
Two Minds, One Wand

First things first this is not my work. This comes from RobWilsonWriting on archive of our own. I am not sure how to message him for permission to share through the mobile site, so if he sees this and wants me to take it down absolutely no problem. I am just sharing a story I have fully fallen into the deep end with and hope more people can appreciate this fantastic writer Lemons ahead so if that is something you don’t like please feel free to skip over Original link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40318890/chapters/100992921 After the graveyard resurrection, Harry wakes with Tom's memories, their minds seeping together like a broken egg yolk. Memories of spells and battle, domination and lust. Power beyond measure - and he was going to use it. Hogwarts wasn't going to know what hit it. (Harry X Multi, Lemons)

Legacy_24 · Book&Literature
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60 Chs

Chapter Three

Greengrass Manor was alight. Smoke, thick and putrid, spewed from its top, mixing with the fog of the early evening, the orange hues of the setting sun failing to color its blackness. Harry and Amelia crept to a nearby team of waiting Aurors.

Why weren't they fighting? Harry thought uncharitably.

"What's the holdup, Shrike?" Amelia ordered immediately.

"We charged in and lost three off the bat, boss. I ordered a pullout until we could go in with better numbers."

"Where the fuck is Tonks and Weston?" Amelia growled.

"Not sure, they were running a surveillance op. I sent a Patronus, but..."

Harry scanned the Aurors. Ten of them, not scared but not confident either.

"Is that Potter?"

"Yes. What gave it away?" Amelia snapped. "I vouch for him."

Shrike gulped. "Yes, boss."

Amelia scanned the manor grounds, where figures were laughing, casting runes and spells on the manor buildings, while some of their colleagues entered the building itself. They'd broken down the most important wards already, Harry realized. Now they were in the building, the Greengrass family was in big trouble.

"We need to move now." Amelia ordered. "What's your plan?"

Shrike pushed out his chest. "Our biggest priority is finding and evacuating the Greengrasses, but we need to fight through the grounds to do that."

Harry shook his head and thought quickly. Did he not learn how the Death Eaters fought from the First War? He muttered a Summoning Spell, hoping it worked like it did in the First Task, and then spoke up.

"That's a stupid idea. By the time you get through to the manor, the Greengrasses will be long dead, and then you'll be walking into whatever traps they put in the front door. Split into two teams. One takes the grounds, one flies into the back to get the family."

"Who the fuck are you to give us orders?" Shrike sniffed.

"I'm Lord fucking Potter, you must be the nobody." Harry snarled, bringing his full magic up to bear.

"Put your cocks away, gentlemen." Bones ordered. "Potter, that sounds good but we can't spare a team to fly in the back when we can barely defeat the ones on the front grounds."

"Then I'll go alone." Harry declared.

"With what broom, genius?" Shrike laughed.

Harry put up his hand. A broom zipped into his hand, a Clearsweep Nine, straight from the Greengrass' broom shed. "This one."

"Go!" Bones ordered.

"I'll distract them, let you sneak up on them." Harry jumped onto his broom and took the skies with a grin, feeling the cool night sky against his skin. He flew straight at the Death Eaters, spraying Bombarda's indiscriminately. The Exploding Curses rocketed into the ground, sending blasts of soil up into the sky. One of them caught an unfortunate Death Eater, his pieces settling into one of the newly formed ground-craters, a dirty grave for a man no less deserving.

He twirled up towards the stars, rolling to the side to dodge a Severing Charm, along with a cascade of more colorful spells. His distraction job done, he took to the skies, heading over the manor to get to the rear entrance.

A light at one of the windows stopped him. He flew closer to see it was a girl's bedroom. There was a girl facing away from him, wearing only a semi-sheer negligee, long legs rising to a unbelievably bountiful ass, almost out of place on the otherwise svelte girl. The ass was clad in a lacy pair of black panties. Daphne Greengrass, her long dark hair in sleek waves and almost to her waist. She was shaking as she held out her wand, facing the stairs that led down from her bedroom.

Harry landed with a thump and plucked the wand out of her hand as she whirled around.

"Potter!" She said in shock.

"I'm here to save you, Daphne." Harry flared his magic and leaned in close to her, causing her to flush wildly, all the more evident on her bone-white skin. Hey, if the parents of the Wizarding World were going to raise their girls on trashy books and fairytales about the hero Harry Potter coming to save the day (and the girl), they could hardly complain when he used the same stories, years later, to pop the cherries of all those girls.

He could hear the voices of Death Eaters coming closer, they didn't have much time. He knelt down and drew a quick rune circle on the ground, something simple Tom had learned in Vienna.

"What are you doing?!" Greengrass whispered harshly.

"Shut up and get in the closet."


He slapped her ass, enjoying the jiggle, less so her resulting squeal. Her ass was absolutely absurd. She had a lovely figure, slim and tall, with breasts that were more than a good handful, but the rest of her body made sense. Her ass was a perfect bubble, a peach that could get a man to throw away his life savings. She had thick, peachy buttocks, so thick her ass had swallowed up her panties, bunched into her ass-cleavage. There was barely a few inches of fabric visible between her creamy cheeks, so perfectly formed that they curved out and back in with only a single line as they met her thighs.

He man-handled her into a dark closet and closed it behind them. It was dark and tight between, but he deliberately pressed himself against her. She was breathing heavily, more stunned than aroused. He couldn't say the same. The adrenaline was getting to him. He was getting hard, caught up in the power, the excitement, his magic overwhelming him.

He brought his arm around her waist, taking a long deep breath as he buried his face in her soft hair. She felt so good against him, he just wanted to tear down her panties and bury his fat cock in her.

"Potter?" Her whisper was left in the air, full of questions and fear and arousal mixed together.

"Ssh," He murmured, pressed against her so hard she whimpered as she felt his hard cock against her ass. There were footsteps coming up the stairs, and he could barely get himself to care.

"Come out to play, little whore. You want to make sure we find you but we find that sister of yours." The Death-Eaters laughed as they entered.

Harry sighed as he re-adjusted himself. They stepped forward. His rune-circle activated. Within the circle, the gravity reversed, sending the Death-Eaters smashing into the ceiling. Harry casually stepped out of the cupboard and killed them both with a single muttered Sectumsempra, overpowered to make it cut through both of them, rather than simply leaving deep cuts in one. Harry cancelled the runic circle and turned back to Daphne as the Death Eater's limbs rained around him, blood dripping down his hair.

"Where are your family?" He said.

She looked at him and gulped, though he was impressed she didn't look sick. "They'll be hiding in the master bedroom in the western wing."

"Take me there." Harry ordered.

"My wand?"

Harry made to give it to her, but stopped before placing it in her hand. "You don't cast spells, you don't make noises, you don't do anything but let me follow that tight ass of yours, understand?"


"Yes, what?" Harry enjoyed the look of outrage in her eyes, the fire dancing within as she struggled to contain herself.

"Yes, Lord Potter."

"Good girl." He was playing a dangerous game, but she needed him.

She surprised him by placing a hand on his arm. "My Lord, please save my sister. She's-" She took a deep breath. "She's my everything."

Harry nodded, suddenly serious. "I will."

He followed her through the all too quiet manor, until they heard the tell-tale sounds of taunting.

"Aww, look at her cute little teddy bear panties." Four Death Eaters, two holding the elder Greengrasses at wandpoint as they sobbed and cried out, another was using the Levicorpus spell to float young Astoria up in the air, whirling her upside down again and again as she cried. The fourth stood further back, laughing uproariously.

Harry felt a tightening in his chest as pure rage surged through him, but it was Daphne that moved forward. He pulled her back by her hair.

"But-" She growled.

"Silence." He thought quickly. He had to play this smart. For all the knowledge he held, he still had yet to practice many of the spells, and his power levels were still far below what they should be.

An ornate chandelier glinted above the Death Eater closest to them, and Harry grinned darkly. He cast a Severing Charm, sending the heavy crystal chandelier crashing onto the laughing man. He laughed no more as he was crushed. Harry wasn't finished, overpowering a Switching Charm on Astoria as she floated in the air. Overpowering it let him use it on people rather than objects, and in the blink of an eye, he was in the air. He wordlessly cast Liberacorpus and came crashing down on the robed man. Harry brought down his knee on the man's skull and he was out like a light.

"Protego." Daphne's voice came out, casting a shield in front him of just in time to block two nasty look curses from the Death Eater's holding her parents hostage. They'd reacted quicker than he'd thought, or maybe he was just slower than he hoped. The shield broke almost immediately, but Harry had already moved, wordlessly flipping the bed in front of him.

"Potter!" The Death Eater snarled. "You won't get away this time."

"Is that you, Mulciber?" Harry thought he recognized his voice from Tom's memories. "I thought I could smell you."

The bed splintered as a nasty spell shot through it, and Harry thought fast. He was stuck with what he could cast, since the Greengrass parents were right behind them, and if the fight went on much longer, the two morons might remember they had hostages they could use.

"Serpensortia." Harry cast quietly. A long black snake conjured in front of him, though he'd modified it to have multiple heads. Grindelwald had taught him that one, many years ago - Tom hadn't been able to free the man, but what he'd been able to learn was worthy of his time.

"The black robed men." Harry told them and then, through the hole in the bed, Banished the snake at the two Death Eaters. The cries of one told him that he had one enemy left.

A spell from over his shoulder told him Daphne had got involved, but the spell was batted away by the more senior Death Eater - right at Harry. He didn't expect it, taking a cutting curse in his shoulder, hissing in pain.

It was time to end this. He transfigured the chandelier shards on the ground into a flock of birds, sending it towards the Death Eater, who responded by engorging them in a vast gout of flame. A good move, but Harry grinned in triumph. In Peru, Tom had learnt the hard way that the Bird-Conjuring Charm could be used to cast any flock of birds, including the Peruvian Smoke-Birds that burst into a thick cloud of smoke when they were killed, the same birds they used to create the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. He'd lost that duel, but he'd never forgotten that trick.

The birds burst into an impenetrably thick cloud of smoke, making Harry invisible. Harry whipped his wand into a horizontal line, then double-cast a Flame Charm and a Cutting Curse, creating a severing line of fire that shot into the smoke. It was a precursor to a fire whip that Tom often enjoyed using, but Harry didn't feel comfortable using that one without practicing. Joining the fire with the cutting curse would mean the fire would keep burying itself within the man's shield charm even when it shielded against the cutting curse, eventually dousing the shield charm unless it was extinguished.

Harry had bought himself time, but how to get through the man's shields before he used some winds to remove the smoke? Tom's memories of battles brought nothing immediate to mind. The man loved to move around the battlefield, often using quick Apparition to confuse his opponents. But with apparition wards, how could he do the same? He searched the man's knowledge of spells. Tom knew thousands, but he often resorted to the Killing Curse.

Harry almost laughed as he thought of it. The Killing Curse. No shield could stop it - that's why Tom used it so often. The Greengrasses were kneeling and bound in the corner of the room - as long as he used it at chest-height, he had no chance of hitting them. Harry conjured up the hate, the memories of Tom's use of it, the murders and the rapes he'd seen. He thought of Astoria, humiliated and traumatised by the Death Eaters. He thought of his mother and father, taken too young.

And then he snarled. "Avada Kedavra!" His wand lashed forth with a jet blinding green light, one that illuminated every corner of the room. A thump resounded, and Harry swept the smoke away to reveal the Death Eater's body, lifeless on the floor.

"Mother! Father!" Daphne cried, rushing forward while Harry unbound them with a muttered word.

"Daphne! Astoria!" Harry looked away as the family reunited, taking a moment to cast Sectumsempra on the fallen Death Eater. It wouldn't do for the Ministry to find out he'd cast the Killing Curse, regardless of Amelia's approval of using the Unforgiveables. He had a reputation to maintain, after all.

Lord Greengrass came forward, falling to one knee. "Lord Potter, thank you for your kindness. House Greengrass is in your debt." Daphne let out a small gasp and Harry idly wondered if she feared for her virtue, now that they owed him. He hid a smirk - she did need to fear for her virtue, but not because of that.

"House Potter humbly acknowledges your debt." Harry responded in kind. "Sir, the danger is not yet passed. There are Death Eaters on the lawn. Are you able to fight?"

"Able and willing." Lord Greengrass barked, recovering his wand.

"Then let's go."

"My love, stay here and protect the girls."

"Of course. Be careful. And Peter," Lady Greengrass clutched Astoria to her chest tightly. "Make them pay."

"I will."

Harry and Peter jogged to the foyer, the wide oak double doors open and swinging. Outside, the lawn was chaotic, full of blue, red and orange spells flying back and forth. The Death Eaters were entrenched, having transfigured some garden furniture into a makeshift wall, while on the other side of the garden, the Aurors were using the textbook two man teams, one shielding while the other fired, both slowly trying to advance.

Harry spotted Tonks just as her partner's shield faltered around her, a Bone-Crusher sending him down and out. She was caught out in the open, a Lacerating Curse splitting open her shoulder. Harry shielded her with an Egyptian shield and turned to the Death Eaters, but Peter hadn't paused, furiously launching curse after curse from their advantageous position at the side. The Death Eaters hadn't expected enemies to come back out from Greengrass Manor, so they fell quickly. There were only five left, and Potter smiled thinly as he thought he saw a silver arm. Pettigrew. He was clutching his Dark Mark...communicating with it?

A cold chill breezed over with a pop as someone apparated in. The air was heavy, a thick magic aura settling in. Lord Voldemort, in the flesh, pale, his snake-like slitted nostrils flared, his face furious. He didn't rest, immediately flinging powerful curses with barely a thought. The garden statues, snakes and gryffins, came to life. The ground itself shook and rose, golems made of soil rising. A whip of pure, searing flame came for Harry and Peter, Harry barely blocking it with sheer instinct, summoning the heavy oak door in front of him.

"My, my, what a shame. My followers have grown rusty over the years, to struggle so with just Aurors. And," Voldemort looked genuinely surprised. "Harry Potter. What a pleasant surprise."

Harry didn't bother replying, too busy instructing his conjured snakes to slither through the thick grass, hidden from Tom's sight. He threw a few Bone-Crushers at Voldemort. In the meantime, the aurors dealt with the statues and the golems.

Voldemort batted his curses back at him, as if testing his strength, and Harry ducked them rather than deflect them. Spell-deflecting or spell-reflecting was an art form, one he 'knew', but he didn't want to test his knowledge right now. Harry's mind raced. He wanted to be careful what he revealed to Tom - he didn't want the man realizing he had his memories, but he also wanted to survive the night. The Peruvian smoke-birds were out, as was the multi-headed snake. But, he needed something to catch the man's attention.

"Morsmorde." He muttered. The Dark Mark rose high in the sky, a light in the darkness. But this wasn't the Dark Mark, but a dead skull, flattened by a lightning bolt. The mark of Harry Potter, known across the world, by horny witches and wannabe wizards alike. Tom looked up and laughed. "Oh, Harry. Is this really what you've been spending your time on? Symbolism?"

"Not just symbolism. I've also been talking to snakes." Harry said casually. Voldemort's eyes widened, but it was too late. The snakes seized forward and bit into the Death Eaters cowering behind Voldemort, and Harry felt a surge of delight as he heard Pettigrew's unmistakeable squeal. "You fools." Voldemort roared, turning his back. He created a portkey to take them away, but that moment cost him the fight.

The Aurors dispatched his golems, Harry and Peter launched an array of curses, and Voldemort was alone. He growled, furious.

"Enjoy your petty victory, Peter Greengrass. Cross Lord Voldemort and we will come for you, your wife, your daughters. Can you protect them when it matters?" Voldemort taunted before he apparated away.

"Fuck." Harry spat out blood as the man disappeared. Peter laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. "Good fighting, Potter."

"You too."

Amelia staggered over to him, looking just as tired as he felt, though unhurt. Her sweat caused her hair to stick to her face. "Good work, my Lord. Lord Greengrass - Peter, I presume your family are safe." At his nod, she continued. "Good. Lord Potter, I'd like to continue our conversation, and take a look at that wound."

"I'll meet you back at the manor." Harry agreed. She vanished with a pop.

"Come back for dinner, when you get time, Harry. We have much to discuss in the way of business. My wife will cook a fine feast, and then we'll share a bottle of something finer than Ogden can dream of." Peter told him.

"Sounds good. Give my best to your wife and daughters."

"I will." He promised.

Harry disapparated, seeing an approaching Shrike, looking very sour.

He reappeared, suddenly unsteady in Amelia's office. He wavered and was caught by a distraught looking Susan and Hannah.

"Are you okay? Auntie wouldn't tell us anything? Is Daphne okay? And Tori?"

Amelia laughed. "I was merely waiting for the hero of the hour. They're both fine, thanks to Lord Potter here."

"Call me Harry, please."

"Harry, then. Call me Amelia. I've not seen fighting like that since Moody himself. And to duel Voldemort, even for a few seconds - most impressive."

"You fought Voldemort?" Hannah gasped.

"It's nothing. It was barely a fight." Harry said honestly. "But girls, careful with the shoulder." Hannah leapt back as if she'd been scalded as he hissed, her eyes clouding with tears.

"What can we do?" Susan clenched her fists.

"Perhaps, if Amelia thinks it isn't improper, you could run me a bath." Harry began, the seeds of an idea in his mind. "Sorry," He added, looking down at the ground, every bit the lonely orphan. "I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Wilma?" A house elf popped into view. "Run a bath please, in the master bathroom." Amelia ordered. "Hannah, perhaps you might find some of my late husband's clothes in my room. In the meantime, I need to go back to the Ministry to make a report. This is going to be a whole mess. We managed to capture a few aurors. How did you fare?"

"Three dead, one knocked out, one maybe dead, maybe alive." Harry thought of the weight of the chandelier that he'd brought down on his skull. "Probably dead."

"Good work." She took a deep breath. "If we'd lost the Greengrasses tonight, it would have been a heavy blow, pushing some of the neutral clans to the Dark. Instead, this will force them to join us, with no other option."

Amelia ran a hand through her hair, suddenly looking every bit her age. "I...to be frank, I don't know how to react to you. Everything you do should be impossible, at your age."

"They've been saying that about Harry since he started at Hogwarts, Auntie." Susan let out a watery giggle, still teary.

"Really?" Amelia frowned. "Perhaps I should have been paying a closer eye to Hogwarts, and to your stories, Susan. I've been too wrapped up in work."

Harry gave her a soft smile. "I'd like to share some of them, when you have time. You'll find them interesting, and I suspect that you could do a lot of good with their knowledge."

She nodded. "I suspect so. Take care, rest easy, we have plenty of guest rooms."

"I'll leave after my bath." Harry announced. "I wouldn't want to be improper, and I do have a place to stay."

"As you wish." She turned to Susan and Hannah, seeing their eyes trailing across his muscles in his ripped, gouged shirt. "Girls, please behave properly. Lord Potter is exactly that. I shouldn't leave two teenage girls alone with a boy, but I don't have much of a choice."

"Yes, Auntie." Hannah echoed it. The two girls took hold of him and gently led him to the bathroom as Amelia popped away.

The bathroom was ornate, a giant tub of steamy water, filling the bathroom with heat as the steam filled the air.

"Do you want something to drink, Harry?" Susan asked him as she adjusted the taps.

Harry couldn't hide his smirk, even through the pain in his shoulder. Alone, with two busty fangirls, in a steamy bathroom. Well, he thought to himself, if life gives you lemons…

"Lemonade, please." He grinned.