it to her waist; she dawdled as she walked pass them icily.

The woman and the others stood there dumbfounded.

" What a rude brat!" The other woman cursed.

"I told you to stop been nice to people honey" the elder man said to the woman who had come to help Erica.

" She is the kind of woman your parents would warn you not to hang out with" the young man said as he continuously watches Erica's silhouette from afar.

" Beauty without brain is nothing" the elder man said and her wife stared at her

" You found her beautiful?" she asked

" Everyone knows she is pretty, but who can be as brilliant and kind as you?" The elder man teased

* * *

Erica stopped once she had gotten at the back of the beach safe house

" Walking on these feet is so stressful, I had hurt myself" she said raising her leg up, she had an injury on her leg after stepping on a sharp object while walking away from those people.

" They can't stop moving their mouth; the queen is right about them " she said

As she turned to her right side, she saw some ladies taking their clothes from a bag inside a balcony, she watches them put the clothe on before leaving. She didn't hesitate to go there and pick out some clothe that matches her not knowing the clothes were kept by the people at the beach, she ended up putting on a male trouser and t-shirt as it looked more okay to her, she placed her feet on a blue slippers on the floor and it fitted perfectly, she quickly left heading to whichever direction she could think of.

" That looks like my dress" 

She turned and stare at the man who was drinking himself to stupor and his hand hanging around the neck of a younger woman. Erica didn't say anything as she stood there looking straight to his eye without blinking. The woman who was with the man felt uncomfortable with her cold stare

" Let's get out of here, you are drunk" the woman said taking the man away

"I am serious... i am not that drunk" the man said staggering on his steps.

" You are not the only person that has that brand of dress" The woman said still moving away.

Erica sighed "Uncultured beings" she cursed.

It took her 40 minutes to walk out of the beach with her legs just by following people, when she got outside of it; it was crazier than she had thought, a lot of moving things and people everywhere. it was busier everywhere she had looked and more confusing than she imagined,

 " This is not what i had imagined from the book I read " she said looking confused

 Since she was little, she had been taught with the other sirens that human beings are their rivals and would kill any of them at sight. She had read books of the human which was gotten from damaged ships or boats at the sea. She knew few things about them but had never met any of them. She fixed her eye at a spot she had identified as an eatery, a place where you can get any information's from gossips.

She smiled between her teeth as she headed for there, she sat on an empty sit facing the people with her cold expression.

"What can I serve you beautiful miss?" The waiter asked

"Nothing" she responded coldly without looking at the waiter.

The waiter comes closer still having a smile on her face

" May I suggest something sweet for you? You can have chocolate instead to lighten your mood" she said with a smile but Erica gave her a cold stare which made her tremble.

The waiter quickly left to inform her superior.

Erica felt very disgusted when she saw one of the people eating fish, she nearly throws up before she was interrupted by another person who had approached her

"Good p.m. miss, What can we offer you or do you..."

"Do you serve human flesh?" Erica interrupted looking up to her and directly to her eye.

One of the people who was closer to Erica choked on his food at the mention of that, the waiter and her manager stare at each other in shock.

" I guess you don't, you can serve me the chocolate then" she smirked which gave them chills.

They stare at each other in disbelief.

"We should be fast Lilian, I don't want my mum to find out that I left the house" A feminine voice from her opposite share said to the other female.

" It's still 4:00pm Oma, we still have half an hour" Lilian the blonde girl facing her across the table responded.

Erica just stared at them, judging from their looks and height, they should be eighteen years of age.

" For goodness's sake, Lilian, I will be grounded if my mum finds out; you won't be there and I won't be able to meet my boyfriend Mk at midnight" Oma said really scared

" Fine, let's just finish this ice cream" Lilian responded.

" Here is your chocolate, it's on us; you don't have to pay" the waiter interrupted dropping the chocolate in front of Erica.

Erica tasted the chocolate with her fingers without minding the waiter who had angrily left her presence

" Not bad but tastes weird" she said picking up the spoon and feeding herself.

15 minutes later, the two girls who were discussing earlier got up from their seats to pay for their services. Erica watches them pay for what they had eaten. The moment they left the place, Erica followed them behind.