
Two Separate Worlds Collide

I have cried so much I can't cry anymore even though I want to. I laid on the pavement shivering in the cold night. I can't believe I finally left that hell after several months of physical, verbal and worst of all sexual assault. Oh, mummy and daddy how I wish you didn't die and you were here with me. A young life of traumatic experience and pain torments Deborah until a man worth loving saves her life. That is where two worlds collide in love.

Maria_Dey · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Deborah's Point Of View.

I quickly got dressed and got downstairs because I didn't want to be alone in the room crying my eyeballs dry. Thank god I had my hoodie in my bagpack and luckily it was the one clean piece of clothing I had on me. At least it will cover my scars. As I decended the stairs and headed to the couch I saw them there. I sat so far away from the young man and made no eye contact with him though I sensed it everytime he took occasional glances at me.

'Hello, you haven't told us your name?' his mother interrupted. He instantly stopped typing to look at me awaiting my answer. We were just locking eyes with each other and it made me feel a bit shaky so I broke it and turned my attention to his mother.

'My name is Deborah Wezor', I simply answered. She smiled and I must say she is incredibly beautiful without makeup. I wonder if she has a husband or anything but I guess not because I would have noticed signs of him in the house. 'I am Helena Banfor the mother of that young man right there. Are you an Ewe by any chance?'

  'Yes, my mother was from Anloga and my dad was from Keta', I answered. 'What about your parents what happened to them?'

  That question made my heart drop. It was like replaying the events all over again and again. 'They...are dead'. Her face showed sympathy. She instantly rose to her feet and moved over and sat next to me. I was hoping all the scars and wounds were covered to avoid explanation. 'I am so sorry for everything you have been through. I know you will come out of it and make your parents proud. Usher and I are here to help you come out of this and I want you to know that your Uncle will be punished'.

I couldn't believe it. How did she know about my uncle. Cynthia, she must have told them. 'Did Cynthia tell you about my uncle?'

She nodded affirming my presumptions. 'I also heard about your wounds, can I take a look?'

I thought about it a lot. My scars are my biggest insecurities and I will love for her to see it but not infront of him. 'I don't... want to do that here, let's go upstairs', I pleaded. She nodded in agreement and held my hand for me to stand up with her and we moved towards the bedroom again. When we got there I took of my hoodie off and revealed all the proof of my unfortunate experiences with my uncle. She looked a little shocked to see the many cuts and marks on my skin. 'Oh my gosh, your uncle is a bastard', she blurted out. I tried to cover them up but she prevented me from doing so. She started looking at them like she was analysing them closely. 'We need to go to the clinic across the street and get these wounds treated. We don't even know how infected they already are'.

'I don't think it's necessary', I refused. 'It is necessary, it might get infected and bigger problems may arise. So I need you to dress up so that we can go okay'.

Seeing there was no way of getting out of this I had to accept the fact that I am going to the hospital. I put my hoodie back on and headed down stairs.

When I got there Usher was pacing around like something bothered him but what could it be? He immediately stopped and smiled at me when he saw me approaching. For some reason I didn't have the urge to run away. I just sat down and watched him sit back down. 'I am really sorry about what you have been through. You don't deserve any of that and I am sure the law would catch up with them'.

I didn't say anything, I just looked down at my palm and nervously played with my skirt. 'Do you know where Mrs Helena is?' I asked. I couldn't hide my nervousness. 'She is changing to a more presentable outfit so that she can take you to the clinic', he answered. He shifted from his side of the couch until we were sitting next to each other. I found myself looking directly at his face without trembling or fearing just staring into his brown eyes that I must admit are amazing to look at.

'I understand what you are going through. You are scared that I will become like your uncle. The nice man who turned into a beast but I am nothing like that. It might take sometime for you to believe that but I want you to know that I have no intentions of hurting you. I... I also have a past that if I told you. You wouldn't believe me', he stuttered at some point while he spoke. We didn't break eye contact even for a second, I wanted to know his story.

'Hey Deborah I am ready, we can go now and while we are coming back we can take a walk to the Devon's Boutique and get you some clothes', Mrs Helena said from a distance. Usher looked a bit disappointed that our time was interrupted and I am too. I was actually starting to feel comfortable in his presence but I guess I can hear his story another time.

As we walked on the pavement towards the Yeboah Clinic, I felt like it was meant to be. Maybe God used those people to save me from the troubles I have faced. I wish the help came when I was getting treated like an animal but I am still grateful. At least, I have the chance of building my life back and drive it to the place it's meant to be.

'Where you going to school?' she snapped me from my train of thoughts. 'I was going to a government school when my parents were alive and even to some extent when I was living with my uncle but when I got to Form two, he told me to dropout because he didn't want to waste his resources on the education of the child of his dead sister'.

'Do you think we can register you for BECE so that hopefully next year you can go to Senior High School because I don't think you want to repeat one year'.

'I haven't been in school for close to two years, I don't know if I can write the exam and pass, I will fail and waste money in the process', I explained. 'So do you want to repeat the year? You will still have to write entrance exams before you can be accepted in your original class. Don't worry dear, you can be homeschooled and then write the private BECE next February'. A smile played on my face. I was glad I could finally return to school and accomplish my dream of being a doctor despite losing one year of school.

At the hospital they treated my wounds and it hurt a lot when they applied the hydrogen peroxide to the extent of drops of tears falling out of my eyes. 'Can you explain the reason for all these scars and wounds on your body?' the doctor questioned. I couldn't speak for myself so I was hoping Mrs Helena would do it for me.