
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 33 - N

"Kami, if you're here, in this world, I want to thank you."

Forget what he said about Lady Luck. Yeah, sure, she can be a bit of a bitch sometimes. But this is one of the moments when he realizes just how awesome she is. Or can be. Whatever.

With a grunt, he puts more strength into his actions as the bag between his hands refuses to open. At least his hands don't tremble as they used to a week ago and that's an improvement. They're still weak though and his muscles aren't as strong and solid as before. He knows that if he digs a finger on his leg, a softness will greet him.

A loud sound comes from the plastic bag and he gives a small shout of triumph. He looks at his prize with a silly smile. The smell of food is glorious and he can feel his mouth water. His throat constricts as he fantasizes about eating all the contents. It's as if his hunger has increased.

They're just nuts but to him, they're the best to have ever existed. And Naruto really wants to just shove the food inside his mouth and eat. But he can't. He's spent weeks without eating, only drinking the slightly acidic rain that fell. If he eats as much as he wants to, he'll throw up.

Even so, he eats a mouthful, slowly munching, tasting every bit. He may have moaned once or twice as he slowly swallows. He puts some more food into his hand and repeats the process, before grabbing the water bottle next to him. He drinks some and then sighs contently.

Luck really is on his side if he's fallen on the top of some store. There are bags he can use to carry what he needs. And maybe there's some ink he can use to make storage scrolls. If there scroll here, that is.

Overall, this world seems more evolved, technologically speaking. And he's already thinking about all he can take from here. Maybe all. He doesn't know what awaits him and it's better to be prepared.

"Maybe the others need supplies so it's better to be stoked," he mumbles, hoping the others aren't lonely. They've spent so long that way already. He sighs. "Though both of their social skills suck. I hope they haven't killed anyone yet."

He rubs his hair with both hands in exasperation. "Let's see, Sasuke went east and Kurama northwest. If I go to Kurama first, Sasuke might kill whoever he finds if they piss him. If I go to Sasuke then Kurama might accidentally destroy stuff." He glances towards the wall at his left, looking intently from where he came from as if there was nothing to impede his sight. "They're smarter so they must be trying to go to where the portal appeared. Yeah, that sounds like something they would do. So I should go there."

He takes some time to bask in the good idea he just had before returning to his food. After all, first, he needs to eat, though he'll have to wait for his stomach to process the food before he eats more. Then he'll leave to search for the others. Kurama is probably worried even if that fuzzbutt would never admit it. Sasuke's most likely annoyed at him and will try to kick his ass so he needs to train and be prepared for that.


The store has a big name on the front though he can't read what it says. There are some green tents and dead bodies with green suits similar to his orange jumpsuit, now destroyed thanks to his fall. He's wearing clothes he's found inside the store. The only thing orange was a shirt at the back that was one size too small for him but it still fits comfortably. It's been getting colder so he tries to prepare for the change of weather.

He's terrified of taking the boots of a dead body but they're his size and they seem warm. His chakra won't help him to stabilize his internal warmth so he's on his own. He still apologizes to the dead and prays for his ghost to not come for him. Then, Naruto leaves with a too full back pack filled with the important things and everything else inside paper seals. He hopes the plastic he used to protect them will be enough against the rain and all kind of situations.

There are a couple of buildings next to the store but he wants to walk northeast instead of west, where he can see a city close. He has a hunch that tells him to avoid cities altogether and when he closes his eyes, he can sense coming from the city a trail of sadness and desperation—fear.

But everything is faint. There are no people there, he knows.

His body is still aching so he walks instead of running.

- x -

So yeah, I'm back online. With a new computer and finally having paid Office for this year, I can have Word and stop fumbling with Google documents online for a while.

I think that's what mostly put me off of writing as Google Docs was not really good for me to use (It was Hell). So hopefully I'll be writing more. I've been mostly writing this fic on my phone and is the one with the most chapters so I'll be updating this in the meantime.

Thank you for your support! And if you want to give even more support (Or read more chapters ahead), then go to my pa_treon/JorieDS