
TWO SIDE; light & dark

Born with gifted power but with dark personality. Without any reason he will always think of hurting other in any possible way. But since childhood he had only seen the good side of the world, which started to hide his dark personality with thin wall within, gradually he did not want to hurt anyone in any way. But what will happen when he sees the true face of his belove world, when the power he was so proud of is taken away from by one of his close one? Taking all this from him was not enough. What would happen when he was thrown away to die miserably by the same people he did not want to hurt?

MagicalWorld · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Salt And Sugar Game Last Round

"You said you won't feed me the salt, then why ar– Aaaa…" While he was speaking, the masked man put salt on top of his left leg's knife wound. "Aaaaa….." He shouted as he felt a burning sensation."Thud!" It was so much for him that he unconsciously extended the amount of force that led the chair he was sitting to fall on the ground.

"What happened, didn't you enjoy it just now?" The masked man asked.

"Sniff! Sniff!" The birthday boy didn't say anything as he was crying on the ground. While on the ground he was moving his hand trying to break free so that he could remove the salt from his wound. The part of his hand which was tied to the chair, was turning red as he was trying to break free. No matter how hard he tried he wasn't able to break the rope binding his hands.

The masked man stood up and held the chair's arms. He lifted up the chair along with him and balanced it on the ground. "Wwhhyy are you "Sniff!" doing this to me?" "Sniff!" He said while crying.

"Didn't you agree to play the game? Weren't you happy when you were winning?" With his cold heavy voice, the masked man said.

Without saying anything, the birthday boy kept crying. For the masked man, tears coming out of the birthday boy's eyes were not warm enough to melt down his ice-cold heart. "Shouldn't you be happy that you only have to win one more time and all pain will vanish?"


Before moving to the next he washed down the salt from his wound.

"Let's move to the next round." He took out chili and continued, "Here is your treat." The masked man fed five chilies to him.

This time the spicy pain inside his mouth increases. Before he was not feeling spicy pain inside his mouth as each time, he ate chilies he quickly ate the sugar powder which helped him to reduce the spicy pain but that was not the case this time.

"Now, choose which one is filled with sugar." The Masked Man asked.

Holding the spicy pain of his tongue and burning pain of his wound he replied, "Bottle on your right hand."

"Nope, you got it wrong again."

As the pain caused by the salt was more painful than the knife cuts, he begged the masked man, "Please, don't rub salt anymore. "Sniff!" Instead, you can give more cuts but please don't rub salt on it."

The masked man didn't listen and put the salt on the tip of the knife again, seeing that his whole body started trembling in fear of suffering pain. "No, please don't do this. No..no..no ."He slowly puts salt on his right leg's knife wound. "Aaaaa…" Bending his neck up, looking at the roof of the room he cried out loud again.

"Why are you doing this to me? "Sniff!" "Sniff!" Di..did that chef give you money to do this?"

Without replying he started the next round, this time to the birthday boy wasn't able to choose the bottle filled with sugar. He continues losing as if all of a sudden there was no luck on his side. One by one the masked man puts salt on all four wounds on his legs and hands.

After three hours it was time to start round nineteen. By shouting from pain again and again, the birthday boy completely exhausted himself. When the masked man asked him to choose the bottle, the birthday boy didn't reply. His vision was blurry, and his eyes were filled with tears.

For the masked man, it was only three hours passed but for the birthday boy, the same three hours were like three days. He no longer had the strength to say anything. All of the wounds on his legs and hands were swollen and looked like they were never going to heal up again.

"Hey, I asked you something. Tell me quickly which one is filled with sugar." The masked man raised his voice and spoke. But the birthday boy still didn't reply. "Arg! You know, it is not funny like this." The masked man said while putting both bottles on the table.

From the bucket, he took out a tiny bottle filled with powder. "I think it is enough for you, next time he won't make any mistake that you have to suffer." He continued, "Here, open your mouth."

As his vision was blurry, he wasn't able to see the powder in the masked man's hand. Thinking he would have to eat chilies again he didn't open his mouth. "Don't worry it is the last round." He continued, "So, open your mouth and eat this sugar powder."

When he heard the word (Sugar powder) he quickly opened his mouth. As soon as he ate the sugar, not only the spicy pain but the pain in his wound, he forgot about all that and fell asleep.

"Hey, you can come here now." Looking toward the door of the room the masked man said.

From the dark corner of the room, a small red eagle flies toward the masked man, he sits down on his shoulder. "Heal him now buddy." The masked man said.

The red eagle seems to have understood him, he went closer to the birthday boy tied to the chair. Producing a chirping sound, the red eagle opened his mouth, and a green wave started to come out of his mouth. The green wave surrounded the birthday boy, and slowly all of his wounds started to disappear.

Within a few seconds, all of his wounds from the knife disappeared, and his body looked normal as he was not injured at all. After his injuries faded away the green wave also disappeared into the thin air. The red eagle went back to the masked man's shoulder.

With his quick move, the masked man cut the rope that tied the birthday to the table. "Let go buddy." The masked man said to the red eagle, as he started walking toward the door. The red eagle looked at the table, he was trying to say that he should take all the things along with him.

"It is a hassle to carry all these things back, anyways these all belong to him." The moment they opened the door they vanished into the thin air.

In the morning, passing through the window the sunlight reached his eyes and the birthday boy woke up. He can tell that he wasn't sleeping on the bed. He didn't forget what happened to him at night, from fear he was not opening his eyes. Not feeling any pain in his legs or hands, he slowly opened his eyes.

There was no one in front of him, but there was a table and a bucket on top of it. His clothes were also not in good shape, which was enough to make him realize that he was not dreaming. Looking down he saw he was no longer tied to the chair, also there was no injury on his body.

Slowly standing up he walked to the table, the knife and bowl of water were beside the bucket on the table. When he took a look inside the bucket there were two small bottles, one tiny and one bowl. There was white powder in all of them, only the tiny bottles were empty. The tiny bottle was filled with the sugar that he ate at last before sleeping.

When he tasted he didn't find any sweet taste in any of them, all of them were salty. He was completely shocked to know that only the first four rounds of the game were fair, after that no matter which bottle he chose, both of them were filled with salt. But it was not a big shock for him as when he looked around, he found out he was inside his own house.