
Two Dysfunctional Heroes

This is a story of two dysfunctional people trying to find themselves amidst the chaos around them. One, so delusional, he thought he was some sort of hero destined to save the world; and the other, equally delusional, who believed she could revive the dead. A story of two delusional fools refusing to face reality.

Arkira · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Troubled Prince

[Elian's POV]

"Richard, who is that young lady? What is she doing? I don't think I've seen her anywhere, or I would have remembered. With hair as red as hers, I don't think I'd ever forget," I said. Before I knew it, questions came pouring out of my mouth. Richard, who was hiding his face underneath a dark green cloak, let out a groan.

"I… I don't think I'd seen anyone with hair as red as hers either."

I pursed my lips as I continued to observe the woman from afar. I didn't think she noticed us yet.

She stood in a small clearing while holding a pair of wooden sticks in her hands, her eyes focused as she did a series of actions. Her movements were swift and precise as she expertly spun the sticks in intricate patterns. The smooth sound of wood slicing through the air was the testament of the force behind each strike.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn't captivated. Not by her face but by how fluid her motions were as she executed those strikes with such focus and control.

However, she suddenly paused mid-strike, her grip on the sticks tightened, and her sharp gaze landed in our direction. She noticed us.


I glared at Richard, who was just as surprised as I was.

"Come on, don't give me that look, Elian. I definitely hid our presence just now," he said, biting his lip. "Should we go back to the castle? Report it to His Majesty and—"

"No. I have a feeling I must have a conversation with the lady first. Prepare a teleportation circle and hide. When I call for you, you must come out immediately. Understood?"

Richard didn't seem pleased with the idea, so I added another just to convince the fool. "I am a Sword Master and you are a Wizard. Do you really think a woman with a wooden stick who just happens to know some fancy moves could defeat us?"

He simply stared at me with a resigned look. "Fine," he said after turning invisible.

After taking a deep breath, I finally revealed myself. She seemed surprised that I revealed myself so easily, but it only lasted for a moment before she gathered herself while maintaining a safe distance between us.

What intrigued me though was the look in her eyes that seemed to be bored at everything. She gave off the presence of a hermit who had secluded herself from society for a very long time while secretly getting stronger. That was the feeling I was getting from her.

"It's real. It definitely is real. Now grandma's death wouldn't be in vain anymore." I heard her mumble. She seemed out of it.

"You," she then said to me. "You must be Elian Kaufman, right? The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Bram. I have longed to meet you for a very long time."

Chill immediately crept up to my spine as our eyes met. Her eyes definitely weren't sane. For a second I thought she was crazy for sure, but they were clear. Her eyes were clear despite the unexplained lunacy behind it.

'Just who is this woman? And how could she recognize me in my disguise when not even my father, the King, could recognize me in this?'

My instinct kicked in and my hand flew to the hilt of my sword and aimed the blade to her neck.

"Confess at once, young lady. Who are you? Which kingdom did you come from, and why are you dressed so weirdly?" I asked her. I couldn't help but raise my voice. It was to hide the fact that I was shaken up a bit.

But she didn't answer. Instead, she simply looked at me as though she was pitying me.

And it was at that moment…

"Um, mister from, uh… respected kingdom. Would you mind it if you put down your sword for a moment and talk? I think there is a misunderstanding."

Somehow, I didn't notice the man who was looking nervously between me and the red-haired lady. I only noticed him when he spoke. They had the same facial features, wearing the same type of clothes, only that his hair wasn't red like hers. Although black was uncommon, black was nonetheless not surprising.

I was about to put down my sword. After all, I mainly wished to have a conversation with the lady when she suddenly asked me. "Who are you?"

'Huh? Is she messing up with me? Why must she ask who I am when she already knows?'

Her reddish-brown eyes shone purple. It only lasted for a split second but that split second made my knees weak.

"Just now, your eyes," I mumbled. She grinned at me as she tilted her head to the side.

'Her neck is bleeding. I should stop this now,' I debated in my head.

"Shit, this is bad. Kyle! Kyle, wake up!" The man behind her yelled and ran towards me.

'What kind of attack is this? No. I must stop him.'

"Richard, restrain him."

"Yes, sir."

Richard responded as soon as I called him. He should know what to do so I turned my attention back to the lady.

"Just now, your eyes turned purple," I told her. "It was only for a split second, but it did turn purple. I saw it."

Anxiety slowly crept up to me. Enough to make my hand tremble a bit so I tightened my grip on the sword to conceal it. Her white shirt was turning red with blood at a rapid pace.

And then she grinned once more, in a way more sinister than the last one.

"I don't know what you're talking about but could you please take away your sword? At this point, you'd slice through my vocal chords before I could answer you."

It was then that I saw what was happening to my sword. It had corroded in a matter of seconds.

"You… A-Are you a mage?" I blurted out. I didn't mean to stutter. And I knew she definitely wasn't a mage. "Yes. Yes, indeed. This could be fate as well."

'It is Blood Magic. I have to speak to His Majesty.'

The curse of my family. The curse of my birth.

'Father, I think I found her.'

"Richard, treat her wound and take care of her companions. I have the need to chat with the young lady after I calm myself. I'll be back."