
Two worlds Apart:The Forbidden Love

{ MATURE CONTENT. NO RAPE} It feels like they have known each other forever but they just met. How could they feel so close but apart at the same time. The rule says no but they both say yes. The price to pay is as heavy as stone. How could something forbidden be so sweet. ..... A cough escaped her lips and she used her palm to cover her mouth. Why was it so painful? "What's wrong?" Lucas asked worriedly. She removed her palm to respond but gasped at the sight of blood that stained it. She coughed again and more blood spilled from her mouth. "Lisa!" Lucas hurriedly stood up and tapped her cheeks. She was losing consciousness. "Lucas, it hurts." She groaned and coughed out more blood. She tried keeping her eyes open but she could barely see a thing. Everything was spinning continually and Lucas's voice was becoming distant. Lucas immediately searched around the room for what was making her throw up blood and his eyes spotted the food. His eyes changed completely from blue to red when he realised what happened. 'She was poisoned!.' He gritted his teeth and scooped Lisa into his arms, teleporting to his room and laying her on the bed. "Lucas.." She groaned, her beautiful face contorted in pain. Green veins bulged under her skin and she creased her forehead. "I'm coming Lisa, please stay with me." He whispered softly as he rammed his head for a cure. He contacted his friend Theodore telepathically and he appeared. "Gather all the maids in the palace and take them to the dining." Theodore nodded and disappeared soon after. After which, Lucas climbed on the bed and stared at Lisa hesitantly. There was only one way to save her and he knew she would flip if she woke up. Leaning in, he placed his lips gently on hers. .......... Lucas was a guardian. He had done his job many times cleanly with efficiency and didn't have to worry about anything not until he was assigned to her. He couldn't stay in the same space with her without wanting to touch her. He couldn't just get enough of her doe like eyes that tried to challenge him everytime. He more than ever wanted to change the rules now. He suddenly felt himself getting attracted to her in every way possible and he hated it. This was his job and the repercussions of him doing anything else than guarding her was going to harm them both. Despite him knowing that he still took that step. A step he knew that would cost her him. Whatever was going to happen, he will allow as long as it doesn't touches her. Ever.

Webstar3493 · Fantasy
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104 Chs


"Hey.. wait up"

Lisa couldn't believe he ignored her, she was the one that does the ignoring not the other way around!. This is so frustrating!.

She tried to catch up with him as he made no effort to stop.

It was like he was jogging, but the truth was that he was literally walking!

"where are you going?"

"Are you really a ghost?"

"what is your name?"

He didn't answer and continued walking and he was going in the opposite direction of her house!. It was like he made a vow of silence and also a vow to kill her from walking!.

"Are you crazy or are you just planning to ignore me?"

No response

"Hey..um mister?"

Finally he stopped but when he turned she could have sworn that she saw his blue eyes become even more frozen.

"I'm really sorry for calling you crazy please don't kill me" She did her signature puppy eyes that always worked on her brother but of course, he remained unfazed.

He was about to turn back but she pulled his arm immediately and in turn he gave her an odd look. A look that said 'what the hell?'

"Thank you for saving me back there."

For a moment something flashed through his eyes but it returned back to normal and then he resumed his mission.

The vow of silence

"Are you for real?" She Shouted as she ran to catch up with him.

"I just asked for your forgiveness and all you could say was nothing!"

Suddenly, he leapt on one of the roofs close by and disapeared.

"Hmpff rude" She muttered under her breath.

"I guess I'll just have to walk back home ALONE!"

She strolled over to her house block which took her longer than usual because of someone, no some GHOST, that's if he really is a ghost.

She remembered that letter, it must have been because of it that the woman was haunting her. She Searched for the letter in her pocket and when she found it there, she shredded it without a doubt .

"That's the last time I have anything to do with ghosts."

Entering her house everywhere was dead silent.

Obviously she came home far to early so no one will be at home.


Drowsily, she went to the TV and switched it on to pass time. Minutes passed and hours flew by and it was finally evening.


The door bell rang

It was probably mum and Alex . When she opened the door, Alex looked grumpy while mum looked tired as usual. Her mum smiled sweetly and she hugged her tight in exchange.

"You need to rest more mum"

"I know sweetie" after the hug she went to her room.

"We have a lot of things to talk about Lisa" Alex said in a Grim expression.

"Let's go to my room first"

Our house was just an average apartment which we all loved. Actually she'd never seen her dad but her brother said he was pretty cool.

Strangely, whenever she asked her mum about it she always avoided it andeventually I

Lisa stopped asking. Her mum was a really pretty woman for her age. She had long blonde hair and pretty Brown irises with a curvy figure and a beautiful heart shaped face.

They both went up to her room and sat in silence as she wondered what Alex wanted to talk about.

"Lisa..Joana told me you ran out of school today"He started

"We looked for you all day but we couldn't find you. And the last time we met you acted strangely"

"Just tell me what's going on?"

"If it's a bully I'll break their bones"

' I'm sorry Alex I can't tell you what happened, you will never believe me ' she said in her thoughts.

"Alex there is no bully I'm absolutely fine" Lisa replied, assuring him.

"Are you sure Lisa?"

"Yes don't you trust me!?" She gasped in fake shock.

"I do it's just that-"

cutting him off she said"You worry too much big bro why don't you go and take a nap"suggested Lisa.

"sigh...I guess so have a good night little sis"He Smiled tiredly.

"Sure Alex good night"He patted her head and left the room.

"phew that was close"

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