
two sides of the same world (BL)

Crow has been hearing voices ever since he moved to Silver River. He tries to ignore the voices, but the more he tries, the more louder they become. What will happen when he finally decides to stop trying to ignore the voices in his head? warnings: This story machines death and loss of loved ones. May machine mental health issues and physical health issues. may contain self-harm and violence / killing. may contain sex depending on how I want to write the story. will contain LGBTQ+ characters.

wolf134566 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Prolog / Authors note

Warn, I was 14. My mom died. All I know about it is that my uncle told me he went to visit her. When he knocked on the door, it opened slightly. scared that someone might have broken into the house. He went inside and found her on the floor. Panicked he could 911, and when they arrived, they took my mom's dead body away.

Next week, they called us and said she died because of a heart attack. After a couple of days, my uncle and I went to her funeral. it was just a small one because my uncle and I were the only family she had left. A day after the funeral, I went to move to Silver River to live with my uncle.

End of Prolog.

Please read the author's note :

This is the 1st story I ever written. So I can't promise it'll be good.

I'm not really good at writing, so there might be a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. So, if you find any spelling and grammar mistakes, please tell me, and I'll try to fix it to the best of my abilities.

Also, this is a work of fiction

So, everything in this book is not a real story.

It also doesn't reflect me as a person. Meaning anything my characters do, say, or believe doesn't reflect what I say, do, and believe in real life.

Any mentions of people dead or alive,

events happening in real-life / historical events.

are purely accidental.

End of Authors note.