

"Hi I'm Courtney" the young student smiled.

"Hey I'm Ivy" Ivy replied cheerfully.

"I have been watching you from a distance now, you were looking like a stranded person, so I decided to walk up to you" Courtney said.

"Yeah I was kind of stranded, I am really famished and I do not know the way to the cafeteria. Everyone in this school just seems to be f*cking rude, they are not ready to help out with anything" she complained.

"Well you have to get use to it, everybody minds their business here. Come let me show you the way to the cafeteria" she said and led the way as she started walking away, while Ivy just gently followed.

Throughout the walk, Ivy would not just stop talking.

"Well that's bad, what if someone wants to die and need help. So you mean to tell me now that no one would come to the person's rescue" Ivy complained.

"It's not like that.....you're just so funny Ivy" Courtney laughed.

"Everyone in this school are not usually like that, for instance me, I'm not like that. It's just that majority of the students behave that way, that is why I chose not to have a friend here" Courtney explained as they finally got to the cafeteria, and they gently took a seat.

"So what would you like to eat? Let me get your order for you. Uhmm would you like potato fiesta, it's really good, they serve really nice potatoes here" Courtney suggested.

"Oh no please, I do not eat potatoes" Ivy declined.

"Really, everybody liked potatoes, you should try it out" she nudged.

"No im allergic to them" ivy said softly.

"Oh" was the word that came out of Courtney's mouth.

"Just get me muffins and cocoa drink, I think that would do" Ivy smiled.

"Alright, coming right up" Courtney grinned and left.

And that was when Ivy began looking around, the cafeteria was really big and beautiful. It was neat and was looking so classy, compared to the one back there at West High.

But she also noticed that so many of the students were looking at her. Why??

Minutes later, Courtney returned with so many muffins, and two cocoa drinks on a tray. She placed them on the table, and sat close to Ivy.

"I don't get it, why is everyone just staring at me that way" she whispered, and Courtney turned to see some students from other table staring at them.

"Oh that, it seems they really like you" she teased.

"I don't think so, I thinks it's because of my incident with Chris this morning" Ivy mumbled.

"Wait, hold on a second! Did you just say Chris?" She asked.


"What Chris, Chris of the C4's?"


"So you had an encounter with Chris Richardson Oh wait, you're the girl from this morning right? The one Leonard saved" Courtney asked.

"Yeah, were you present?" Ivy asked and Courtney nodded slowly.

"That guy is an assh*le" Ivy cursed.

"No. You are one big case, how dare you speak to Chris in such manner" Courtney huffed, she was beginning to get Ivy scared again.

"So it is true, Chris is so much respected in this school" she thought.

"I just pray you don't get expelled, coz I think I have a friend already" she added.

"So he has not forgiven me?" Ivy blinked nervously.

"No he hasn't, Chris never forgives. Castillo is far more better when it comes to forgiveness, Castillo's just proud cold and arrogant. But Chris is rude, wicked, ruthless, anything you can think of! He's gonna get at you girl, we all avoid the C4's in this school, coz no one wants to get on their bad side" Courtney explained.

"Canice is intelligent, but really cold and grumpy. But Collins, that guy is a user, he uses and dumps girls without mercy. None of them has a nice character, they are all bad in their own way"

"Oh Gosh Ivy, what have you gotten yourself into?" She mumbled weakly. While Courtney just sat there, staring at her in pity.

"Hey ladies, can I join you?" Leo asked, as he stood at their back holding a tray of food.

"Sure, sure" Courtney replied, smiling sheepishly, and Leo nodded as he took a seat, placing his tray on the table.

"Our table seems to have more audience now because you joined us" Courtney smiled, and he simply shrugged.

What do you expect from the cousin of one of the C4's??

"Hey Ivy, why's your face like that?" Leo asked immediately he noticed her sour mood.

"She is scared of Chris" Courtney replied.

"Oh come on Ivy, cheer up, he's gonna do nothing to you" Leo assured.

"Are you sure?" Ivy asked speaking for the first time since Leo joined their table.

"Of course I am" he nodded.

"But Courtney said.....

"Ah no buts, just cheer up and eat your meal okay" he cooed, cutting her short.

"Okay" she nodded and started eating again, feeling a little bit relieved.


"What do you mean we should forget about her?" Chris spat.

"Hey man didn't you hear what Chris just said! She insulted him, she insulted one of us" Canice ranted.

The C4's were seated in an empty class close to the music room, at the very last floor in the school.

Students knew this was their meeting point, and so the place was always deserted. No one dares to go there, except they were called.

"What do you mean we should forget about her, I'm asking you Castillo? You needed to see the way this girl insulted me" Chris growled in anger.

"Hey, don't you dare raise you voice at me!" Castillo fired.

"In all this I just wanna know if the girl is pretty, that's all" Collins said playfully, earning a glare from all three of them.

"Hey, hey calm down guys, I was just joking. But still trying to satisfy junior Collins, you know" he grinned playfully.

"Can you ever be serious for once in your life, you're just an imp" Canice grunted.

"And what's your f*cking business? Why are you taking this too far, Chris was the one humiliated and not you" Collins fired.

"And Chris is one of us you fool" Canice retorted.

"No, I believe you're just pained coz the teacher called her your competitor. You're scared she might take the best position from you" Collins added and Canice darted his lips in anger. He was unable to speak, he remained speechless.

"Hey guys, that's enough!" Castillo yelled, and they went mute immediately.

"The lady in question, what's her name?" Castillo asked after some minutes of silence.

"It's....Canice wanted to speak, but Castillo stopped him.

"I want Chris to answer the question" he said coldly and Chris passed him an unfriendly glare.

"I don't know her name, how do you expect me to know her name?" Chris answered in an unfriendly tone.

"You're answering my question with a question" He huffed.

"It's obvious you do not need our help. Since you claim not to know her name, this topic is closed! I do not want to hear anything concerning that girl anymore, this meeting is over" Castillo said with finality.

"So that's it Huh? That's it Castillo? A little girl humiliated me, and you want me to be quiet about it right?" Chris said in a dangerously cold tone.

"What would you have me do? Expel her?"

"Yes" Chris answered immediately, and Castillo snapped at him.

He looked at him for some minutes, and sighed before speaking.

"Chris this meeting is Over" he said firmly, and removed his headphone from his neck, and placed it on his ear.

He looked outside the window, and started listening to some cool music. That white headphone was always his buddy,it was always around his neck.

He was looking out the window, while Chris just glared at him in anger.

Some minutes later, the door opened and Cassie walked in with her girls, Natasha and Anabella. While Chris looked at them and huffed.

He has always hated Cassie and her crew with so much passion, without even knowing the reason. Seeing them alone disgusts him.

Natasha on the other hand was Collins's bitch, Collins had her anytime he wanted, and she was always more than glad to satisfy him whenever he calls.

They make out wherever they deem fit, even in public places. Natasha had no shame at all.

But Anabella was quiet, she was also bitchy, but she was the best among them all. She had a crush on Chris, but she was afraid to approach him coz it was clear he does not like them. So she had to respect herself to avoid Chris chopping of her head.

"Cassandra, what are you doing here?" Castillo asked immediately he felt Cassie's hands on his back.

She felt like correcting him, and telling him that it's Cassie, but she dares not. He loves calling her Cassandra, he finds it difficult to call her Cassie.

"I'm here because I miss you" she cooed and rested her head on his back.

She was the only one that had the right to come into the room when they were present. But it wasn't all the time, as Castillo restricted her sometimes.

Castillo remained silent, as he kept looking out the window with the headphone on his ear.

Natasha and Collins were busy kissing and smooching themselves at a corner, while Anabella just remained seated at a spot.

Chris could not take it anymore, seeing them around him was really disturbing him, and then he barged out of the room.

Canice was busy with his phone. The room was really quiet with just the clashing sounds of what Collins and Natasha were doing.

Castillo was busy looking out the window. Deep down, he was curious to see that girl that had guts to talk to Chris in that manner.

Anyway, he is gonna see her someday, it is the same school and same building. He's surely gonna see her some day.

