
Chapter 3

Alisa and Ellie walked home together. Reaching Ellie's house, Alisa hugged her good bye and watched as Ellie walked up the path to her door. Alisa thought about something then ran after Ellie and grabbed her arm. "ELLIE WAIT!" Ellie turned around "hm?"

"meet me at the park in 2 hours." Alisa said.

"okay!" said Ellie while smiling.

Alisa waited at the park for 43 minutes and still no Ellie. Alisa was worried that Ellie wasn't coming and just as she was about to leave.. "I'M SO SORRY!!!!!" Ellie said while running up to Alisa. Alisa chuckled at the fact that Ellie was always late to everything. "So," said Ellie, "why did you want me to come?" Alisa was a little scared but she did it anyway... Grabbing on to Ellie's waist she looked deeply into her eyes. "Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Alisa said in a calming voice. Alisa pulled Ellie closer and closer until their lips touched. Alisa deeply kissed Ellie and Ellie kissed back. Ellie pulled away but then jumped into Alisa's arms to give her a hug which sent them both to the ground. Now they were on the ground, Ellie on top of Alisa and they both laughed. Ellie got up lending a hand to Alisa. "*giggling* sorry" Ellie said. "thats okay." Alisa said smiling. Alisa looked into Ellie's eyes and said... "Ellie..? Will you be my girlfriend..?"