
037. Miss My Uncle.

The man walked away leaving Ji Min who was thinking hard about what he needed in the future. The hope that Tae Jung gave him was something big.

If Ji Min manages to gain Tae Jung's trust to work at mansion three, taking care of booms and sharp weapons will make Ji Min unsightly.

Moreover, Tae Jung is not a man who will come to help him, just because of money, trust, knowledge, and pride. His father tells him that the most luxurious mansion is mansion three.

Although to be honest Ji Min never came, Ji Min heard enough people explain it.

Tae Jung goes to Eun Ra, her return today is very early, and a little afternoon too.

Besides he will have breakfast in his room, Tae Jung also needs Eun Ra in his room. With the same clothes as yesterday, the man walked closer to Eun Ra by whispering a command for the woman.