

"What the f*ck, are you crazy!!" He yelled and Ivy was busy taking in his looks.

Gosh! He looks so handsome and expensive, everything he was putting on was looking so expensive.

"Are you blind! What's your problem?" He yelled again. And that was when Ivy came back to her senses to see that he was insulting her, and she was never the one to take it.

"No why didn't you watch were you were going? I had my eyes glued to a paper so I could not have seen you. But you, you saw me and still bumped into me, so obviously you're the bind one" Ivy fired.

Back there in West High, if any thing like this happens they will both apologize and go their own way, but here he is calling her blind, even when he is at fault.

It wasn't really a rumour, everyone in Crestfield

Is rude.

The handsome stranger kept watching her as she ranted all along, he was studying her.

She was really beautiful and had a smallish body physique, just the way he likes them. But he was too angry to notice now, all he felt like doing was slapping her pretty mouth.

Obviously, she doesn't know who he was.

"You're really foolish for spitting nonsense from your mouth" her barked, causing Ivy to gasp.

"I see you wanna get expelled from this school" he muttered icily, and Ivy couldn't hold it back anymore.

Who does he think he is?

"Hey who do you think you are? You wanna expel me?" She laughed.

And just then few students started coming out, and some of them who heard what she told the strange guy, gasped.

And by now, the stranger was already fuming in anger.

A guy quickly rushed to where they stood and held her wrist. She was surprised and wanted to free her hand, but he tightened his grip, and the look he passed wasn't a friendly one at all.

"Chris I am so sorry she is my friend and she just came in today, she does not know who you are. So please I beg of you, forgive whatever she has done to you" the young guy who was holding her begged the handsome stranger whose name happened to be Chris.

But he just stood there glaring daggers at her without saying a word.

"Who is this guy and why is he commanding so much power like this?" Ivy thought to herself.

And this time it wasn't funny anymore, coz the whole school seemed to be shocked by the way she spoke to him.

"Friend, aren't you gonna apologize to him. He's a member of the C4" the good guy said, but whispered the last part.

And then it dawned on her that she has been talking to a C4 all this while.

"Ivy why do you have to be so stupid, why didn't you listen to what your brother said to you. You could have just picked up your things and walked away, now you're gonna be expelled on your first day at school" she scolded herself mentally.

The guy nudged her, and she quickly clasped her hands together, apologizing to him.

Oh God. Why didn't she get who he was at least from his name Chris, since she didn't know his face. She was never a fan of the C4's, so she did not know their faces, and she wasn't even interested in knowing.

She only knew Castillo just because he was so popular and you keep seeing him on any social media page you open, even when you don't want to.

But the names, she knew they were Castillo, Canice, Collins, and Chris. Chris, this is the f*cking Chris which everyone knew as ruthless and rude.

Oh gosh, she's f*cking dead! Why didn't she read in between the lines?

"I'm sorry" she pleaded with puppy eyes🥺.

Chris on the other hand was busy glaring at her without even uttering a word.

"Please Chris" the guy with her added, and he stood silent and glared at her for a while before finally speaking.

"You're gonna pay I swear" he scoffed and walked away.

"Oh gosh Ivy, you're such a fool, a big fool" she winced turning back and front.

"Hey! Are you crazy?" The guy said as he nudged her hard immediately Chris left.

"Yes I am, I am crazy" she sighed in frustration and went to sit on a bench close by.

"You should have watched your tongue, this is Crestfield you know" he said and went to sit close to her.

"Y'all keep telling me about Crestfield Crestfield! How was I supposed to know he was one of the C4's" she barked.

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"Even if he wasn't one of them, you shouldn't have insulted someone like that, you should watch your mouth you know"

"But he insulted me first. I'm not a troublemaker, I could not have done that first" she said soberly.

By now, the students who were watching started walking away. So many shook their head as they walked away, some of them felt pity for her.

"Even at that, it does not give you the right to insult anyone. Everyone here has their own madness" he sighed softly.

"But who are you, and why did you do that?" Ivy asked.

"Do what?" He arched a brow.

"What you just did, why did you help me beg Chris" she responded.

"Oh that! I did that because I know you never knew what you were getting yourself into, It's quite a surprise you did not get a slap from Chris. It's very unlike him, he's supposed to give you a slap or a punch"

"A punch????"

"Yes, a punch. If there's one thing Chris hates it should be disrespect, Chris detests disrespect, and he hates it whenever someone does that to him" the guy explained.

"He's gonna punch me even when he knows I'm a girl" Ivy asked looking really surprised.

"He does not care who you are, your gender or whatever, he's gonna assault you. It's already part of him" he answered.

"And why do you know so much about him?" Ivy asked sharply, and next the guy started laughing.

"Why are you laughing, did I say anything funny?" Ivy huffed.

"Chris is my cousin, a distant relative but I call him my cousin. And by the way my name is Leonard, but you can call me Leo" he said smiling.

"Oh, I'm Ivy" she responded.

"Hmm, nice name" he smiled again.

"Thank you. But why did you do what you did back there?" Ivy asked again.

"Like I said, I just wanted to help someone who was obviously ignorant" he answered tiredly.

"But do you think it worked, do you think he has forgiven me?" Ivy asked tenderly.

"Uhmm I'm not sure, but I think he may consider coz he didn't hit you" he said softly, and Ivy sighed.

"You're nothing like your brother" Ivy muttered and he released a small laugh.

"Well Chris doesn't regard me as his brother, he's only doing what he does for me sometimes coz of his mom. But I don't care either, coz I just want a simple life" he shrugged.

"Are you like, living with Chris?" Ivy asked.

"Yeah I do, my abode is far away. My parents are not living in LA, but Chris's mum wants me to attend Crestfield High. So here I am, in Crestfield High" he said in a funny way, and Ivy laughed a little.

"But that means you guys are supposed to be close since you stay in the same house" Ivy said.

"Just let Chris be, we're two different people, I get to flow with his elder brother more. Chris is simply someone with a dirty personality and character, I don't even want to mingle with him and his friends. Jeez! They are way too mean, I don't even like crossing paths with them" Chris explained.

"Even you are scared of the C4's?" Ivy huffed.

"Of course, they are dangerous people. Not that I am that scared of them, I just don't wanna have anything to do with people like them" he said.

"This is serious" Ivy mumbled.

And just then, the bell rang loudly, that must be a change of class bell.

"I'm sorry Ivy, but I will have to go now, I have a class" he said standing up from the bench, and she nodded.

"Okay bye, it was really nice speaking with you Leo" she smiled.

"Yeah me too, see you around" he said and started walking away.

Ivy watched him as he walked away, and when he got to a reasonable distance, it struck her.

"Hey! Hey!" She called after him, but he was already gone.

"Right! Way to go Ivy" she mentally teased herself. She just let the one person who was gonna help her locate her class go, how would she find her class now.

She sighed tiredly and then stood up, holding the paper in her hands, and then she started walking towards the place where the so called Chris had passed.

As she moved, she got to know she was in block B, and that was a relieve for her.

She walked for sometime looking at each and every door she walked pass. And then, she finally found a door with the inscription "48DB".

"Finally!" She breathed out a sigh of relief.

She stood there for sometime, and then next she swallowed hard and pushed the door open. And immediately she did, all eyes turned to her, including the teacher.

Great! Just great........

