
Two worlds Apart:The Forbidden Love

{ MATURE CONTENT. NO RAPE} It feels like they have known each other forever but they just met. How could they feel so close but apart at the same time. The rule says no but they both say yes. The price to pay is as heavy as stone. How could something forbidden be so sweet. ..... A cough escaped her lips and she used her palm to cover her mouth. Why was it so painful? "What's wrong?" Lucas asked worriedly. She removed her palm to respond but gasped at the sight of blood that stained it. She coughed again and more blood spilled from her mouth. "Lisa!" Lucas hurriedly stood up and tapped her cheeks. She was losing consciousness. "Lucas, it hurts." She groaned and coughed out more blood. She tried keeping her eyes open but she could barely see a thing. Everything was spinning continually and Lucas's voice was becoming distant. Lucas immediately searched around the room for what was making her throw up blood and his eyes spotted the food. His eyes changed completely from blue to red when he realised what happened. 'She was poisoned!.' He gritted his teeth and scooped Lisa into his arms, teleporting to his room and laying her on the bed. "Lucas.." She groaned, her beautiful face contorted in pain. Green veins bulged under her skin and she creased her forehead. "I'm coming Lisa, please stay with me." He whispered softly as he rammed his head for a cure. He contacted his friend Theodore telepathically and he appeared. "Gather all the maids in the palace and take them to the dining." Theodore nodded and disappeared soon after. After which, Lucas climbed on the bed and stared at Lisa hesitantly. There was only one way to save her and he knew she would flip if she woke up. Leaning in, he placed his lips gently on hers. .......... Lucas was a guardian. He had done his job many times cleanly with efficiency and didn't have to worry about anything not until he was assigned to her. He couldn't stay in the same space with her without wanting to touch her. He couldn't just get enough of her doe like eyes that tried to challenge him everytime. He more than ever wanted to change the rules now. He suddenly felt himself getting attracted to her in every way possible and he hated it. This was his job and the repercussions of him doing anything else than guarding her was going to harm them both. Despite him knowing that he still took that step. A step he knew that would cost her him. Whatever was going to happen, he will allow as long as it doesn't touches her. Ever.

Webstar3493 · Fantasy
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104 Chs



Lisa didn't know how long she had been kept here. For minutes, hours, days, she had been starved and beaten. She couldn't feel her bones.

Every single cell in her body seemed to have broken down. She had been tortured mentally and physically for so long that she didn't know what was what anymore.

She couldn't take it.

Many times she had thought that she would die and finally escape this hell but each time she woke up alive.

The sound of heels against the floor was heard and Lisa who tried to look at who had arrived could only groan in pain.

"A pity I had to do this to you." It was a feminine voice. A voice so soft it was almost like she was singing.

"Who are you?." Lisa could barely recognise her own voice.

"I go by the name queen mother." She answered nicely, walking towards a corner of the cell Lisa was kept at and carrying a small bowl of water which she held in her hand.

"I have no enemity towards you but only with Lucas. I want him dead, I want everything about him to come to an end, I want to take his throne and most importantly, I want to take his powers and see him suffer.

"You will not!." Lisa didn't know where the sudden strength came from but she immediately stood up, her hand leaning on the wall for support.

She couldn't believe the person standing in front of her was who had planned the whole thing. It was a very young looking woman, probably in her early twenties. Long Black hair, glowing purple eyes, a black mask that covered half of her face and a menacing smile that didn't match her at all.

"It seems like I was wrong about what I said. Maybe you are the reason why I hate Lucas so much." Venom laced her tone as anger brewed in her eyes and she threw the contents in the bowl directly on Lisa who let out a piercing scream.

"I'm sure you're whole body is covered with wounds that's why I threw salt water on you." She cackled as lisa squirmed on the floor.

All the pain she had experienced was nothing compared to this"Make it stop! Please!."

"This is just the beginning. I'm going to double what you have been receiving all these days."

"Queen mother." A person appeared and bowed down.


"The prince has come with celestial and is wiping out our sisters quickly."

"How dare that traitor come here!." She fumed and turned to Lisa who looked like there was suddenly hope.

Lucas was here! Lucas was really here!

"It is good that he came, my plan is finally coming to an end." She smirked evily and like a slap it hit Lisa.

This was a trap.

They were luring Lucas in and this was all possible because of her. She was the cause. She was the reason for everything.

She was the cause of her own death.

"Bring her along. It will be sad if she couldn't witness how she will be the cause of Lucas's death."

"No! Don't you dare touch him." She kept on screaming as guards carried her from the floor without regard for the pain that erupted from their harsh holds.


"Where is she!?." Lucas tightened his grip on the umpteenth witch as his nails dug into her neck. His red eyes swirled as he looked angrily at the creature he held in his hand.

"I don't know." The witch pleaded but he only tore off her head and strode angrily forward.

"Lucas." A soft feminine voice called out to him and he turned his head to look at a woman who wore a veil. The only visible thing being her long black hair.

"Who are you?." He asked, his hands suddenly trembling out of anger.

"I am but a person." She chuckled as she calmly glided across the floor.

"Do not joke with me!." He hissed aggressively, his fangs coming out of his mouth in a matter of seconds.

"I own this place. I made this place. I control this place. I go by one name. Queen mother." It all happened in a flash, swords slashed against each other and the force pushed both of them backwards.

"You dare show your face to me you disgusting witch!" He attacked again and she defended with equal force.

"That's quite cute coming from someone who does nothing but kill people all day long." She stumbled backwards a little when the sword hit her twin blades and Lucas used that leverage to push her to the side of the room and slam her to the wall.

"Enough play." Lucas stood still, the anger on his face vanishing in an instant as he stared blankly at her.

"You sent a letter and I'm sure you keep your promises." He paused as he watched her stand up from a pile of debris"I want to see her with my eyes."

"Bring her." Was all she said and a pair of guards pushed her into the room, chains on her legs and hands, her hair scattered, fresh wounds on every part of her body, her eyes looking dull and deflated.

"What did you do to her!?." He yelled, appearing in front of the so called queen mother and holding her neck tightly.

"I did as I promised." She responded despite the chocking hold and Lucas seemed to have snapped because the next second, he threw her to the floor, raising his sword to end her but he only heard her chuckle.

"A deals a deal your Highness." Her body moved like a puppet, her head turning in the opposite direction it was meant to be, each one of her joints cracked as she stood up, the shining purple eyes now looking nothing short but crazy.

"Kill the girl." Multiple voices echoed and the queen rushed to Lisa, holding her blade against her neck.

"You see your Highness, I'm trying to overcome the urge of killing your beloved just for you. Now fulfill your end of the bargain and she would be left free and out of harm's way." Her voice no longer sounded like a single person's own but like multiple in one.

"Don't listen to her Lucas! Forget about me, I'll be fine!." Lisa tried to convince him despite her situation but only sadness clouded his eyes as he looked at her.

"What do I have to do?." He finally spoke and Lisa felt her whole world spin. This was not meant to happen! Everything that had happened in the past was actually resurfacing.

She smiled brightly and waved her hand, people in black cloaks appeared and surrounded Lucas whose eyes never left hers.

"Start the spell."

Multiple people's voices resounded immediately after and Lucas suddenly screamed in pain. Lisa's heart skipped a beat. What was going on? What was happening to Lucas?

They continued their mummuring and Lucas screamed more loudly in pain as green veins buldged out of his skin continually. Soon enough, blood seeped out of his back and this greatly worried her.

Surprisingly, she noticed something that happened. White and black large wings sprouted out of his back which were covered in blood.

So this was how it happened.

This was how he became a guardian angel.

"I have made you become what you hate the most. What would make your kind turn against you. I have made you a guardian angel." She laughed as the people in black cloaks disappeared.

"Now time to end things." She shifted Lisa and pushed her sword into her stomach.

There was silence.

Lisa stood still in shock and slowly looked at her stomach which had a sword through it.


I really need encouragement sweeties. if you like this chapter drop a comment please. I am also working on a new book which I will be releasing tomorrow. The name is: BOUND BY CHAINS

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