Despite the sea being calm and steady, it was still hard for Tivon to keep his balance in the hammock. Even if somehow, he could stay on the net, he couldn't sleep with all the snoring of the crew.
Tivon was looking up at the ceiling, thinking about the job he'd have to do in almost two days. The acknowledgement that the job involves a pleasure house with boys, and even worse, Pit's favourite place, didn't help. And he knew it wasn't just him being scared. He saw Elias at the mention of that place and The Green Woman.
He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. He tried to ignore the snoring, but it was too much. Tivon stepped out of the hammock and grabbed his journal. He went up on the deck.
Before Tivon stepped outside, he quickly glanced around if anybody was out there. There was no one, just the helmsman navigating the ship. Their eyes met, but the helmsman did nothing, he just nodded at him. Tivon nodded back and sat down on the stairs, leading up to the Forecastle dock.
The night was calm and quiet, the sky clear of clouds, showing stars scattered around the dark palette. The soft wind blowing through Tivon's hair was pleasant, bringing the salty smell of the sea.
He opened his journal and started drawing the Dalelry from his mind. After some time, the captain's door opened and Sabur emerged from the darkness of his cabin. He slowly moved up the stairs to the helmsman. His walking slow, with every second step, made with his metal leg, a tund echoed through the night. He whispered something to the helmsman and went back down the stairs.
As he was walking down he noticed Tivon watching him. He looked at him with a cold stare and then continued walking back to his cabin, closing the door aggressively.
A peculiar man. I wonder what happened to his leg and face. He continued drawing. Hours passed and the sun was about to rise when he finished what he was drawing.
»A shary with many talents ar ya?«
Tivon hastily turned around to see Pit leaning against the rail, looking down at him. How long has he been there? Tivon closed his journal and got up on his feet, ready to leave, but before he knew it Pit was in front of him.
»Why don't ya show me?« He slightly brushed his finger against Tivon's hand that was holding the journal. Tivon froze. He couldn't move, he didn't even dare to breathe.
Pit walked behind him and whispered in his ear. »You alright shary? Is there something ya are hiddin' in that book huh?«
Tivon started shaking when Pit brought his hands towards his hair over his left eye. »Or maybe ya hiddin' someone.«
Pit turned around just as he was about to lift Tivon's hair. Elias was standing on the Forecastle dock, peering through Pit with angry eyes.
Pit looked at him annoyed. »What? I was just talkin' to him.«
»Talking huh?«
»I do less than you do to him.« finished Pit.
Elias jumped down the Forecastle dock, grabbing Pit by the collar.
»If you don't shut up and go mind your own business, I will cut your arm off. This time I won't miss.« Elias pointed at his arm, covered in bandages. »You need these hands.«
He released him and he quickly disappeared below the deck.
Elias turned to Tivon. »You okay?«
Tivon nodded, still feeling Pit's whisper in his ear and his finger brushing against his hand.
»I swear I would've killed him already if we didn't need him.« Sighed Elias and sat down, leaning his elbows on the stairs.
Tivon joined him on the stairs. »Why do you need him?«
»He is one of the best mapmakers and he has a great sense of orientation.«
»How good is he?« asked Tivon.
»Too good.« Said Elias, his eyes fixed on the rising sun. »What were you even doing here?«
»Couldn't sleep.« Now that he thought about it, what was Elias doing on the Forecastle dock. »Were you here all night?«
»Someone has to look after the ship when everyone is sleeping.« He laughed. »Guess I'm doing a bad job. I didn't know you were up here.«
Tivon smiled.
»I would say that just hold on for two more days and we'll be off the ship, but I really don't know what awaits for us in Bradfordshire.«
»Whatever it will be, I'll manage.«
Elias ruffled his hair and headed towards his cabin. »I know you will.«
I will manage, said Tivon to himself as he was standing by the ship's railing, looking down to the harbour of Bradfordshire. If I managed it for these past three days on the ship, I'll manage this job too.
Elias came to him.
»Do we have a plan?« asked Tivon.
»We'll go to The Jade Paradise for a little visit and talk to The Green Woman.«
Tivon looked at him confused. »You plan to talk to her?«
»Yes, we will try to convince her to talk about her sister's daily schedule. There is a chance that we could get her alone to steal the necklace.« Said Elias, while the ship arrived at the harbour.
»You think it'll be that easy?«
He shrugged one's shoulders and put the mask on. »Probably not.«
The ship was tied and ready to disembark.
»We will see.« Said Elias, as he walked down the desk into the busy harbour.
Bradfordshire wasn't like all other towns Tivon had been to. It really stood up to its reputation. When somebody told you that this town was full of unscrupulous, shady people, full of illegal activities and crime, anything you'd imagine for this town to look like, you wouldn't be far from it.
The town was cramped with buildings, going up to three storages high. Most of the architecture was messy and drab. The houses closer to the harbour were mostly intended for shops, pubs and bars, hotels and pleasure houses. If you went further up the streets you could find small, cramped houses usually for people who could afford a house or an apartment.
The air was full of dampness and sometimes you would find yourself stopping to catch a breath.
If you could catch a breath. The town stank of filth that people were throwing on the streets, and they were probably crawling with diseases. The narrow streets were murky and overcrowded with people.
Tivon felt anxious walking up the main street. Everyone was looking at them, but that was probably because of Elias. Tivon almost forgot that everybody knew him as The Masked man. A man to be feared of.
When they were approaching The Jade Paradise Tivon could see more and more boys dressed up in beryl green coloured silk and sage-coloured chiffon and tulle dresses. All the dresses looked the same, the only thing that distinguished them apart was the different embroidered coloured bracelets. Tivon figured out that these boys had to belong to The Jade Paradise, just by the colour of their dresses.
The Jade Paradise was different from the buildings around it. It was four storages high, and its facade was light brownish green. When they entered the building two enormous people stopped them.
»We're here to visit The Green Woman.« said Elias calmly.
»Empty your pockets. All weapons out.«
Elias started emptying his belts, putting his knives, swords, pistols and daggers on the table before them. He nodded to Tivon to do the same. Tivon took his dagger and put it on the table.
»The bag.« Said the man, almost twice as tall as Tivon.
Tivon showed him his bag and the man quickly rummaged through it.
»All clear.« He said to the other guy.
Elias wanted to pass by, but the man stopped him, wanting to grab his mask. Elias quickly grabbed one of his knives off the table, putting it on the man's throat.
»The mask stays on.« He said with a wrathful voice.
He put the knife back on the table. The man just nodded, and he signalled them to follow him. They walked down a hallway with a door on each side of the wall. Weird sounds could be heard through the walls which made Tivon extremely uncomfortable.
Eventually, they came to the end of the hallway where they entered the room, which Tivon thought must be The Green Woman's office. Right by the door were standing two boys dressed in green tulle. The room was gloomy, lightened only by candles and lanterns. The windows were covered with green curtains, the room full of smoke-filled air.
In the middle of the room was a table filled with papers and pens. The woman sitting by the table was facing her back at them.
»The Masked man wished to see you.« said the man.
»Oh!« She waved her hand and the boys by the door bowed and left the room, closing the door.
The woman in the chair turned around. She was wearing a low-cut, brownish-green rich embroidered dress. Her neck was ornated with a big necklace with a big malachite crystal and a pair of matching earrings were hanging from her ears. She had dark brown hair put up in a messy bun, decorated with green feathers.
In her hand, she was holding a quellazaire with a cigarette in it. Her green eyes, covered in black makeup peered through them. Her bright red coloured lips grinned into a big vicious.
»Well, hello marily. Did you miss me?«