
Two Minds, One Wand

First things first this is not my work. This comes from RobWilsonWriting on archive of our own. I am not sure how to message him for permission to share through the mobile site, so if he sees this and wants me to take it down absolutely no problem. I am just sharing a story I have fully fallen into the deep end with and hope more people can appreciate this fantastic writer Lemons ahead so if that is something you don’t like please feel free to skip over Original link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40318890/chapters/100992921 After the graveyard resurrection, Harry wakes with Tom's memories, their minds seeping together like a broken egg yolk. Memories of spells and battle, domination and lust. Power beyond measure - and he was going to use it. Hogwarts wasn't going to know what hit it. (Harry X Multi, Lemons)

Legacy_24 · Book&Literature
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60 Chs

Chapter 11

Harry rested his Firebolt against the window pane after he jumped off, his heart wrenching a little at hearing Hermione's sobs in her bed. It hadn't been difficult to fly into the Girls dormitory, but he still felt like he was trespassing. He didn't want to hurt her -- he'd hoped she hadn't caught onto his sexual antics, but in a way, he was glad it was done. If it hadn't been with Katie, it would have been with someone else. It was only a matter of time before his sex life became public -- he needed to get a public girlfriend to take some of the eyes off his growing harem.


"Go away, Harry!" She snarled.

"I'm not going to do that."

She wrenched up the four poster curtains, glaring at him.

"You told me I was special."

"You are special."

"Clearly." She sniffed. "Do you say that to all the girls? Buy them lingerie and then...then...then finger them!" The word sounded extra naughty coming out of Hermione's mouth.

"I've only bought you lingerie, Hermione." He said calmly, sitting next to her. "But you have to understand-"

"Go away," She wailed, grabbing her wand. "I don't want you here!"

Harry deliberated, looking at the seriousness on her face. He wasn't sure he could talk her down, not tonight. Best to try again tomorrow, perhaps.

"Okay, Mione. But remember, I love you, and I always will. You'll always be mine."

He didn't let her retort, jumping back on his broom and out of the window. The sharp cold wind of the night rippled through his clothes, but the resulting shiver was one of anticipation, not of chilled bones. Katie had been a nice distraction, and she'd make a suitable addition to his harem, a gorgeous brunette with decent power and a potentially useful property in Diagon Alley. But the night held even more riches, despite the weight he felt on seeing Hermione's tears.

Harry flew to the edge of the wards and then Apparated straight into the Manor. His bond with Narcissa, deep in his soul, in his magick, instantly warmed through. She was a vision, wearing a wine red babydoll, sheer underneath the bralette, which was an ornate pattern of roses and lace and presented her huge tear-drop breasts for his enjoyment. Was it the bralette or were her breasts getting bigger? The babydoll was longer than most, the translucent gauzy fabric stretching down to her knees, but because it had side slits from well above her hips, it actually seemed more naughty, revealing more flashes of her skin, fluttering and, he imagined, easily pulled away. The slits revealed matching thong straps, the thong itself easily visible through the gauze.

She rubbed one bare leg against the other, holding a full wine glass in her hand loosely, and rose her head to meet him, sensing his gaze. Through the bond, perhaps? How long had she been posed like this? Could she sense him coming? He couldn't think, not looking at her, with her lipstick, purposely matching her lingerie, and her smoky eyeliner. Her hair, half-up and half-down, down in glossy waves and pinned up with her wand threaded through, because she knew he liked to watch it unravel, liked to make it unravel as he ravished her.

"My love." This time, she did not tease, swimming into his eager embrace. Harry did not waste time exploring, his hands, his lips, until minutes later, she broke apart, gasping, slapping away his roaming hands. He'd left lovebites down on her neck.

"Narcissa, you are exquisite." Harry told her, absently recovering her spilled wine, the liquid pouring itself back into the glass.

"And I am yours." She promised. "But first, my gift."

She led him by the hand through the Manor, which Harry was quickly coming to think of as his. She looked back at him every few steps, as if worrying he would disappear. Into the lounge, where Lucius lay, wrapped and hogtied by thick ropes, on a piece of green tarp.

Harry arched his brow.

"I didn't want him staining the carpet." Narcissa held onto his hand with both of hers, every inch the adoring housewife. "I took it from the stables."

Lucius's eyes grew wide, with disbelief and fear, his shouts muffled by the cloth gag in his mouth.

"You've done well, my love." He told her, and watched as she blossomed, her urgent lips finding his.

"I love you so much." Cissy told him, and he could hear Lucius swearing, but he was lost in her eyes.

"You've changed the wards?" Harry checked. He didn't want Voldemort coming here.

"I had the Goblins change them out. They're keyed to me and only you, me and Lucius are on the list, and, well," She smirked. "Lucius is no longer on the list."

Harry scanned the room. The classic chaise lounge was the key feature, long and obviously expensive, cream and velvet padded, with a right-sided cushion for comfort.He rotated it with his wand, and Narcissa lent over it without even asking. Their bond was growing stronger. She was on her hands and knees, looking back at him through her hair. She was divine.

"Stay there." Harry ordered her. He went to Lucius, crouching down. The man was spitting and snarling, enraged, normally pallid face red.

"Lucius, old friend. I must thank you -- your wife has been an incredible host all summer. I've never had a more hospitable host. Cissy, sweetheart, how many times have I had you?"

"Never enough, my love." Narcissa answered, watching with amusement.

"She is truly special. I'm so proud to have her as my first." He turned back to her, tracing his thumb over her face and then, at her lips, watching her kiss it and then suck it between her red lips, her eyes gaining a watery sheen as she heard his words.

Harry turned back to Lucius, wandlessly summoning away the gag.

"You fucking brat, the Dark Lord will kill you and that whore-" Lucius choked as the gag shot back into his mouth.

"How rude." Narcissa sniffed. "He's never felt the touch of a woman in love. He'll never understand what we have." She breathed out, a little giddy after his arrival. She'd been waiting all day.

"And he never will." Harry agreed. He grabbed his wand, aimed at Lucius, let the hate fill him, let all the elements of Tom take over, all the memories of murder and death and anguish and the pure rage that made up Voldemort.


Lucius writhed, screaming in soundless pain. Still, Harry held it. His limbs flailed, his bladder emptying, his skin emptying of color. And then, Harry let loose, watching as Lucius twitched and moaned.

"You terrified the whole of Hogwarts, and almost got my friends killed, by giving Ginny that diary, Lucius." Harry said quietly. "Then, the year after -- all of that grief about a fucking Hippogriff? I could have had my godfather innocent and free. You had a life choice, but instead you chose, twice, to become the cowardly minion of Voldemort."

The gag had come loose as Lucius writhed, but his pained murmur was almost inaudible. "The Dark Lord will kill you just like he did your parents, Potter."

Harry growled, feeling the rage encompass him, all too easy to conjure. "How dare you speak of my parents?" He spat. "Hom-dae-aamal, lahm-wa-damm." A forgotten curse, one he'd never cast before, with an incantation too slow for any battle. An old Egytian curse, one that boiled the blood - slowly. Lucius' veins were already bulging.

Lucius only laughed, madly. "You won't kill me, Potter. Don't you want to know what I know? All the Dark Lord's secrets?"

Harry waved his wand, silencing the man. He smirked. "I already have them."

"My money," Lucius blubbered. "The - the house!"

"I already have them." Harry silenced the man and stepped back to the chaise lounge, leaning over it to wrap his hand in Narcissa's soft hair, tugging her head back to give her a passionate kiss. "Along with your wife."

Narcissa shuddered playfully. "Please, darling, don't remind me that I'm still married to him." She turned artfully on the lounge, sliding her hands up her thighs. "All that I am is yours. Claim me."

"Mmm," Harry nodded, pulling her up. She was putty in his fingers, endlessly available to be posed and moved and pawed at, but at the same time, it was like touching a livewire - her body electric, reacting at every touch like a wanton whore. He'd palm her bottom and she'd arch it, pushing it out, asking for a spank. He'd place his fingers on her lips and she'd lick them, fellate them, slow blinking. Glancing down meant her breasts got pushed up, her deep cleavage asking to be explored. Harry had always associated submission with passiveness, but he was delighted to understand just how wrong he was. "I've done that enough, Cissy. I thought you were going to ride me, tonight?"

"Oh, yes." Narcissa moaned, eyes lighting up as he tugged her up. He laid down on her white, thick, sheepskin rug, right next to Lucius. A flick of his hand and he was naked, his cock hard with excitement. His body never ceased to amaze her. Not just his magnificent cock, but his muscles, his curvature, his sheer power. There was nothing about him she did not adore. And she planned to show him.

"Why don't you give your ex-husband a show, sweetheart?"

"I'd rather give you a show, my love." She didn't care about Lucius. He was dead already, alive solely for the purpose of giving their fuck a little extra thrill. Narcissa bit her lip, watching her lover's eyes as she danced slowly for him, standing above him, shifting her hips from side to side as she tousled her hair. Beside him, Lucius groaned silently, dribbling from his mouth as the curse's effects strengthened.

She turned for him and bent at the hip to display her full ass in all its glory. She knew her red thong was wet, knew there'd be a telling dark spot, and she peeled it away slowly, feeling his eyes devour her dewy pussy. All the way down her legs, over her heels. She tossed them onto Lucius - they landed on his chin.

"Fuck, Narcissa." Harry said with awe. "You are a work of art."

She flushed with his praise, and in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but giggle. Love was a strange thing. It made even the most of cliched compliments into something that made her heart pulse quicker, her smile widen. He was the sweetest, she decided.

Harry watched her squat down, slide herself unhurriedly up his thigh. Her eyes, made up to make her eyelashes especially long and seductive, stared up at him as she greeted his cock with a gentle kiss. A small suck to wetten it, some strokes to tease him, and higher she rose, pressing lover's kisses on his abdomen, her hair falling across his stomach, each strand a cool sensation. She climbed him with her whole body, her wet pussy trailing on his skin, her legs squeezing his as she grinded on him. And then her lips met his, and her smile became wider as she saw his arousal, his pleasure. It was everything she lived for.

"Hi," She whispered.

"Hey," He whispered back, the moment intimate despite the dying Death Eater beside them, who watched with wide, enraged eyes, his pale skin now a disturbing red, his veins black.

She reached down and suddenly he was within her, watching her closed eyes, her lip bite, as she took him deep within. His cock was immersed in her hot tight tunnel, the movement slow despite her wetness - she was almost too tight.

"Oh, fuck." She swore. "I'll never get used to that." She nestled back, sitting upright, his cock now fully ensconced - she'd bottomed out. Narcissa smiled at him, grabbing his balls playfully and kneading them, before she began bouncing on him.

"Do you like that, baby?" Narcissa moaned, picking up his hand and placing it on her tits as she rode him. Her pussy gripped him, her perfect thick ass smacking against his crotch, and he could only lie back and watch - this was the life. Her tits jiggled for his pleasure, and when she wasn't looking to heavens in sheer pleasure, she was meeting his gaze, and they couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"I love it." He told her honestly.

"I love you." She responded, and she couldn't help but bend down to kiss him, swept up with giddiness and love. She squealed as his hand came up around her back, locking her in. She undulated her hips, grinding and rotating her pussy on him, desperate to maximize his pleasure.

Harry trailed his finger down her cheek and wiped away one of her happy tears, and she kissed his thumb in thanks.

Now she was closer to him, he could get at those magnificent tits of hers, and as she bounced on him, he captured her nipples, messily sucking and coating them with his saliva. Her hands on his shoulders, Narcissa kept riding him, squeezing his cock with her pussy, almost delirious with pleasure. How could she pleasure him most when she could barely stay coherent? His cock felt like it was deeper than ever before, and every time she bounced on him, it felt like it might be the end of her, the sensations too much - she was so sensitive she felt like she could feel every ridge of his cock, and the slap of her pussy against his crotch as she bottomed out was enough to make her cream.

Sex with Harry was always a messy affair, given his absurd precum and cum loads, but she could feel herself gushing out her own cream as she came on his cock. "I'm coming - ah, ah, ah," She moaned, and looked down to see his cock, his pubic hair, coated in her creamy grool, mixed with his copious precum. The sight was intensely arousing, particularly because she knew he'd make her clean it all up after, make her eat every last drop.

Lucius watched on, unable to believe his eyes. How had his wife fallen prey to this, this, teenager? The boy? But this wasn't a boy, anymore. He had power, he had a huge cock, and he was using it to ruin his wife. His veins boiled, hot, his throat parched, his head pounding - what had the boy done to him? Despite himself, he shifted and writhed in his restraints, all too aware of the erection he had, desperate to get some sort of sensation on it, even as the shame and the guilt overwhelmed him. Narcissa looked so astonishing, and as much as he wanted to close his eyes, he couldn't deny the beauty, the sex appeal, of the ravishing blonde. His wife.

Harry's laughter interrupted him, and Lucius stiffened as he realized the boy had seen his arousal.

"Looks like your husband isn't totally gay, after all. Just incapable of being a husband to his wife." Harry jabbed.

Lucius gulped as he saw Narcissa completely ignore his words, focused only on bouncing on his cock, her hands on Potter's shoulders for support as she rode him, faster and faster.

"I'm going to cum in your wife, Lucius."

At that, Narcissa startled, slamming her pussy down, grabbing his shoulders for leverage, wanting to make it as good as possible for him.

"No," Harry growled, pulling her forward onto him, grabbing her butt roughly and squeezing it. With his arms around her, she could only gasp and moan as Harry started rocking his hips, thrusting into her from below, using her as his personal cock-sleeve as he rocked closer to his orgasm.

"Yes, use me, my love, cum in me." Narcissa called out, eyes unfocused.

"Fuck," Harry bit out as his balls clapped against her ass, his hands on each of her cheeks, holding her in place as he fucked her, feeling her ass jiggle with each thrust. She couldn't move but she could grind, rotating her hips.

"Oh, oh, oh," She cried out. "I'm going to cum again!"

"Cum for me, Cissy. Show your ex what I do for you."

"YES! Harry," She sobbed, her orgasm running through her, and Harry could only gasp as he felt her pussy squeeze his cock as she came, her whole body vibrating.

"Fuuuck!" Harry sighed in satisfaction as he exploded inside her, her incredible heat and tightness too much for him. His cock surged out cream, pulsing out huge ropes of cum, deep inside her.

"Oh, yes, my lord, my heart," Narcissa tossed back her sweaty hair, grinding her hips gently, and captured his lips. "Cum in me, beloved. Fill me up with every last drop." She murmured, whimpering as he smacked her ass and pulled her even closer. She could feel him shooting his hot load into her very core, and it felt like he was making her whole.

A whole minute later, and he was more or less finished, his cock slowing to a dribble, her stomach curving out. She collapsed into his chest, mewing in contentment as he traced a finger down her spine. They lay there, relaxing, enjoying the post orgasm feeling.

"I think you've put a few gallons inside me, lover." Narcissa giggled.

"What can I say? You inspire me." Harry said lazily.

"I love it." Narcissa pressed a kiss to his jaw. "It feels like you've put a baby in me. Wouldn't that be so amazing?" She sighed dreamily.

"Maybe one day," Harry promised, barely thinking about it, but she beamed at him, thrilled. She sat back and watched in amazement at their joined groins and the collective mess. When she was sure she had his attention, she slowly dismounted, his cream and grool covered cock appearing inch by inch, almost completely white and being covered in more of their fluids by her spouting pussy.

Narcissa was quick to capture it in her mouth, slurping and moaning as she lapped him clean. Harry watched, hands behind his head, but was distracted suddenly by Lucius collapsing and stilling.

"I think he just died." Harry mentioned off-handedly, canceling the silencing charm on the man.

"Gah," Lucius dribbled blood out of his lips, his veins fully black.

"Maybe not." Harry amended.

Lucius turned to meet his eyes, and Harry was shook to see the man still had triumph in his eyes, even as his wife devoured Harry's cock, licking up every globule of cum.

"You…" Lucius coughed out more blood. "You'll never know my secrets. Narcissa will," Lucius went into a coughing fit, his face speckled in red droplets. "Nar...cissa...will die without knowing she...she...has another child." He burst into maniacal laughter, crying blood.

Narcissa paused, comically rising from where she'd been throating Harry's cock, with wide open eyes. "What the fuck are you talking about, you disgusting excuse for a man?"

Lucius just laughed, snot bubbling from his nose. "I'll never tell! You may know the Dark Lord's secrets but you'll never know mine."

Narcissa gave Harry a startled look, suddenly furious. "Don't try and make wedges between us. You can't understand the depth of our love."

Lucius snorted, spitting out a globule of blood, looking more alive now "What rituals did he use to warp your mind, you vapid whore? Is he a man for stealing your mind?"

Narcissa pulled a wand from somewhere, snarling. "Let me kill him, Master. He dares to judge you, judge our bond."

"Wait," Harry paused, standing up. He conjured up all his memories of Tom's legilimency; learning from a master in Prague, ripping a man's mind from him accidentally when just trying to learn his knowledge of runes, reading the minds of all his Death Eaters. Tom had spent more time in Lucius' mind than anyone else, continually reading the mind of his right-hand lieutenant - because while he was the most trusted, he was also the most feared, on account of holding all his secrets. He knew Lucius' mind paths like the back of his hand, knew the man's Occlumency skills, his walls - and knew they could not stop him. "Legilimens."

Fear, rage, shame, they all washed over him. Secrets upon secrets. Pride in being the most trusted, fear of the Dark Lord, sexual kinks and humiliations and deep perversions - perversions of power, of fear. And then, a dark secret, one buried deep.

Happiness, of Narcissa bearing his child. Fear of the Dark Lord, fear the Dark Lord would possess them, brand them, kill them. The Dark Lord, the Death Eaters, the things they did to children...back then, Lucius did not have the power he did now in the Death Eater ranks, he was so afraid of the others using his child against him.

And then...shock. For the day of the birth came, but Narcissa bore not one child but two.

The anticipated son, but the shock of the daughter. Narcissa was overjoyed, but he, he couldn't breathe. The midwife left, the Manor a mess of bloody towels and crying babies, and he knew that in a manner of hours, Rookwood and Crabbe and all the rest would hear about his daughter. The Dark Lord was rising, families were dying, and this wasn't a world he could protect her in. He couldn't hide the existence of both children, they knew Narcissa was pregnant, but he could protect one.

He had connections in Europe, in Russia. She could be safe there, with a friend. She could be raised there, she could have a safe life, she could go to Durmstrang. She could become a proper witch, a powerful witch, and not be stuck between the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. But Narcissa, she'd never accept it. Lucius picked up his wand, took a deep breath, and cast Obliviate.

Harry tore himself from Lucius' mind. "You discarded your own daughter?" Harry raised his brow.

"Wha-what?" Narcissa gasped.

"Cissy, here, now." He ordered.

Even as shell-shocked as she was, she still jumped to obey, not resisting as Harry pulled her into his embrace and put his wand to her temple. She wasn't afraid - her lover could do what he wanted to her. He muttered a spell and the fog in her mind cleared, old memories coming back into the light.

She wailed, burying herself in his chest. "My daughter!" She sobbed, her whole body racked with grief.

Harry hugged her tightly, rubbing her back. "It's okay, it's okay." He murmured.

"He stole my daughter from me!" And then she turned in his grasp, arms rose high, magic coursing through her. "I'll kill him!"

Lucius gurgled blood out, eyes barely open. "You read my mind? But...but my Occlumency-"

Narcissa's spell ended his speech, separating his head from his torso. The next spell gouged out his chest, making a massive cavity, blood exploding across the room. When Narcissa's next spell took the man's dick clean off, Harry winced and plucked her wand from her.

Instantly, she collapsed into him, weeping. "My baby - he took my baby," She moaned.

Harry picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up and wash all that blood off, my love. And then, while we're bathing, we can discuss how we're going to get your daughter back."

Narcissa reached for his cheek. "Get her back?" She said uncomprehendingly.

"Of course. She's a student in Durmstrang, the same age as Draco and me. Her name is Helena."

"Helena." Narcissa tested out the words in her mouth, eyes wide. "We'll get her back?"

Harry lowered her into the bath, ten of the taps already pouring in hot water and bubbles. "We'll get her back." He gave her a kiss. "She'll join my harem, of course - you didn't think I wouldn't take her in, did you? Imagine - she'll be my gorgeous devoted blonde, like you."

Narcissa gasped, her face lighting up, looking resplendent even as she wiped away her tears. "We'll serve you together!"

Harry settled in behind her, sighing as the hot water soothed his muscles and washed away the blood. Narcissa sat back against him, parting her legs obediently as he ran his hand to spread her lips, the other massaging her breasts.

"Of course. You'll suck me off together." Narcissa oohed. "You'll part her legs as I take her virginity." Narcissa gripped his thighs as he fingered her, moaning. "You'll taste my seed from her cunt."

"Master!" She turned her head to capture his lips as he added another finger. "I can't wait." A tear fell down her cheek.

Harry kissed it away. "You'll be my obedient good girls, forever."

She tasted his fingers as he withdrew from her, the taste of his and her juices, his load still inflating her stomach. It would take hours to process, as her body ingested the magic within.

"Oh, Harry. Master. When can we go? I just can't wait."

Harry took her hair-brush from the side table and stroked her hair as they lay back, silent for a moment. "Patience, my love. We don't know how approachable she'll be, how much she knows. Lucius rarely checked in with her, sending her money and the occasional gift, anonymously of course. We'll need to take her in slowly, so we don't scare her away."

"My poor little girl, she's been so lonely and abandoned." Narcissa murmured.

"We'll show her lots of love." Harry said, his cock jumping, hard against her thick peachy bottom.

"Yes!" Narcissa grinded back, allowing Harry's cock to popup between her thighs, right against her labia. "She'll need lots and lots of love."

Harry pressed a kiss to her neck. "So. Much. Love. I'll give it to her."

"Fuck." She grabbed his shaft, pulling it up tight against her pussy, grinding her core against it, feeling the slosh of the water sooth her sore pussy. "My poor pussy is going to need all the help it can get." She stroked his cock gently, admiring its strength. "You're an animal, darling."

"I feel more hungry than ever." Harry admitted. "You drive me wild, sweetheart."

"Have you taken anyone else?"

"Just one. Hannah Abbott."

Narcissa tilted her head, suddenly still. "I've seen her. Big-"

"Huge." Harry interrupted.

"Yes." Her lips pursed.

"Don't be jealous." Harry teased. "You're still my number one."

"I just want you to be happy and safe. So, you need power and," Narcissa took a deep breath. "You need to dominate all those Hogwarts sluts."

Harry clutched her breasts possessively, rising his hips up so his shaft ran up and down her clingy netherlips. "Good girl."

Narcissa smiled.

After a moments silence, Harry kept stroking her hair, brushing out the knots. "I have to say, I saw the Mirror of Erised recently."

"A powerful artifact. I've read about it. I thought it lost."

Harry shook his head. "No, Dumbledore has it hidden in Hogwarts. I think he uses it to find new Tom Riddle's in Hogwarts, new potential Dark Lords. In my first year, he left it for me to find, asked me what I saw in the mirror."

"What did you see?"

"Family, in my first year. And then, a few days ago, family again. But this time, a family of beautiful women, with me on the throne. Hundreds, maybe even thousands. You, on my lap. All of you, looking at me with such love, such obedience. It thrilled me." Harry admitted.

"Oh, lover." Narcissa tilted her head back so she could kiss him ardently. "I didn't know. What you want, you should have. Everything. You need to use me more. I'll work harder. I was the queen of British high society, you know? I can get you mixing with the right sort. Charities, balls, soirees. What do you want? Who do you want?"

Harry paused. Who did his cock desire? If he forgot about power and wealth and just focused on who did he want to unload his balls into, who was the biggest cock-tease, who was his biggest sexual fantasy? The answer didn't take long to come. His muscles still ached from Quidditch, and Quidditch reminded him of the Veela at the World Cup, and Veela reminded him of her.

Fleur Delacour.

"Fleur Delacour." Harry said, his voice rough with desire.

"The Tri-Wizard contestant? The Beuxbatons girl? I remember her in that ridiculous swimsuit, at the Second task."

Harry smiled. Who could forget? The one-piece, a white sort of blue, that exposed most of her asscheeks and was so tight it gave her a cameltoe. The morning after the Second Task, Harry woke to see one of the Gryffindor boys had left a moving picture of her on his bedside table, a sort of apology for not believing he didn't put his own name in, he assumed. In it, Fleur deliberately adjusted her suit, pulling it out of her hungry ass as it consumed the fabric, letting it twang back onto her peachy ass, and then pulling it out of her front, trying and failing to stop her prominent pussymound from showing through the fabric. That whole year, Fleur had been a complete cock-tease, her short Beuxbatons skirt flipping up, flashing her panties, adjusting the hem of her stockings, unbuttoning her blouse.

Harry's cock grew even harder, and Narcissa giggled as she stroked him. "I'll take that as a yes, stud. You feel like I'm sticking my hands in the fireplace."

Narcissa settled back, slipping his cock inside of her, nestling her ass back and grinding slowly as they both lay in the bath, neither with much energy. "Then Fleur Delacour you shall have." She promised. "I have enough pull in the French society scene to get you an invite to their next soiree. That Veela whore will probably cream herself when she sees how big your cock is."

"You weren't far off, if I remember correctly." Harry teased, groaning as he bottomed out in her.

Narcissa blushed. "Well, it is quite satisfactory."

"I'll show you satisfactory." Harry breathed into her ear and set about doing just that.