
Two Worlds Collide

Jungkook is a Amarok, a lone wolf without a pack and ruthless. Taehyung is the definition of light and joy as one of the most stunning faries anyone has ever seen. Combining classes with creatures of darkness and light should be a breeze, right? Two sides come together to discover the truth about the past and save their families and their kind from being lost forever!

G_O_A · Celebrities
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28 Chs


Taehyung was still in shock when he had heard his father's voice for the first time since he was a child. He felt his heart race and he wanted to cry, but he held his emotions back for now.

"How is this possible?" Taehyung asked, his voice hushed.

"It is a very long story son, but we have little time left. I will explain once we find what you need to stop the council." Mr. Kim says walking into the room and walking toward a cabinet.

He opens the door and there was indeed a safe inside. Taehyung and Jungkook walked toward the cabinet and stood watching Mr. Kim attempt to open it. His first attempt was not successful and he tried several other combinations before taking a moment to think.

Taehyung's mind was flooded with questions. How could his dad speak again? How did he look so much like himself again? How long had he been like this? How did he know about Eden?

"Dad, please just tell me. When did you recover? How?" Taehyung asked.

His father could see that he was still in shock and he knew he deserved an answer.

"We don't have much time son." He replied trying to think of another possible combination that could open the safe.

"Please." Taehyung said almost whipering.

"It started a few years ago. I had not felt anything for so long, and suddenly I had a flash of a memory. It was sudden and short, but it was there. Then the next day it happened again, and again until several memories had returned. I couldn't understand why but I started to remember. Then I started to notice things more, and one night I had a nightmare and woke up and yelled for your mother. She was not there but I heard my own voice for the first time in years and I didn't know what to do. I was so happy, but because everything began to become clear I noticed something wasn't right. Your mother was different, I couldn't remember what she was like before, so I had no idea anything was wrong. Then once my memories returned, I was sure something was off." He said.

"The council had been wiping her memories." I said sadly.

"I know." He replied. "Your mother had been taking me with her to council meetings ever since my accident. I had never been able to retain any memories of those times, but soon I was remembering everything, and I remember seeing them erase your mother's memories. I was there when they did it, and that first day was the day my memories began returning. Whatever they were doing to your mother was reversing what she did to me, and I can only assume that each time they erase her memories she was losing some of her power." He stopped and thought again for a second.

He turned to the number pad on the safe and typed in a date, and with a click the safe was opened.

"The day project Eden began." He said with and angry scoff.

He took out the single folder that rested inside the safe and set it on the desk behind him opening it instantly. He pulled out several pieces of paper skimming over each one trying to find something, anything that would tell them where Eden was. Jungkook and Taehyung stood on the opposite side of the desk looking at the discarded papers that Mr. Kim passed off in his search. Jungkook looked over several pages of medical charts and records before his eyes stopped on a name.

He felt a pain hit him in his chest as he read and reread the page and wished it was wrong. It had to be wrong!

Participant 63

Name: Min Bo-Seon Amarok

Date of injection: September 1st

Date of fatality: December 5th

Cause of death: Supressant test 654317

Statues: Success

Jungkook's hand began to shake and his other hand that had been forming into a fist came crashing on the desk. The sudden sound startled Taehyung and Mr. Kim and they turned to look at him.

"Jungkook what is it? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked moving closer trying to see the paper Jungkook was holding. "Who is Min Bo-Seon?" he asks looking to Jungkook.

"My father." Jungkook said in a surprisingly calm but bitter voice.

"What?" Taehyung asks surprised taking the paper out of Jungkook's hand.

He reads the writing out, and looks over to Jungkook who had dropped on the chair closest to him.

"Jungkookie, I am so sorry." Was all Taehyung could think to say.

He walked over to Jungkook and kneeled down beside him reaching up and taking his face in his hands. Taehyung did not let him go until Jungkook had moved forward wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist and holding him tightly. Mr. Kim had continued to look through the papers, his determination unwavering.

Then he found it. "It's here. The deeds, the buyer receipts for the land, it's here!" he said turning to Taehyung and an elated smile formed on his face.

Taehyung and Jungkook stood and rushed over to see what Mr. Kim had found. He was right, there were papers with Mrs. Kim's signature on it. Several deeds for land all around the same area. Taehyung took out his phone and typed the coordinates into his GPS app and waited to see where the land was.

"I found it; it looks like a town. It's about 20 miles from here." Taehyung said looking up to Jungkook and his dad with joy. "We found it; we know where they are!"

Jungkook turned away and instantly mind linked with Yoongi.

"Hyung we have it! We have the location! Get everyone ready I'll tell you where to go!" Jungkook told him.

Taehyung, Jungkook, and Mr. Kim were headed to the location they had found, and the car was silent. None of them knew what to say after everything they had found and learned in such a short time. Jungkook was deep in thought. Had his father really abandoned them, or was he taken to be a lab rat for the Council?

Taehyung was torn between his concern for Jimin and the fact that his father had full recovered and actually knew about everything that had been happening.

Mr. Kim knew his son had many questions and was probably full of anger toward him, and he didn't blame him. The truth is, he was afraid to open up again and go back to who he was. So many years had passed and so many things had happened that it seemed to late to go back to his old life. Those years he had not know what was going on around him, his son had grown into a man. His son had graduated high school and gone to college. He had met someone who he loved and was now bonded with, and through all that he had only begun to awaken again. Instead of being honest and living his life again, he had let his fear keep him from being back with his family. He felt ashamed by his weakness and was sure his family would never be the same again.

"Dad?" Taheyung said trying to muster up the words he wanted to say.

"Yes Taehyung?" His father answered.

"I have really missed you." Taehyung said with a smile.

"I missed you too son." Mr. Kim said with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook watched the two with a smile of his own, and he felt nothing but happiness that Taehyung was given this chance to know his father again.

There was a moment of pure happiness in the air and even though it was a small moment, it was enough to give them the extra determination they needed.

When they arrived a few miles outside of the location that they had found in the safe, they stopped the car and stood waiting. What were they going to do now?

"So, what's our strategy?" Jungkook asked.

Before Taehyung or Mr. Kim could speak the pack arrived. Jungkook turned and saw every member of the pack surround them. Yoongi stepped forward in his wolf form and looked over at Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and reached out a hand and rested it on him.

"Hey Hyung." He said with a smile.

Yoongi turned his head and leaned into Jungkook's ouch. Yoongi's wolf cared a lot about Jungkook and had a big soft spot for him, although in human form he would never admit it. Taehyung almost cooed at the sight of them but resisted as now was not the time.

Jungkook linked with Yoongi. "What do you think hyung? Gentle approach or hell hath no furry like a wolf pack scorned?" Yoongi answered with huff and Jungkook smirked.

"I was hoping you would say that!" Jungkook replied.

He looked to Taehyung and gave a cocky smile before jumping over the car and shifting in mid-air.

Taehyung scoffed and shook his head as Jungkook turned and gave him a quick look. Jungkook lifted his head with a deep howl and the pack lunged forward running toward the land before them. They rushed past several trees before emerging on the other side to what looked like and abandoned village. There were several buildings that looked like they had not been used in decades, and they slowed to take in their surroundings.

Jungkook linked with the members, "Go look around, find them."

Several members broke off from the group and went into different directions sniffing the air and searching the surrounding areas.

Back at the car Taehyung and Mr. Kim waited for a signal from Jungkook saying it is safe for them to join the pack. There was a tense energy around them as they waited but soon Mr. Kim let out a little chuckle gaining Taehyung's attention.

"What?" Taehyung asks.

"That is some mate you have there. Not at all what I expected in a future son-in-law." Mr. Kim replied with a grin.

"I hope that is a good thing." Taehyung said teasing.

"It is, I am glad you found someone so special." Mr. Kim said patting Taehyung on the back.

Taehyung smiled proudly before he heard Jungkook's voice.

"Tae?" Jungkook says testing to see if Taehyung could hear him.

"Yeah, did you find them?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. They are in the old church. It is north east of the road; you need to get here quick." Jungkook said with a serious tone.

"We are on our way." Taehyung said breaking the link.

"Dad we need to go!" He said with a urgent tone and he and his dad got back in the car.

Taehyung drove in the direction Jungkook had told him until he saw the old church and he pulled over quickly. Jungkook came from the side of the building and walked toward Taehyung.

"What did you find?" Taehyung asked reconnecting their link.

"Everyone is inside. But Tae, your mom is here." Jungkook said.

Taehyung froze and his eyes turned to Jungkook in fear.

"She is not hurt Tae, but she is about to hurt everyone else. You need to get in there!" Jungkook said.

"Dad it's mom, she is in there with the others. She is about to hurt everyone we need to get in there now!!" Taehyung yelled.

The ran toward the church and pushed the doors open and rushed inside. Taehyung squinted trying to adjust his eyes sight to the darker room that he had entered. Once his vision had cleared he saw many fairies seated in the pews all facing the front of the church totally still. In the front of the church stood two people, his mother and Elder Hae-Seong. Taehyung stood still trying to understand what was happening. He walked down the aisle toward his mother and the Elder.

"Stop Taehyung! Don't come closer!" The elder yelled.

"Elder Hae-Seong what is going on? What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, his voice trembling.

"I am fixing a mistake! I am bringing true peace, and it begins right here!" He answered, his voice echoing through the room.

"What do you mean? Why are you a part of this? I thought you were helping us! I thought you were helping me! You helped me find my power again!" Taehyung said.

"I needed you stronger! Your mother has grown weak since I have had to erase her memories, and her power is running out. After this she will be useless to me, but you….you are stronger than her, far stronger! You will help me finish what needs to be done!" The Elder yelled sounding almost like a mad man.

"What are you saying? What are you doing to them? These are your own people!" Taehyung said walking forward slowly.

"They are weak and confused! They need direction, they need to start new!" The elder yelled.

Taehyung continued walking forward and turned when he saw that familiar orange hair color. Jimin! He dropped to his knees next to his best friend.

"Jimin! Oh my god! You are ok! Jimin?" Taehyung shook Jimin slightly trying to get his attention, but he was not responding.

He was in some sort of trance, and when Taehyung looked closer, he saw his mother's eyes were completely white.

"Dad, her eyes." He said turning to his father.

His father walked closer examining his wife's features. She seemed to be lost, and he knew why.

"She is pushing them. She is pushing them all." He said in an angry tone.

"Yes, she will make them forget. Then they will all turn to me for guidance and we will rebuild this world, a world with out the others. Without those creatures from hell!" The Elder said with a vengeful tone.

"Let her go!" Taehyung threatened.

"Don't! Do not threaten me little boy! You may think you can stop me, but you can't stop what must be done! Starting tomorrow, it will be the beginning of the end. You are too late to stop me now!" The elder said with a proud laugh.

"What have you done?" Taehyung asked with an angry tone.

"I did what these fools were too scared to do! I took action! Every other creature will die off and we will be all that is left just like it should have always been!" The Elder said proudly. "I have come this far, and you will not stop me!"

With a change in his eyes the elder turned to Mr. Kim and she turned to Taehyung. She tried to reach into his mind with a huge surge of energy that made Taehyung stumble backwards.

"Mom, please! It's me! It's Taehyung!" He yelled trying to reach her.

"She can't her you! I control her mind!" The Elder said.

Mrs. Kim stepped closer to Taehyung pushing harder, and Taehyung dropped to one knee trying his hardest to block her out. He pushed back trying to push her energy away from his mind, and he let out a scream as he lifted his head and his own powers emerged.

Jungkook heard Taehyung's scream and howled for the pack to attack. Before they could, men came rushing out of the other buildings and attacking the pack. The fairies and many different powers that they used to attack the pack from all around, and Jungkook released a deep growl.

"GO! We will hold them off!" Yoongi said through their link.

Jungkook nodded and headed toward the church breaking down the door. He turned to see Taehyung kneeling on the floor screaming in pain and Mr. Kim trying to pull him away. He ran toward them and could feel the clash of energy coming from Taehyung and his mother. It was powerful and it pushed him away, but he kept pushing closer. He had to get Taehyung out of there! As he got closer he was within reach of Taehyung when Taehyung lifted his arm and sent a pulse of energy toward Jungkook strong enough to throw him back. Jungkook growled and tried to rush toward Taehyung again and was pushed away again. He looked up at his mate with confusion, and Taehyung shook his head.

"Tae what are you doing?" Jungkook asked almost pleading.

"Stay away Jungkook! She will hurt you, please stay away!" Taehyung begged.

With one last pulse of energy Taehyung pushed Jungkook outside again. Jungkook scrambled to his feet and rushed toward the door again throwing his entire weight against it trying to get inside, but it would not open.

Inside, Taehyung had his hand reaching out pushing his energy to keep the door closed while pushing his mother away from entering his mind. She steps closer and pushes harder until she is standing towering over him.

Mr. Kim is shouting and begging her to hear him, but she does not.

"Eun-Ha!!!! Stop!!! It's our son! Stop!!" He yells over and over again.

The energy from them was hurting him, pushing against his own mind causing his head to feel like it would explode.

"Give in Taehyung! She will not stop until you submit to her!" The elder yelled.

"I won't let you use her to hurt her own people!" Taehyung yelled back.

"I am not hurting them! I am setting them free!!" The elder replied.

Soon the energy was too much, and Mr. Kim fell to his knees and dropped to the floor unconscious.

"Mom! Please! Stop! You have to stop!" Taehyung yelled desperately trying to reach his mother's mind.

He pushed harder trying to enter her mind and break her free from the Elder's hold. The elder pushed her more and she released more power causing her to shake from its energy. Taehyung watched her body shiver and knew he had to reach her soon before the power was too much and ripped from the inside out. He had to push harder, harder than he ever had before.

Taehyung took a deep breathe, and another closing his eyes. Taping into the deepest part of him pulling every last bit of his energy he could find. Then he listened, one breath in, one breath out. He listened harder, trying to find him. He needed to reach him, he needed to hear his voice.

"Jungkook?" He whispered. "Jungkook can you hear me?"

"Tae! Oh my god! What are you doing?! Why did you push me away?" Jungkook asked frantically.

"Jungkook, I am so sorry! I am so so sorry! Please forgive me!" Taehyung said begging.

"Why are you sorry Tae? What are you saying?" Jungkook asked desperately.

"I love you!" Taehyung said before breaking their link.

"Tae? Taehyung?!" Jungkook yelled desperately trying to link with Taehyung again.

A moment later there is a blast of light that hits him like a shock wave sending him flying backward along with the other members of the pack. The church walls shake from the giant pulse of energy and crumble down.