

Ivy tried a bit in composing herself in class that day. It was beginning to get obvious to everyone that she had a problem, and she really wanted to hide it.

And so, she tried her best to do something about it. That was the reason she was trying to be cheerful in class that day.

Mr Fred asked Ivy to stay back during lunch break that day, he told her he wanted to speak to her.

When it was lunch break, Ivy went to him and he began talking to her.

He asked her to open up to him about what was going on with her, coz he knew something was bothering her. He really loved the way Ivy came prepared into the school, but now he was so worried about her sudden behavior.

In her first two tests she did really awesome, but the previous test she they wrote, her performance wasn't what he expected at all. She did not do too well, and some of the students were ahead of her.

After all the persuading from Mr Fred, Ivy still refused to tell him about what was going on with her. Even when a part of her was telling her to speak up, that he's a teacher and might help. She still refused to speak.

What was she supposed to say? "I'm suffering torture from the C4's, and I need help" naaahhh.

Was he gonna be able to help? Coz she heard they were also above the teachers, and the teacher could question them. So she better bear her pain silently, coz she believes it would be over one day.

Teacher Fred let her since she refused, and he told her he really hoped everything was fine.

He knew all was not well, but he let her go hoping she would get over whatever she was passing through soon.

"Thank you!" Ivy said and walked out of the class.


Ivy heaved a sigh of relief when she got out of the classroom, coz she was free from his plenty questions.

She started heading outside, towards the field where she and Courtney always sat. She knew Courtney would be waiting for her already, so she walked briskly.

But on approaching the particular spot where they always sat, as was surprised to see Leo seated on the small bench with Courtney.

Leo has not been in school for days now, he only came around yesterday, and she did not also get the chance to see him. Today's the first day she's seeing him in a week.

It seems he and Courtney were having a conversation, and Courtney was blushing shyly, such that it could be seen from afar.

It was so obvious that Courtney was so in love with this guy, but she was never ready to admit it. Even though it was written all over her.

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On sighting her, Leonard quickly stood to his feet, sidelining Courtney.

"Hey Ivy, how have you been? I have really missed you" he said sincerely,and hugged her.

"Leo where have you been? What happened, why have you been absent from school for some days now?" Ivy asked.

"It's a long story, let's have a seat first" he said leading Ivy to the bench which Courtney was seated.

Leo really missed Ivy, and she was one of the reasons he could not wait to get back to school.

But Ivy on the other hand did not even miss him too much, coz of her current predicament. She was too sad to miss anybody, she spent most of her time thinking.

Courtney on her own was beginning to feel uncomfortable, coz she and Leo were having a conversation before Ivy came. But now, he doesn't even care if she existed anymore.

She was feeling jealous, but she was also feeling angry about the fact that she was feeling jealous.

She's not supposed to be jealous of Ivy at a time like this, she is going through pain and need as many shoulders she can get to lean on.

But she could not just help it. She's always liked Leo, and now he's pushing her aside just because of Ivy. This is so not good!!

"Uhmm Ivy, I'll be going to the cafeteria now. What would you like to eat?" Courtney asked as she stood on her feet. She could not take it anymore, she needed to be away from here at least for some minutes.

"There'll be no need for that, we're coming right after you" Leo replied, and Ivy shook her head instantly.

"No Leo, I do not like going to the cafeteria" she said calmly.

"Oh" was all Leo could say next.

"Just get me cheese burger and pine apple juice" Ivy turned to Courtney.

"And you Leo, what would you like to have?" Courtney asked.

"Noo, do not worry about me, I'll be fine. Just get Ivy what she wants" Leo added, and Courtney simply nodded before walking away.

"So Ivy" Leo continued, turning to face her back.

"About the encounter you had with the C4's, what did they do to you?" Leo asked looking curious, and Ivy's eyes widened immediately.

She was surprised by his question, he was speaking as tho someone told him something. But all the same, she isn't gonna spill anything to anyone, except Courtney.

"I'm waiting" he nudged her.

"Nothing, nothing really. They just gave me a warning, that's all" she answered quickly, and Leo couldn't hide the fact that he was shocked.

"What do you mean they did not do anything to you? And they left you in school up until now!!" Leo half yelled, and she just simply nodded.

"Oh please that's a lie" he scoffed.

Ivy was beginning to get scared with the way he was talking. It seemed like someone already briefed him about what she was passing through.

"Why does it seem like you want me out of this school" Ivy uttered, finally finding the right way to shut him up.

"No it's not that Ivy.....it's just that it's very unlike them" Leo stuttered.

"And I'm telling you, nothing happened" Ivy lied feeling happy that he was still in the dark.

For a while, she was beginning to think that either Chris or Courtney had mentioned something to him.

But Courtney would never do that to her, and he and Chris were not close enough. They just lived in the same house, that's all!

She just hope the C4's doesn't come for her today, or else it's gonna blow her cover.

Leo was really doubting Ivy, he found it hard to believe her, and something in him kept telling him that Ivy was telling a lie.

But he decided to let it slide, nothing is hidden under the sun forever. If truly Ivy was hiding something, it is surely gonna leak out someday. He just hoped she was okay.

After some minutes of silence, Courtney came walking up to them with a polytene bag in her hands.

"Here you go" she said handing Ivy the polytene bag, and immediately, Ivy collected it. And then she went and took a seat beside Ivy.

"Thank you so much Courtney" Ivy said and Courtney let out a light smile.

Ivy quickly brought the food out and started eating it hungrily, she really needed this now to at least calm her down.

Leo watched Ivy as she munched on her burger hungrily, with a bright smile plastered on his face. His eyes held so much affection as he watched her, the love was visible so on his face.

Unknown to them, that Chris has been watching everything from upstairs where he stood. He was looking out the window, he has been watching them for a while now.

He observed Leo has a thing for this Ivy girl, and he felt really angered and troubled in his spirit.

Why would Leo choose to love the same girl that he's interested in. Something has to be done, like right away.

He does not even know why Castillo asked them to let her be for today. If she were to be running errands now, she would not have had any time for that overzealous guy Leo.

Something needs to be done! Leo is too small to be wanting a meal meant for him.

