

It was love at first then came hurt, you have hurt me so deeply. Peter where is my child and who is the father?

Eunice0317 · Urban
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7 Chs


"Mrs. Adeline, you are awake how do you feel? Asked the doctor

"I feel weak and my head aches a little, what happened to me? Asked Adeline

"You had a panic attack and fainted so for now avoid talking about things that trigger you, and also you need a breast person pad.

Said the doctor.


"breast pad?

She looked at her clothes to see it stained with breast milk.

"I thought it stopped pouring, what then happened? She asked.

"a woman just gave birth and her baby cry was loud it might have triggered it, but you should be fine by tomorrow morning and discharged, excuse me.

The doctor left the ward, and then I realized my hands were cuffed to the bed, which meant the police must be guarding the door.

Then I looked at my shirt to see it stained with breast milk, I must have had a panic attack while talking about my son. A nurse came in the hospital gown with the breast pad and the police came in to unlock the handcuffs so that I could go clean up.

The morning lights were directly on my face.

"Good morning Mrs. Adeline are you ready to be discharged?

"yes, I feel good, thanks.

Just then Mrs Hiller walks in.

"Am here to escort you back, you feel good? Asked Mrs Hiller

"yes, I am, thanks.

I was escorted out of the hospital to the prison bus.

"I will let you rest so let's continue tomorrow, said Mrs Hiller.

"No, let's continue now.