
123. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Only Park Ji Kang.


Someone must be laughing at Min Ji So right now. The woman just laughed silently, slept without closing her eyes, cried in the silence of the night, and also how Ji So kept everything in silence.

Now there are two angels, he is both fast asleep in one location Min Ji So's eyes saw him. A Park Woo Sik was holding their son's hand tightly where Min Ji So only knew that he was the only man who loved Park Ji Kang the most.

Remembering how Min Ji So hated her pregnancy so much but she needed to be held accountable right then and there, refusing to forget when Park Woo Sik was as scared and worried even during the unfortunate night, and how Min Su Ri was also very surprised to hear the shocking news from her boyfriend. and also his younger brother. This is so terrible, how Ji So only knows and can't accept what happened between her and Park Woo Sik.