
103. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : No skip, just.

Kim Tae Hyun can only endure everything by himself, silent with what his father wants, obeying all his father's orders for the same reason.

So that their family is okay even though everything has been very, very broken. "I'm not sure how naive it is, but how can I explain everything if what dad did is stupid."

"Someone's too hypocritical, and naive at the same time. And I'm a fool to stay on his side." Kim Tae Hyun, that guy is still the same. Do what he does with the movement of a highly developed productive person with a dominant.

Kim Yoon Gi, the man who is very dominant in taking care of everything, is indeed his duty as the head and leader of the family in the Kim family.

Unfortunately, because he was too passionate about things, his family was also made into a game that he could play.