Outside a cave, four men sat around a table, pouring wine and drinking. All of them wore black robes and had a black mask with different beasts faces.
"It's my turn!" The one wearing a tiger mask bellowed, grabbed the gourd, and poured the wine into his cup.
As he grabbed the cup, a group of six emerged from the woods, dragging a young woman along.
The man who wore the tiger mask stood up and said, "Boss wants to feed?"
"Yes." Replied the bear-masked man who held the chains attached to the woman's wrists.
"And why weren't we informed?"
"Because you're on gate duty." The bear-masked man sneered.
Snorting, the tiger-masked man turned to the shivering woman. Her will to fight must have been pulverized by the hard blows of Bear.
Ever since Tiger made the mistake of returning without a meal for the boss, he has been on gate duty.
Months went by and Bear took his position yet he could only sit outside and drink.