
Chapter 27: The Revenge

While us girls are eating, we can’t help but talk about Alex’s twin sister.

“Actually, I just met here thrice ever since Alex and I dated. The first time I met her, I already notice her strong presence. Alex already explained it to me beforehand about her sister. But I said, since I am her brother’s girlfriend, maybe she will treat me nicely and she could possibly change a bit. But no, we did not even become close, even a bit. She only talks to ne if she wants to, that’s how are relationship were as sisters-in-law. Even after Alex and I got married. I am not ruining her image or something, but she and their mom is just so alike. Although there’s a little difference too, because their mom is a bit nicer in a way but then how she treats their maids and staffs is kind of strict.”

"No wonder. Now we know where that brat got that attitude from.”