
Chapter 4 - Why me again!

Miss please come with me.

Why is it always me! Did you just say I am clear like also most six hours ago, what could possibly happen in six hours!


Well, their has been another robbery and some locals said you where at the market. What where you doing when we left and what time did you get at the market and why did you go and when did you leave?

Geez! So many questions, well I got their right about 11 because I had to shower after you left at 10:30, and then I had to clean up after your search for nothing, then I went to buy groceries for dinner like, chicken, and lettuce and tomato for a salad, I also bought some vegetables like onion, cucumber, and potato, I also bought some cheese for the salad in case they want any, I left around 12 or 1 because I saw my friend their and we where talking and he helped me with my groceries.

So yah that is where I was what I was doing and when I left.

I see, ok miss I guess you did not buy and herbs and you where not out when the robbery happened so I guess your clear again.

What do you think I have been telling you this whole time huh huh.

I am sorry for the intrusion, please continue with your dinner.

*We all finished eating and my brother went upstairs to take a bath and my parents and I had a conversation*

Sweetie did you really take any herbs?



Did you really think I am that kinda devilish girl that would do these kinds of things. I really never stole anything, the first day the police came I picked the herbs from the garden, the next day her came over I did not even use herbs because they had to grow more, and today I saw a few herbs that where ready and picked the that is why the garden looks like that because I picked our herbs.

Ok sweetie we believe you that is why we told the cops to stop harassing us, and how my daughter has never stolen anything in this world but our hearts and trust.

Aww thanks mom and dad. I am going to shower again because I feel gross and then go to bed so good night.

The next day the police came again.

Good morning miss we are here to tell you that you are clear because we found the real perp. It is your neighbour Mrs.Snyder! Turn out she really did it when we came to her door she panicked and blamed the first person she saw with herbs and going anywhere with them. So I can to say I am sorry for searching through your house with out a search warrant and for accusing you and you for things that you have not done so from the bottom and I mean the bottom the bottom of my heart is my deepest apology.

Really from the bottom bottom or from the bottom.

From the bottom bottom, and I am sorry. So please for give me and the whole police station on my behalf for accusing you.

Ok. Also what is going to happen to Mrs.Snyder.

Oh, she is going to go in court since she was not able to give back anything and was also for lying to the police officer.

You know Mrs.Snyder is not an old lady she is only forty-five, can't she go to jail for t months.

Ah yes she can. How do you know about that.

Well you see when you first stared accusing me I started to look at the laws and court data and recent crimes and it turns out Mrs.Snyder has a criminal record so she can go to jail for more than the number the is specified.

Wow, you did your research just from me accusing you.

Ok well then officer if their is nothing else I got to go get ready because I am taking my brother out for ice cream then we are going roller blading the I have a surprise for him. If you are wondering what this is all for it is because his birthday is in a few days so this is a extra surprise for doing well in school and for being good.

So good-bye officer enjoy your day,

Good-bye madam I will be sure to contact you for any further updates on Mrs.Snyder and if I need any help on an a case.