

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Who's stronger

Have a nice night


Layla just left the demon slayer HQ but she didn't leave empty handed

Few moments before she left

pls tell me your not gonna do what I think your gonna do

pls I'm begging you

you know you'll get in huge trouble if you get caught right

Don't worry I'll be extra careful she said leaning closer and gave him a cute smile


presently she was on the streets in her demon slayer gear tracking any demonic energy, mainly any large energy, she had encountered some demons but they where just weak demons, with her physical strength and magic she could easily take care of them.

I'll look for you even if it takes all night if have too

And so she looked and looked and looked but still didn't find grimm, it was already 3 in the morning. The next day Layla went to school,

hey layla you look tired, that's a surprise

hey vanessa, I had an all nighter last night

ok, so the usual

yh the usual

whenever layla came to school so tired with bag on her eyes she would pretend to be sick while her friend would cover for her in class, it had become a usual thing and this has gotten her the sympathy of almost all the students plus she's one of the schools top beauty. she was in her final year of high school but she had no fun memories of it. ever since she joined the demon slayers she hasn't had time to spend with her friends or make any fun memories of school.

hey where's sam, he usually follows you everywhere

I'm right hear! Sam yelled as he just arrived

what took you so long layla said I'm a weak drowsy voice

I woke up late

ok then well.....

settle down everyone the teacher said as he arrived

meanwhile in Zeke's school

Hey lucy good morning


did you sleep well, you look worried about something


Lucy? are you ok



huh! y...yes

are you ok you spaced out there

umm yh I'm fine

your not thinking about that night are you?

no no I'm over that, did zeke come to school today

no, he's still suspended for a week remember

oh yh my bad

don't worry you won't see that trash for a long time so might as well enjoy it

yh yh hehe she said with an awkward smile

hey girls, I just got back from the toilet by the way the teachers coming

During class lucy couldn't really concentrate on the lesson as her mind was somewhere else

what did it mean by Valkyrie

else where Zeke was practicing his new powers, he had been practicing switching from zeke to grimm willingly, now he could see all what grimm was doing instead of having flash backs, it was weird but he was slowly getting use to it. Right now he was watching grimm practice using his powers, so far he could summon chains and a scythe but he wasn't sure if those where the only things he could make so he he tried making other weapons and he was successful, he mad a pocket knife, a sword, spear, arrows, a shield and many more, now he tried using his flames, he tried controlling normal flames but couldn't

It seemed only flames he produced he could control, he could make it hotter or bigger and he noticed something else, depending on how strong his negative emotions where his flames could destroy anything in seconds. Right now his flames could melt iron rods, steel basically any metal he touched with his flames melted in minutes. Now about his aura or energy he produced, it helped him make weapons but he wasn't sure what else it could do with it, he could generate it but nothing else well for now at least.

ok so now we know what we can do so.....

we? grimm said

your a part of me aren't you so yes we

whatever, switch I don't like the day time, it's too bright

ok, now we need to learn how to fight

hahaha excuse me, I can already fight

I mean hand to hand combat

who would we need that, demons don't use hand to hand combat

I know but it would still be helpful plus it would be cool to know some martial arts don't you think

what I think is it's useless when you have powers that won't let anything touch you, we don't need all that

fine, you know for someone who's a part of me your really anoying

so now what

we go to the gym

for what

you know to get in shape

are you dumb, you have powers what do you need the muscles for

would you stop whining already, I want muscles to look the part so I'll get muscles

whatever dumb ass do what you want but the night time is my time got it

you don't have to be so forceful about it

Zeke wend to the near by gym which was a few blocks from where he lived, he walked in and the receptionist greeted him

welcome to body improvement training facility

thank you

would you like to purchase a membership card or your only working out for today

umm only for today

ok then shall I suggest am instructor for you

no thanks I think I'm good

is this your first time here

yes, I've never really been to a gym before zeke said with an awkward smile

then I must suggest an instructor, just for safety reasons

ok I guess

The receptionist made a phone call and walking out was a jacked 6 foot tall handsome man who looked like a college student

this is Mr Armstrong, he'll be assisting you in your workout

Zeke looked at him from head to toe, this guy was jacked up, he looked like a professional athlete and he smelled nice too

hi my name is Steve Armstrong and you are?


nice to meet you Zeke, so you wanna get some muscles huh well you came to the right place step right in

ok, Zeke was about to follow but was stopped by the receptionist

sir you'll have to pay the fee first

oh right

after paying the fee zeke walked in and was amazed, the gym had almost every training facility you would think on and it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside

this right here is the training hall Steve explained

we have another floor upstairs for aerobics and another for self defense classes and other hand to hand combat and sports then at the back we have a field for all kinds of sports including swimming, track running ad more


Zeke was amazed, he never new such a place was even here

so where would you like to begin Steve said with a smile

they first started with some warm ups then stretches before they started the work out, Steve noticed that nothing they really did was working up any ounce of sweat from zeke so he upped the intensity a little bit, still no sweat so he went into full on weight lifting

he gave Zeke some weights of about 10kg but Zeke lifted it with ease not complaining at all

looking at his stature he doesn't look at all like he's strong or even works out at all but his quit impressive

steve changed the weights 20kg buy still zeke said it didn't feel heavy at all as he lifted it with ease


still not feeling it




still the same


it's leight


still not enough


close but I don't feel that much weight


now it's heavy but I can lift it

Steve was shocked

hey kid, you said you haven't been to the gym before right?

yh, I usually just do house chores

what kind of chores those this kid do Steve thought

Zeke lifted weight for ten sets, 10 times for a set before he felt pains and he couldn't continue then he did squats for ten sets again, 500 pushups, 500situps, ran the treadmill for an 1hr, did plank for an 1hr then pullups as well for ten sets again

Steve was amazed beyond belief

this kid, he's human but he has the physique of a demi human his age, that's really impressive and he didn't use any form of magic to enhance his performance, this is just his pure physical ability

ok what next zeke said, head finally started sweating but only just a little with one or two needs of sweat running down the side of his face

kid it's 6pm, aren't tired already

nope I can keep going

your amazing you know that, no human can do what you did today on there first day to the gym ever, we've been working out for five hours

what! it's already been that long

we can stop here for today, you can come back tomorrow and we continue ok

ok thanks for the workout session, it was way better that what I had in mind

your welcome kid, anytime

Zeke left the gym and was amazed at his new physical prowess

wow I trained for 5hrs straight and I didn't even feel tired, my body feels slight pain but it's not even noticable, so this is what I can do now Zeke said to himself

alright it's almost time hurry up and and switch so I can start hunting those trash again

not yet we need to by some clothes and a mask

what the fuck do I need a mask and costume for, I'm not scared of anybody and no way in hell I'm a playing dress up with you

we need an outfit for when you go out cus you've ruined my clothes, you know the ones you used before there totally ripped

ok fine but no mask

I don't want people seeing my face and come looking for me at home cus of you especially that demon slayer you met, I just hope we never see in the day time

fine, but why can't we just make clothes like we do with weapons

hmm that never crossed my mind

ok when you switch just think of an outfit

ok then

Night fall, Zeke was in his room

ok just think of what you want to want and then switch

Zeke switched with grimm and the red energy formed around him creative costume, he had red gloves and red shoes, black jeans, black shirt with a slim vest on it the. a black jacket with a red flaming skull at the back

Grimm stood in front of the mirror

what the fuck is this, I look like a stupid vigilante

well I was going or a look from one the comic book characters I like but a little bit different

fuck this grimm said and turned the jacked into a coat with a hoodie then made an oni mask that covered his nose and mouth leaving his eyes and hair

much better

you changed my perfect costume

listen dumb ass, I'm not some vigilante or a hero ok I don't save people or protect people, I only go after those you hate no matter who it is or what it is and mind you there are also some humans on that list


grimm jumped out the window and started his usual hunt for demons while else where someone was doing her own hunt for him

hmm there's a hug demonic energy from at the junk yard, I hope tonight won't be a failure like the last time she said

Layla got to the junk yard, and traced demonic energy but when she was close to it, it scattered, running in all directions

hmm, so there more than one which means there small fry, I'll just wait a little longer, maybe he'll sh...


a figure crashed into the junk yard nocking over piles of trash all over the place

alright let's do t....


huh, Grimm turned around and saw layla

you again, what are you doing here! grimm said annoyed

I've been searchings for you all night

oh so your admitting to stalking me now!

I wasn't stalking you I need your help


but I haven't even

I said no, I don't know if you didn't har me the last time but I work alone, last time was a fluke and it won't happen again

I wasn't asking for that I can do that on my own if they'd let me I'm asking for your help with....

not interested, whatever it is I'm not interested

now layla was getting annoyed

would you just listen for a moment and stop interrupting me!

but grimm just looked at her with a face of disgust and simple started walking of

Layla was furious oh I see , your looking down on me cus you killed that demon before huh well I'll show you she thought as she ran forward and threw a punch at grimms back but she missed as he jumped and did a back flip over her and landed behind her then jumped back again avoiding a back kick to his head

Do you have a death wish or something

fight me

huh, Grimm was surprised but wasn't interested

I wanted to ask for your help with training but its obvious your an arrogant jerk who thinks I'm bellow him but I'll show you who your underestimating, right now I want you to fight me

let's see who's stronger