

Shana Brewer's life changes when she is recruited by a secret agency that hunts supernatural beings. With her father missing and time running out, she dives into a world of danger and dark magic. Guided by the enigmatic Quinn and the stern Luke, Shana must uncover hidden truths, navigate deadly creatures, and face her fears. Her mission takes her to Astarte, home of the mysterious Silver Wood witches, where allies and enemies blur. As she learns more about the dark forces at play, Shana realizes her journey is only beginning.

EmiLee_678 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


The car pulled up in front of the new school, and Shana took a moment to gaze at the unfamiliar building. She could feel a mix of nervousness and curiosity bubbling within her. As she stepped out of the car, the crisp air of the morning enveloped her, and she adjusted the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

Thalia, ever the reassuring presence, smiled at Shana, "You've got this, sweetheart. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."

With a deep breath, Shana nodded, absorbing her mother's words of encouragement. She made her way towards the entrance, the chatter of students and the bustling activity of the schoolyard creating a background hum. The daunting prospect of new faces and unknown hallways lay ahead, and Shana steeled herself for the journey.

Inside, the school corridors seemed like a labyrinth, each turn revealing more unfamiliar faces. Shana followed the flow of students, her gaze fixed on the ground as she navigated the sea of activity. The rhythmic sound of lockers opening and closing echoed around her, marking the pulse of a school day in progress.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the noise. "Shana! Over here!"

Turning towards the sound, Shana spotted Lyra waving enthusiastically from a cluster of students. A sense of relief washed over her as she made her way to her best friend. Lyra, with her bold personality, was like an anchor in the sea of the unknown.

"Hey, Shana! Ready for this adventure?" Lyra grinned, her confidence contagious.

Shana furrowed her brows, a mix of surprise and joy on her face, "Lyra, what are you doing here? I didn't know you were moving."

Lyra laughed, "Surprise! I convinced my parents to let me transfer. It's gonna be a bit of a drive, and I'll be late for most classes, but who cares? It's totally worth it to be here with you!"

Shana and Lyra strolled through the busy corridors when Emily, the popular girl, sauntered by. She shot them a disdainful look and sneered, a subtle but clear challenge. Shana and Lyra exchanged glances but brushed off the negativity, Lyra leaned in towards Shana and whispered, "Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Shana who couldn't help but chuckle at Lyra's witty remark responded, "Come on, let's find our lockers and make our way to class." 

The girls arrived at their first class, Chemistry, and found themselves facing Mrs. Annie, the teacher. Mrs. Annie warmly welcomed them and requested a brief introduction from each student.

Shana and Lyra took turns introducing themselves, their voices echoing in the classroom. Mrs. Annie then directed them to seats at the back, and the girls made their way.