
Two Graves (ON HOLD. sorry...)

The official discord link : https://discord.gg/CxvPeUN Thanks to you guys, I won the gold tier rewards for WPC#120. Thanks for your support! I thought I died, it wasn't a great feeling but at least I could rest now, right? But something is dragging me. What should I do? I'm tired, I can't even get up. I opened my eyes, buildings were burning, smoke everywhere, the sky was red, like sky was bleeding itself. And then I saw 'It'. A three headed dog like creature, my left leg in his mouth, bleeding. Is the the end? Enter the world were our MC (Zeroll Lancaster) after being betrayed by his loved one dies only to be resurrected 2000 years later to find the world is now overtaken by monsters. He is soon betrayed in the future as well and is left to die. Can he survive this? p.s. I've added character backgrounds of various important characters as auxiliary chapters. Please go through it once that character has been introduced in the main story. Sorry for the inconvenience.

AkshatArpit · Games
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55 Chs

Beginning Of The End (Part One)

ASHIRA! Why did you do it?" Zeroll was enraged, confused, and heartbroken. He Couldn't believe what was happening here... his beloved Ashira turned against him and killed everyone he cared about. While he was thinking all this, two of the remaining hooded figures removed their hood off... it was Xephirous and a woman Zeroll was seeing for the first time.

"I should thank you for releasing us from our prisons," Xephirous smirked. "It's all thanks to you I got freed from that dungeon, after all you killed every guard in there. Hell you even liked the monsters I couldn't."

"But you summoned the God deities to help you in the battle!" Zeroll exclaimed remember how Xephirous summoned a horde of monsters in the dungeon to kill him.

"Oh they were the Guardians, the last line of defense against an intruder. They had nothing to do with me! I simply acted as if I was able to control them but in truth they were there to prevent you from helping me escape."

"Keep your bullshit to yourself! You escaped long before I could kill the God deities."

"You mean something like this?" Xephirous dropped his robes and immediately his presence was erased. It was like he never entered Livania along the other two. "Invisibility! Pretty neat huh?"

"And the same goes for me." Ashira spoke up after Xephirous reappeared at her side. "I Would've still be imprisoned by Vruukor and the other Ogre's if not for you, my love, and as a thanks, I know you enjoyed our countless passionate nights in the bed." She winked at him.

The third person, didn't said anything but she simply snapped her fingers and countless black colored rods appeared around Zeroll and Livania. Zeroll immediately recognised these rods, these were the same rods that Kayla used on him during the time he invaded Livania... to 'save' Ashira and the others. These rods had special power which prevented Zeroll from summoning the beasts to help him out.

"Don't worry my love, even if you were able to summon your annoying beasts, Nikita here," Ashira pointed the finger at the woman standing next to her, "Would've taken controll of them, it's her specialty after all. Oh! I nearly forgot, I have a surprise for you."

All of a sudden the ground started to shake, a trail of dust could be seen beyond the gate. Zeroll refocused only to see thousands upon thousands monsters were making their way towards the defenseless capital. Even with his summons he'd have had a tough time dealing with these many monsters, that is if Xephirous and the others didn't interfere in the fight. But Zeroll had a final card up his sleeve. He took out some sort of remote from the his inventory and proceeded to press various buttons before crushing the remote in his hands. The second he crushed the remote, suddenly various blockades appeared out in the barren lands around Livania, the main gate was shut by many thick walls of steel based alloy, making it impossible for anyone to invade the city... for the time being. But it wasn't all, the turrets, artillery guns, mecha suits and various other defenses were now active and were operating on their own, engaging the horde of monsters that were rushing towards Livania.

"Looks like you weren't the only one who had a surprise, my 'love'." Zeroll smiled at others who weren't smirking anymore. "Pretty neat huh?"

Although on the outside Zeroll seemed confident and unraveled, in the inside he knew that without his summons, he might not be able to deal with all three of them at once, he'll have to divide them up somehow and take them down once after another, but could he really hurt Ashira? Zeroll shook his head.

"I need to stay focused now." He thought, and once again equipped the God Slayer blades. "I'll have to take down this Nikita woman first, then I'll have to get rid of the rods and pillars that are scattered around the city but I don't think it'll be easy to do so... the main pricks right now is Xephirous."

"That priestess... blocking my... thoughts... can't help till... dead." Xorzorud's broken voice echoed in Zeroll's head.

"What's happening? The system isn't responding."

"I can... help... system... active... but that's all I can..." Xorzorud's voice died down but he already helped Zeroll a lot, with the system active once again Zeroll could turn the tide of the battle.

"Got any ideas on how to get rid of them?" Zeroll asked the system.

"You'll need your summons to complete the plan that I've formulated" Zeroll heard a familiar voice inside his head.

"Nicholas is that you?" Zeroll was surprised to have his old comrade back with him.

"Indeed I am, Lord XORZORUD, cured me of the bug that the priestess had implanted in me." Nicholas replied.

"But I can't summon any monsters as long as the pillars are active."

"Then go out of their range!"

"You're right!" Zeroll exclaimed and immediately wings popped up out of the armor he was wearing.




"He's planning to escape the city, DO SOMETHING!" Ashira shouted at Xephirous, who activated his own armour and flew towards Zeroll but no matter how hard he tried to catch up to Zeroll, Zeroll anyways managed to outrun him. Xephirous and the others thought, that Zeroll was gonna run away but instead he was headed towards the horde of monsters.

"Just what is he thinking?" Xephirous thought as he chased Zeroll.


"Sir! Large activity has been detected in sector 57." Alisha reported to John, barging in on a high level meeting that was going on. Leaders from all around the were currently present there and no one was allowed to interfere while the meeting was going on, but someone just did that.

"Isn't that the sector Livania is situated at?"

he replied, "Someone get a satellite into position, enable the surveillance cameras on the satellite right now!"

Everyone present in the room was shocked to see the cool and level headed colonel of the human army, lose his cool so easily. They got to know why was it so, as the aerial footage showed the scenario around Livania.

"Oh my god!" One of the leaders, exclaimed.

Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing. An endless swarm of monsters was heading towards the city.

"How many monsters are there?" John asked, hoping that someone would answer his question.

"According to rough estimates, around 350,000 monsters and beasts are currently headed towards Livania."

Just then they saw something came out of livania and was flying towards the horde of monsters.

"What us that? Zoom in on that!" John barked.

The operator followed the command and zoomed in on the figure, and everyone was shocked once again, after all a single human being was flying towards his certain death.

"Wait isn't that... Zeroll Lancaster!" Alisha shouted.

No one else said a word, they thought that Zeroll was the one leading the monsters when they saw him controlling the huge army of monsters he was controlling when they attacked the vampires who were hiding as normal humans. But now he was fighting against the monsters? No one knew what was happening anymore.

"Prepare long range missiles and open fire on the monsters. Prepare fighter jets and plasma cannons to aid Zeroll in any way you can." John calmly ordered his subordinates, who immediate went on to execute the commands that were given to him.

"Just what the hell you think you're doing?" The Official from before shouted at John, "He killed so many of soldiers and you want to help him after that?"

"Who do you think those monsters will come after once they've destroyed Livania? Of course they'll target other human cities! And what do you think they'll be able to do against such devilish force! Please don't misunderstand me, I'm just trying weaken the enemy so that, we can put a stop at the monsters then and there itself. We can always bring Zeroll back to us and decide what to do next." John explained the situation to the other leaders and no one else questioned his motive again. "I just hope we're not late."


"Are we out the range yet?" Zeroll asked Nicholas.

"We just crossed the barrier. You can now summon the monsters as you please." Nicholas replied.

As soon as Zeroll heard this he immediately landed on top of the monsters, creating a huge crater upon impact. The impact also killed many unfortunate monsters, but Zeroll didn't stop there.



Cooldown : 30 minutes.


The area surrounding him was covered in fog and mist, and soon the cries of the monsters could be heard as they kept dying.

"How many of them are left?" Zeroll asked Nicholas, as the fog started to fade.

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 335,000•

"Damn it! Even my summons won't be able to handle them!"

"Don't worry, I have a gift for you... even though you wouldn't have unlocked this skill until you reached the level of R80, but under special circumstances, I'm allowing you to use this skill."



UNDEAD REALM : This skill allows you to enhance your necromancy abilities. Any being that you or your summons slay would be resurrected to fight along with you, However you won't be able to make these monsters into your summon.

Duration of skill : 2 hours.

Cooldown : 15 days.


"I missed you so much, Nicholas!" Zeroll exclaimed with excitement.

"I know. Now less talking, more killing." Nicholas replied.



Cooldown : 15 days.


After activating his newly received skill, Zeroll summoned each and every summon he had and the battle between the two forces began. As the battle progressed, the strength of Zeroll's army increased exponentially. The more monsters were killed, the more soldiers Zeroll got.



"How many of them are remaining?"

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 215,000•

"Alright keep me posted." Zeroll said as he kept killing more and more monsters, activating one skill after another. He even activated NIGHTMARE BREATH, twice now. He had to speed up if he wanted to take care of the monsters the skill duration got over. Although Zeroll was preoccupied by the monsters he saw Xephirous, flying back towards the city.

"He must have gone to get Nikita, once she's out here my summons would get useless." Zeroll thought. "Damn it only if I had a way to kill these monsters faster."

A stream of fire went over his head and exploded on the monsters ahead, killing hundreds of monsters in a instant. But that wasn't all, when Zeroll looked up in the red sky, he saw hundreds of missiles were approaching towards the monsters, obliterating thousands in an instant!

"If I live through this, I'll make sure to thank however is doing this." Zeroll said, making a mental note.

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 186,000•

The missiles kept raining down and the number of monsters plummeted. And Zeroll's army kept increasing.

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 175,000•

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 158,000•

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 124,000•

•Total headcount of enemy forces: 48,000•

"10 more minutes before the skill ends. Time to you that spell then."



Cooldown : 5 hours.


A surge of energy was felt by Zeroll and his summons, they were being fuel by pure rage. Their eyes were glowing brightly. They felt like not even the Gods would be able to harm them. They were invincible!

Under the effect of this skill Zeroll and his army of monsters were able to kill the remaining monsters with ease, and soon the skill duration ended and all of his summons, except, the elite summons and the general summons disappeared.

But the fight was far from over, as Xephirous, Ashira and Nikita, made their way towards him.

The chapter turned out to be bigger than I expected hence I'll be focusing it into two parts.

I'll post the second half of thd chapter either today or tomorrow.

Thank you for reading! And if you find any type of mistakes then please leave a chapter or paragraph connect so that I can correct it.

See you later!

AkshatArpitcreators' thoughts