
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 44 - K

They don't question him as soon as they reach the place, which he's glad for. Although the 'talk' still comes sooner than he'd have wanted. He thinks he'd have probably avoided it entirely for at least a day but he's not going to accept their food when he knows they've barely enough to survive. He's not that cruel.

(His mind quickly ignores the knowledge that he would have to do it with Naruto just for fun.)

"So… you don't need to eat?" Donna asks because Sophia is devouring her food and apparently she's been delegated to the position of interacting with him as he hasn't killed her when she talked back.

"Among other things."

"Like what?"

Kurama opens an eye to glare at her, though his head is still comfortably settled on top of his forepaws. He's ready to answer with something snarky but he can sense the curiosity of those around him. He sighs. It's better to do it like a band-aid—quick and painless.

"I don't need anything. I'm essentially sentient walking energy."

She shares a glance with her husband at that, clearly telling him to ask something else, but Sasha is the one that beats them. "So you were made by the government?"

Kurama's head shot up, insulted. "The what?"

"That's a no then."

"I'm not going to share my life story, so don't even try. Let's just leave it at that I'm something supernatural your mind would never get a grasp to understand, okay?"

Tyreese narrows his eyes, clearly pondering what he's just heard. "Supernatural…? Is that—You think that's what this is?"

"You mean your little apocalypse? Don't know. If I've had more power I could try to get a better look at what's wrong with those walking dead humans. Though I'm not that interested, to tell the truth."

Adam sits straighter, food is forgotten on his lap. "Not that int—You know how many have died because of this? If you could help—"

"You seem to forget I'm not human. I don't care what happens to your species. Besides, is not as if your species is really going to die. Something bad always happens to your kind that almost kills you but you manage to survive and get back up eventually. You're like cockroaches that way," he says, remembering all those centuries he's seen humans survive and thrive.

He doesn't think it must be that different if they're from another world. Humans are resilient even when they're the ones that try to annihilate their own species.

"So you're not going to help us, even if you could, Nine?" Sophia asks and there's something in her expression that reminds him of Naruto before he gives one of his speeches. Something fierce and firm.

It makes him slump on his spot as a flash of nostalgia hits him hard. "Please tell me you're not going to give a speech about love and friendship too?"

"What? No?"

Kurama let's a relieved (and somewhat disappointed) breath out at the surprise on her face.

"Nothing, kid. You can stop with that face, too. I don't want to help you. I really, really don't, but something tells me I'll end up doing it somehow. Naruto is a problem magnet and a self-sacrificing buffoon; he's going to drag me into helping and I know it. I'm just trying to enjoy being a cynic bastard for as long as I can."

There are raised eyebrows at his words, but it seems the shock at seeing a talking fox is waning. Humans are that adaptable. Probably it has to do with the fact their world is being threatened by dead walking people, too.


"Naruto," he corrects Tyreese, recalling the feeling his sage mode gave him. "He's a human and my friend."

He sits on his ass, feeling tired and just wanting to rest, but he's got a clue and he'll be damned he if doesn't follow it. He glances at the humans, realizing that even if he's said he doesn't need them, he really does need them if he wants to go to Naruto and kick his ass for all his absence has made him do.

The eyes of the humans are heavy on him and Kurama can feel the questions they want to make. He looks down and ignores them because it'll be hard enough without looking. He knows he needs help, but asking for it is hard. He's pretty sure he can count how many times he's asked for help with the fingers of one paw. However, the situation demands it, so he lets go of his ego.

"I may need your—" He stops himself and clenches his jaw shut, feeling somewhat disgusted by what he's trying to do. He wants to think that he's trying to search Naruto because he needs him to power up again and not feel this constant tiredness with every step he takes, but that would be lying. He'd be insulting Naruto and the change Kurama's made because of him.

So he swallows back his pride and this time it's easier. He looks squarely at every member of the group in front of him, ready to talk.