
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 10 - K

The similarities he finds between the Elemental Nations and this new world are too many for his liking. It's not much, not noticeable—but still there. The technology this world has is superior. Or that's what he gets from the explanations the girl, Sophia, tells him about whatever artifact they stumble. In three days he's learned from cars and helicopters to coffee machines. Guns and tanks are new but not surprising. These humans cannot use chakra to fight, it's obvious they'll find something else to harm each other. Terrifying weapons, not because they're more deadly. They offer detachment to the attacker, being able to kill someone at distance without the need for hard training. Battles to death don't seem to exist here. Battles for death do.

Kurama hates this world more than his own. It disgusts him.

Perhaps he's lucky he's met this girl. He obviously needs the knowledge to understand this world, to try and search for a way out. The language is not different but the writing of it is. That alone would be detrimental for fishing for some more information. He's no Naruto. He doesn't have the charisma to gain other's people trust so they can aid him. He's not him and doesn't want to. He knows torture is his only option, but… Naruto kind of screwed him over. With his words of friendship and easy smiles—his trust in him.

That smile before they separated, he knows it was for his sake. Naruto's actions before being thrown away to who knows where--were meant to comfort Kurama. And he doesn't want to torture or seriously hurt humans that don't deserve it because for some stupid, idiotic reason he doesn't want to let Naruto's faith in him down. He doesn't want that bright, warm, trusting smile, one that has been directed at him, to turn into disappointment.

Not that he'd ever say it aloud. Or ever.

So… he really has been fortunate to have met Sophia first in this world. He hates humans, he really does, no matter which world they're from. He doesn't think he'd be able to remain civil with one. Or want to talk with one. However, kids are 'cleaner' in a way. Still innocent and not so full of those other darker human qualities. Dealing with kids it's easier and not only because the information is obtained faster from them.

Light manipulation isn't recognized in their naïve minds after all.

On the other hand, sometimes they're too innocent, too indifferent to the horrors of the world because their eyes choose to ignore them even when they're surrounded by crap. Naruto was like that once. Trying to protect his innocence with smiles and loud proclamations from the glares and harsh words of the civilians. But he did know. Oh, that he did. He tried to ignore it but it was impossible. He needed a wake-up call and it came in the form of a ramen vendor giving him free food for him to realize what could be, what he wanted to obtain. Then came his goal. His stubbornness did everything else.

This girl has a goal. What she needs now is her own wake-up call. Naruto's was gentleness while surrounded by harshness, what will be hers?

"Can we rest? I'm—I'm hungry."

Kurama glances at the little girl jogging next to him. Her face is flushed as she pants heavily, her speed slowly weakening with every step she takes. Her shirt has wet spots in some parts and her arms are full of scraps from each time they had to go through bushes.

They've been keeping a steady pace for about two hours because of the walkers they've seen near the lake, choosing to evade that horde completely and instead surround it. They've found some houses near and grabbed everything useful. Unfortunately for Sophia, the places are already empty and food is scarce everywhere they've been.

Kids are easy to obtain information from but that doesn't make them easier to deal with. They're weaker.

He stops and the girl does the same immediately, throwing herself to the ground as she tries to recover her breath. Her stomach rumbles, as it has been doing for the past half an hour. Understandable considering her last food has been some cookies seven hours ago. Seeing her sweaty and tired makes Kurama decide to take some pity on her and help her. They've rested a day and have been on the move together for two days, mostly because of her as the lake wasn't that far. It's true she hasn't whined at all until now and he has learned a lot about this world's culture and what's actually happening thanks to her. Maybe he can throw her a bone now.

Positive reinforcement and all that. The one-eyed teacher of Naruto did the same to train his ninken, it should work with her, too.

Turning his head around the clearing they stopped, Kurama sniffs the air for a couple of seconds.

"What are you doing, Nine?"

Kurama glances at her. "Stay here. I'll return shortly."

"There's no walker near?"


"Okay then. I'll wait." Her previous sitting position dissolves with her words and she falls again to the ground. "Take care."

Kurama snorts and starts running. She's not worried anymore in the way she was the first time he told her he was going to disappear for a couple of hours, so it's an improvement. He still needs to know more than what a kid can offer and also replenish his chakra. He's no Sage; he hasn't a body for it to work for him, but he can still retrieve some energy from nature itself. This world is tainted by war and pollution but he can draw bits of the earth's power and turn it into something he can use. As his chakra is still dangerous for others without Naruto to cleanse it, he needs a bit of space to work.

It's harder to do it while conscious but until he doesn't have some secured base he won't be able to sleep and recover. He can only meditate.

This time he's not going off for those reasons though. He sniffs the air once more and there's a rustle of leaves above him.

Got you.

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