
Two steps back

Irene goes back to where she was raised after seven years and has a encounter with a man at a bar.

Bella_Carlisle_0800 · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Irene looked around the small two bedroom apartment she shared with her mom for the past 23 year of her life, and felt a rush of relief she was finally able to leave. She was happy to be gone and be alone.

She was telling her mother that she was moving because her work required it, but that was only part of the reason,she was just couldn't be in that small house anymore she couldn't stand looking into her mom's eyes.Irene walked down the shabby stairs which she had walked down so many times before but what was different about this time was she wouldn't be coming back.

She boarded the plane and entered her seat and she prepared herself for the thirteen hour flight that awaited her. She woke up when the plain landed and made her way to the driver that would be taking her to her apartment.

since she had already been around this area she had met the driver once before,he was a creepy man in his fifties who struggled to control were his eyes landed.

"Miss your looking even more beautiful than the last time I laid my eyes in you."

She awkwardly thanked him and got into the car. As they were driving threw town she looked out the window and watched as the familiar buildings from her childhood passed by. Before she knew it her driver pulled over by a by curb in front of a large apartment complex. She thanked hime and grabbed her bag then proceeded to into the complex.

The apartment was a decent size apartment with two bedrooms and one bath. But compared to when she lived with her mother it was much bigger . Looking around she finally let it sink in and got a giddy feeling in her stomach, she started to jump around and let out a cheerful yelp, which soon followed with the sound of her neighbor banging a broom to her roof.

She laid down on the empty floor and pictured the kind of life she was going to live.