

Chapter Five: Let's get physical!

Harry wanted to get his hands on the Gods that decided his life was their knew plaything. Really. He was in just the mood to curse something.

Never ending bleeding blisters that showed up on your entire body every time you ate chocolate. Or tried to pee. Yes, that's a fate worthy of who ever made the decision that he should be stuck in a tiny space with a Malfoy pressed against him.

Harry was cursing himself for letting his guard down. For what ever reason, oh wait he remembered the reason. Whittany Chester.

Whittany and her sly Slytherin sneakiness. Harry had been gone two minutes. Two minutes. Little did he know his need to use the loo would be the start of everything.

As soon as he returned he knew something was off. Malfoy was seething. Whittany was smiling and Jane looked like she'd been invited to prom by her tall companion.

Harry soon discovered another reason he was glad the sorting hat didn't put him in Slytherin. All the time they must spend on plotting. It seemed exhausting.

In his absence Whittany convinced the group they needed a bit of a break, but it would be unwise to do so with their deadline approaching fast.

But, wait! She had the perfect solution. The trip to Hogsmeade this weekend. She suggested they meet for a quick butterbeer and an exchange of the latest paper and an update on how every one was doing. That way they could work, still enjoy their outing and get away from the 'bleak' library.

And that was how Harry ended up side by side with Malfoy as they squeezed into a booth.

He had waited until they arrived in the town before informing his friends where he was going. They knew of Harry's extra credit group and that Malfoy was part of it. Ron was displeased, but he hid it well.

Harry clapped him on the shoulder.

" Thanks for understanding, mate." He was in a good mood for once and took didn't want to waste it.

" Let's visit Honeydukes after and see if we can get someone to sample the trick candies." Harry knew that would get a smile out of his friend. He left with a wave and promised to meet them at the candy shop in half an hour.

The 'bad grade' group met outside and when everyone was accounted for they headed in. It was a small diner Harry had walked by before, but never ventured inside. The room was larger then it appeared to be from the outside. Scattered tables were surrounded by booths. Whittany went straight for a booth, despite it not being the most practical accommodation for their gathering.

Jane and Adam took one bench and Harry mistakenly took the other. Malfoy slid in next to him almost immediately and then scooted closer still as Whittany made the judgement the bench could hold three.

Harry was going to speak up and ask the girl to move so he could get out and find a chair to pull up to the table. He certainly didn't expect her to do it. But two things stopped him.

One, he was positive she would find some excuse not to let him up. Probably out of fear that if Malfoy got away she wouldn't get him back.

And two, Malfoy asked him not to. Well, he told him not to, but it was close enough. Sighing and giving in he told himself it was only for one drink any way.

But it didn't help. He still he wanted out.

It was an all too uncomfortable reminder of what he got a peek of nearly every night. They rarely mentioned what they did during the late hours but it was always there. Floating just below the clear watery surface. And this meeting was like a canon ball in the lake. There was no way it wouldn't disturb the calm water.

Sure, Malfoy would occasionally make a random comment, a new way to tease the Gryffindor couldn't be passed up. But it was always in a crowded area, when both were surrounded by friends and teachers and classmates. Never were they alone and it was never a serious discussion.

They had yet to acknowledge it out of the contents of a joke and Harry was fine with that. And it wasn't the only silent condition they had.

Since the start of it they made it a point to not get too close to each other. It was another thing they never talked about. They just did. It wasn't like it was hard, either. They didn't have a reason to met outside this group.

But when they did they stayed a safe distance.

And now Harry didn't have to question why.

This one drink was going to drive him mad.

Malfoy sat rigid next to him, his arms slung uncomfortably over the table and his shoulders drawn in, as he attempted to make himself as small as possible. His awkward pose left no room for Harry's own appendages, which he shoved them under the table, doing his best to avoid the stiff thigh pressed into his.

Despite the tense postion, Harry had to fight the urge to sink into the body next to him. That sobering thought alone was enough to keep him from giving in. But not enough to stop the scattered images of their nights together.

A waitress came over and took their drinks. Jane asked with a small tremor in her voice if they had hot chocolate. After a confirmation she and Adam ordered one each. Whittany ordered something called a Dragon's fire. Harry and Malfoy stuck with butterbeers.

Whittany could talk. That was for sure. And Malfoy was right. She must have used the words, " I figure..." over twenty times. Currently she was informing Jane about her last trip to Germany. The people were brutish and the food was worse. Even the shopping was dreary. She had to make up for the lack of fun by...

Harry drifted out. He glanced around the table. Adam was just as enthralled in Whitany's story as he was. The boy was slumped over, leaning up against Jane, dead to the world. Which explained the smile on the yellow haired girl.

This feels nice.


Harry tore his eyes away from the couple across from him.

Malfoy shifted more of his weight into Harry, the very thing Harry was fighting against, and let his hand fall into his own lap. Now it was less then three inches away from Harry's. Warmth spread through the Gryffindor's body.

It must be the spell, huh? It feels good. Comforting some how.

Harry nodded his agreement. How could he have not noticed before?

Nice didn't begin to described it. It felt soothing and warm and like home. The feel of a solid warm body leaning against him was like finding something that had been missing for years. Consciously he knew it was the spell, but it felt real enough.

His own uncomfortableness must have gotten in his way, but now with the help of the half gone butterbeer he was more open. And kind of sleepy. He surrendered the fight he'd been having with himself and relaxed against the blonde.

Some time during Whittany's explanation of why British boy's are so more mature then the one's from Germany, Malfoy's slender hand found Harry's.

With their digits entwined Harry let himself relax even more. Everything else faded away. Something deep down in Harry's middle solidified and a sense of wholeness enveloped the teen as he sank even deeper into the body next to him.

Malfoy was moving his fingers, all of them at once in a sweeping motion across the back of Harry's hand. It tickled, but the light touch left him wanting more. Suddenly the calm feeling began to grow and turn a whole new direction.

Somewhere lodged deep in his brain, probably the part they both shared, Harry knew he couldn't trust this. It was a fabricated feeling due to the spell. He shouldn't be so calmed by this. It was too sudden and too certain.

But it felt so right.

Bloody harpy!

The table banged and Jane's chocolate fell over as Harry's knees smacked into the wood. Whittany sprang from the bench as if the liquid would scold her instead of just stain her blouse. The rest of the group stood up as well.

Harry snapped out of his daze.

" Well, that was... ummmm, very... right then."

Harry's cheeks turned red as every one stared at him. He cleared his throat and tried again.

" I mean, sorry."

Whittany just turned her head and flagged down a waitress.

"I...we...We're done here right?

" Harry? Are you alright?" Jane was looking at him with a worried expression. Chocolate was running down her arm. Adam handed her a napkin.

"Yes. Sorry. About your shirt. I just..."

" It was my fault. I stepped on his toe." Malfoy took pity on the stumbling Gryffindor.

Jane leaned close to Harry and whispered to him.

" It's alright Harry. One more minute and I was going to do the same thing. Only I wouldn't have missed her shirt."

Harry smiled despite himself.

" Well, now that's settled, let's get this cleaned up, so we can get back to our table." Whittany watched as an overweight brunette came running over with a napkin ready in her chuby hand. She wiped down the table with a practiced motion.

" No!" Again four sets of eyes turned to a beet red brunette. The waitress didn't bother looking up. She finished her job and left as quickly as she came.

" I mean, we only came to exchange the paper and I have my friends waiting for me."

" Potter's right. We've all got places we'd rather be. Let's get this done."

The paper was handed off and they each gave a report of where they were in their own research. No one sat down again and as soon as the last word was spoken Harry took off for the safety of his friends.

The next day found itself with a distracted Harry wondering around the castle. He floated from class to class with Ron and Hermione by his side, both shooting concerned looks when the brunette wasn't looking.

This spell was progressing in ways Harry didn't want to think about. He had already come to terms with the fact that he liked Malfoy. They were getting along much better.

And while he wouldn't define them as friends, warm acquaintances maybe, the idea wasn't off the table. Death threats and insults behind them, Harry actually hoped they could find their way to friendship one day. And he would bet the blonde was aware of the change as well.

Of course, if it didn't work out that way Harry wouldn't feel as though he lost something important or anything. It was nice getting to know Malfoy in a new way, but if after all was said and done they never spoke again, it wasn't like he was going to miss the blonde.

He'd just gotten used to having him around. They'd move on, maybe smile at each other, give the occasional nod, but otherwise not be any different then any other two students in class. And Harry could deal with that.

Honestly, he didn't see what would keep them together after this. They didn't hang out in the same areas, didn't have the same hobbies , or even have any friends in common.

For all he knew, Malfoy was just making the best of this situation and secretly couldn't wait until the spell was broken. Maybe he was even gathering information he could use against Harry later.

The only trouble with his theories was that he had no idea which feelings were real and which came from the spell. The most likely explanation was that all their feelings were coming form the spell. It must be much simpler to join two minds that want to be joined, rather then ones that fight.

Harry could see it now, the spell must be changing them in small ways, making them think things that aren't real, see things that alter the way they percieve each other, so that when the transformation is complete, they won't be able to tell one boy apart from the other.

Maybe he should fight it.

He thought back to the trip to Hogsmead. He still couldn't believe he and Malfoy had been holding hands. It was an innocent touch, like two children who share a kiss before they know what it really means. But then again, they weren't children.

He figured it was the spell. Maybe it moved onto another part of their minds, a part that made them want to touch. It would explain his lack of questioning when Malfoy grabbed his hand.

Anyone could have saw. It was stupid to do that in public, but Harry wasn't thinking straight. And that was dangerous.

But the biggest issue was the fact that neither of them even hesitated. They were almost unaware of the moment. Oblivious to their surroundings.

Harry didn't want to lose anymore control over his actions.

He was so lost in his debate he failed to notice the large boy who was showing off his pet toad's newest trick, in the middle of a hall. Hartley grunted as Harry didn't even try to stop the run in. They collided. Hartley flailed, turned in a flurry, obviously ready to attack the person who dared touch him.

He froze once Harry came into his eyesight. The brunette watched the giant boy carefully. Hartley stood with his mouth open, insult ready, his wand arm half way raised. In his other hand his toad struggled to get free.

Hartley swallowed, open and closed his mouth and finally snapped it shut. He gathered his bag and turned on his heel, leaving Harry blinking after him.


Harry sat up a bit straighter. It had been awhile since the blonde had said his name with such annoyance.


What's wrong with you?


There was a fight in the hall between two Hufflepuffs and I...

I just broke it up.


So, now people are talking! I have a reputation to uphold. I can't go around stopping whimpy wanna be fights. People will think I'm going soft.

Harry immediatly thought back to the dreams he'd been having.

Most of them were about Malfoy's childhood and every one surprised the Gryffindor. He had gotten a sneak peak into the secret life of the Malfoy's and underneath their holier-then-thou attitudes they were actually decent people. Despite their almost obsessive need to be noticed.

He couldn't understand why it was so important for them to have a strong public persona, but knew it was drilled into Malfoy at a young age.

The blonde valued the way other people saw him. Not necessarily their opinions, but more their attention and respect. It was important to him.

I have to get my power back.

And what do you want me to do about it?

I have a plan, actually. And I need your help.

What's in it for me?

Harry almost took back the Slytherin-like statement. Almost.

Well, it looks like I'm not the only one getting new characteristics. Or have you always been a little bad?

Wouldn't you like to know?

What do you want?

Harry thought and before he could doubt it he was answering.

Stop coming into my mind when I don't know it.

There was silence.

I don't...

I know what you can do. I've done it. Only twice. It's an invasion of my privacy. It's rude and I want you to stop.

And you'll take only my word?

Harry thought about it.

I will.


Good. Now what's your plan?

Harry tapped his foot nervously. The agitation made him fidgit. He was about to start a fake fight with Malfoy. It was the blonde's brillant plan. Start a fight that ends with a duel or in blows so he can prove he's not going soft.

The Slytherin was about to come around the corner any minute now. Class was going to be let out and in another minute the hall would be flooded with students.

Students who would see them fighting and be reassured Malfoy was still a tough guy. His reputation would remain intact.

Great in theory, but Harry was still anxious. He wasn't sure what he was going to say. In all honesty he had no desire to fight Malfoy any more. He was stuggling to come up with an insult. Maybe he should have taken up Ron on his offer and let the red head come along. He'd be very helpful right about now.

Blonde invaded his vision. He blinked letting his eyes focus on Malfoy as he stepped into the space Harry had been staring at.

" Ready?"

The only greeting he gave. Harry could understand. Time was short.

Harry shrugged.

"Come on, Potter. I need you to make this look good."

Harry was having an even harder time thinking of reasons he'd want to hurt the boy before him, now that Malfoy was so close. Thoughts of hands and skin and heat immediatly took over. Harry shook them away.

" Alright. How do you want to..."

He didn't get a chance to finish. Malfoy shoved him. Hard.

Harry stumbled back, but before he could regain his balance hands were forcing him down. He landed with a thump. Malfoy looked over his shoulder and then down at him.

" Get up."

Harry stood, annoyance bubbling up, as he moved to the Slytherin. Two doors opened and students filed out into the hall just four doors down.

Harry looked over and Malfoy took advantage of his distraction.

The blonde's fist connected with Harry's stomach. He grunted as the soft flesh was hit. He quickly forgot all about the students. His attention soley on the boy smirking before him. He reached for his wand, but Malfoy stopped him.

No wands.

Harry didn't have time to register the words. Malfoy tackled him to the floor. He let out another grunt as his back landed on the caslte floor.

It should have been worse then the diner. Having the Slytherin breathing in his face, hands connecting with his body, his thighs strattling his own. But some how Harry didn't get distracted by Malfoy sitting on top of him.

It could have sometihng to do with the fact that he was punching him.

Harry grappled with the boy and ended up throwing him off. He breifly wanted to look around and check to see if people were buying this, becuase to him it felt more like a wrestling match then a real fight between enemies, but he never got the oppertunity.

" What's going on over here?"

Professor Leeches' voice broke up the crowd around them. Harry tried to look ashamed.

" Nothing professor."

Malfoy answered. Harrry nodded.

" Since I didn't see anything and I doubt you're actually gonig to tell me what happened, I won't give you detention. But it would be wise of you to move on."

" Yes Sir."

Satisfyed that that would be enough Professor Leeches left. Malfoy glared at him and stalked away. Harry noted that a few lingering students jumped out of his way and hoped it meant his plan worked.

Why did you tell Hartley to stop messing with me?


Hartley. You threatened him. Why?

How do you know that?

I heard you.

Oh. So it's okay for you to listen to my conversations, but not the other way around?

Well, it makes a difference when mine are held in private and yours are in the middle of a hall.

Harry didn't get an answer.

Why do you call him Hartley?

Don't change the subject.

No, I'm not. It's just he insults you and pisses you off. But you use his first name.

Malfoy. Harry warned him.

See. Why the formality? I've known you longer and have way more reason to bother you.

You want me to use your first name?

Harry thought about it. It seemed odd. He was Malfoy. He'd always been Malfoy. It even sounded wrong when other people called him Draco. He didn't think he would ever be able to do it.

Forget it.

Wait. You didn't anwser my question.

Oh, right. Why did I get Masterson of your back? Well, it's obvious isn't it? I fancy you. No brutish oversized under-brained dolt is going to insult my love. I had no other choice but to defend your honor. Becuase clearly you're the woman in this relationship.

Harry was stunned. He knew the blonde was being sarcastic, but something tightened in his throat all the same.

What do think? It's that stupid Gryffindor what-ever I seem to be catching. You know I can't resist a damsal in distress. You didn't stand up to him. So I took matters into my own hands.

Harry didn't respond right away and Malfoy didn't say more.

Harry had to bite his lip to keep quiet. He didn't stop even when he tasted blood. Even when he realized he didn't need a mouth to make a comment. It was in vain, though. Too far gone on lust and almost ten minutes of teasing to care that the reasoning in his mind was faulty, Harry shoved his own hand into his pants.

Holding his breath as he closed around his erection, he squeezed with a strong steady pressure. He pulled roughly on the soft skin beneath his hand, trying to find a rhythm. Malfoy's panting sounded louder this time.

Harry closed his eyes giving over to the sensations. He didn't have a particular vision in his head this time, just the feel of his hand and the sound of Malfoy's breathing and occasional gasp. He wasn't even concerned that the latter held most of his focus.

Harry thrust his hand harder into his fist as he moved faster, searching for something more. His thumb roamed over the tip of his penis as he groaned, nearly in frustration. The friction had him thrashing around, but something was missing.

He bent his knee trying to get more leverage, all the while he continued working his hand.

When his hand suddenly loosened it's hold, Harry lifted his head off the pillow. He held his breath as he waited. Malfoy was reaching across their connection and touching him.


Kind of.

While that may have been Harry's hand, it was not Harry who was dragging those fingers up and down his shaft.

Harry shivered, but didn't move otherwise. His hips stayed firmly in place, his back straight, except for the beating of his rapid heart and the pulsing in his dick he was completely still.

Harry waited.

Malfoy didn't. He left Harry's errect dick and skimmed his fingers down one thigh and up the other, as far as he could reach. The feature light touches made Harry twitch and his heart jump. The hand hesitated and Harry laid his previously bent leg down flat onto the mattress.

Taking it as the silent invitation it was, Malfoy traced the length of Harry's thighs once more, before following the outline of his hip up to his stomach.

The muscles contracted and released as Malfoy drew a ring around his bellybutton. Harry gasped when one finger dipped inside then quickly painted a trial down to his almost painful erection. The finger kept it's path to the tip then back down to the middle of the length, where it was joined by the rest of the fingers.

They hugged the member and proceeded, in an agonizingly slow pace, to rub up and down. The brunette pushed into the hand, urging it to increase it's pace, but it didn't relent.

Harry was going to say something, what he had no clue, but only a strangled noise erupted from his throat. With out warning the hand tightened and began stroke rapidly. Up and down, pulling and tugging in an almost desperate way.

The build up and teasing was worth it if it led to this, Harry decided. He smashed his head into the pillow behind him as he bucked his hips into his warm hand.

His free hand was resting on his stomach and he was fascinated to feel Malfoy had control of that one as well. It wasn't moving just resting, fingers splayed out across his bellybutton.

Harry's mind melted into a babble, just a string of words flowed through his mind.


Before he collapsed, sweaty, struggling for air. The intensity of what happened combined with the down right hotness of it left Harry feeling more buzzed then tired.

He took a few moments to calm down.

He shifted on the bed wondering how much sleep he could get before morning came.

You should have used Dragon's tongue.

Harry was so startled he yelled. And not just in his head. He quickly peeked out of his curtain and watched Ron roll over and grunt. After ten seconds of frozen fear, he pulled his head back inside and let it fall to the pillow.

Malfoy was talking to him. After they just....

Hello? Potter?


The potion wouldn't have blown up if you had. I thought you were getting better at school. Isn't some of my intelligence rubbing off on you?


Harry still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the other boy was trying to have a conversation with him. They had never talked after. It was one more clause in their silent contract. They did what they did. Then they went to sleep. That's how it had always been.

They didn't say goodnight. They didn't thank each other and they never mentioned what they did. That was the way it went. This was completly coming from left field.

You should realize how luck you are. I get a case of the softies, helping little lost children every where and you get smarter. How is that fair?

I don't think the spell cares about fairness.

Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead and pulled the blanket over his bare chest.

I'm just saying, don't you have any bad qualities? A secret desire to dress up in women's clothes, sacrifice goats? Anything?

You want to sacrifice goats?

I'd say yes, but you know the answer already. It's just that I've been getting all your good (Harry could see the eye roll) characteristics and you seem to be getting all my negative ones. Haven't you noticed?

Harry thought. He didn't really consider that Malfoy had any other characteristics. It never occurred to him he was only getting some of his personality traits, rather then all of them.

Merlin! Potter! You really think I'm just an evil git, don't you?

Harry shrugged and then was thankful the blonde wasn't able to see him.

Can you blame me? It's all you've ever been to me.

That may have been true in the past, but...

He suddenly stopped and despite himself Harry strained an ear.

It may interest you, that I have many reputable qualities. I'm loyal to those I care for. I have respect, for those who earn it. I am discipline and have manners you never even knew existed. While I may not break my back helping poor little orphans, I can be quite kind and generous. And as you already have experienced, my intelligence is nothing to be doubted.

Harry ignored the completely high brow way that came off and tried to focus on the good. He was a Malfoy after all, some cockiness is be expected.

You're right, Malfoy. I never thought of it that way before.

Well, what about you?

What about me?

You must have some dirty little secrets.

Harry blushed, once more thankful they were no where near each other.

Not really. 'Other then this', was left off.

Liar. Everyone has at least one thing. What's yours?

Are you looking for blackmail, Malfoy? Trying to get a confession out of me, so you can use it against me later?

Potter, do try and pay attention. I just explained I'm not the bad guy. Whether we like it or not, things are different now. I was just curious, but if your not willing to share, then I'm not going to force you.

It wasn't that Harry didn't want to share. It was more that he had nothing to share. Sure he'd broken rules, snuck out at night, told the occasional lie, but it was all for something noble or to help someone else. He knew it wouldn't be good enough for the Slytherin, so he didn't even bother trying. There was one thing, but it was still in the developmental stages. And it was nothing Harry would share with the blonde any way.

He stayed silent.

Fine. But I am concerned. You spend way to much time focused on other people.

What do mean?

I spent half my day listening to Blaise drone on and on about his father and how they constantly fight over his future. He wants to be a dragon handler and not go into the family business.

So? Don't you talk to your friends about their problems.

Yes, but to a point. Especially, Blaise. That boy could talk until his mouth fell off. Once he noticed I was listening and I cared, I mean really cared, I couldn't get him to shut up. I've heard the story a thousand times. And I've already expressed my opinion on the subject.

Which is?

Fuck his father.

With respect of course. Harry added in with a smirk. Malfoy ignored him.

He should do what he makes him happy. It's his life. Which I told him. Which he ignored. And when I finally extracted myself from that situation, Pansy managed to figure out that I was channeling you and decided to take advantage.

I had to sit through two more hours of what I can only describe as slow merciless torture.

But you'll be happy to know I spoke with her about getting Whittany a new victim. Apparently there is a guy in transfigurations interested. That poor bastard.

Harry hummed an answer. He felt drowsy all the sudden. He sank further into the pillow.

Pansy's putting together a study group. I think Granger and her planned it. Which I must say unnerves me to no end. Did you know they were getting along? I can't imagine what those two would do if they put their minds to it.

Harry nodded sleepily.

I think their going to try and get us to join. Something about house unity. I'm not sure I drifted. She can be so stubborn. It's like talking to a train. Everything's a blur, it happens so fast.

Harry let his eyes close.

I wonder sometimes how her head doesn't burst open with all the things running through it. It was some what therapeutic, listening to her. All the drama she to deal with, has made me re-evaluate the things in my life.

Harry's whole body relaxed as he slipped into unconsciousness. Malfoy's voice continued on as it carried him into the land of sleep.