
Two different worlds the world which comes with sacrifice

this story based on a person who can travel through other world with his power. always loved by his friends.

ParAbola · Urban
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7 Chs

Once Again Love

Crystal we are almost there.

Boss:- hey you little boy. It's not good call for your death on your own.

Sunichi:- hmm,i don't think so that I am going to die today. I think it's your death day. Happy death day. My love

(Crystal:-(cry) master I think more in to boys is something wrong with you.

Sunichi:- No, i am more into girls but what made you to have that thought.

Crystal:- master,but you call him my love.

Sunichi:- It's just to make my dialogue more powerful. I think you are the crazy one to have those thoughts.)

Boss:- what are you blabbering anlone there, don't tell you are a mental patient.

Sunichi:- No I am not.

Boss:- show me your face you filthy human

Sunichi:- how can I. You don't have that much bulbs, to light up your basement. Okay enough talking. Now you can see my face can you remember me.

Boss:- how-w-ww how can this be possible. Im-mpo-ssible, I did stab you with my hands. Howw

(Crystal:- [angry] he tried to kill you. I gonna kill him, i am not going to ask you again

Sunichi:-oka-y. Wait )

A sudden blast his head had fallen away from his body. I can smell the blood like a beast. Did I actually kill that man he is no more. This is blood dark red. Ha ha ha I feel the monstrous beast in side me. No one in this world can defeat me.

Suddenly a mere boy from that gang swing his dagger and made a cut on my face, I swing my finger in air now he is dead. Did I kill a boy of age 12 years old.

Who am I

I did kill a boy.

Crystal:- master are you okay. Are you all right. You are bleeding .

Sunichi:- from now on don't call me master call me with my name.

Crystal:- but master how can I.

Sunichi:- Do as what I say. What I did today is-i-s, okay I need rest

Crystal:- master are you okay

Sunichi:- hmm I need some rest.

Crystal:- mas-te-r I want to ask you something

Sunichi:- let's go somewhere that I know. Where I can rest

Crystal:- okay master

Then we headed to my favourite place it's peaceful green everywhere. Green trees ,buzzing bees , flaying birds , lovely clouds which made my mood refreshing

Sunichi:- you know crystal. In life of 18 year. When I feel depressed i always came nere this tree. I feel I know this tree like my friend.

Crystal:- master I am asking you to give me a name. You can't call me crystal all the time.

Sunichi:- can you show me your real form.

Crystal:- (shy)hmm master this is my human form but I am not that beautiful.

Sunichi:- can you always be in this human form( that means she will never peek in to my thoughts) so, beautiful (wait she is naked) paradise in earth


Crystal:- pervert just give me your dress. I can still peek in to your thoughts. Just shut your mouth and give me a name

Sunichi:- here you can use my upper dress and I am still thinking about your name

Crystal:- (shy,what wait is he really getting undressed, what godly physics he has)

Sunichi:- just take it ,I can still hear your thoughts and I am not a pervert.

Crystal:- it's okay because you are my master

Sunichi:- how many time I tell not to call me master . Just call me with my name

Crystal:- umm, Sunichi can just give me name. Anything pig,dog just give me a name

Sunichi:- what about Hikari which means light , because you bring the light in darkness of my life.

Hikari:- thank you master you are the best master ever,love you master

Sunichi:- what,here is the dress that i brought for you from my point of view, how's it


Sunichi:- ohh let's, go I have to surprise one of my friend.

Hikari:- oh Sunichi I can not manifest my spiritual from.

Sunichi:- Not now okay just forgot it , you have dress since you are not naked it's not embarrassing for me let's go to my home.

Hikari:- what now you are not embarassed, since the you praised me while I was naked back then

Sunichi:- okay okay let's go meet one of my friend.

Hikari:- hai hai let's go , one two one two

Sunichi:- stop it walk quietly

Since I don't know what happened that she could not manifest her spiritual from or she was telling lie to me. As being she was jealous of Himawari. Lovely future it's going to be fun since I am going to experience a cat fight between two of them. Oh no I allmost forgot about my lovely yui. She might be worried about me. After a nice meeting with Himawari and her family i should head to yui world. Ahh yui love you

(At the house of Himawari)

I ran into her house like it was my house. I know that Himawari may suffering from trauma, but she is going to get well since I am back.

Sunichi:- Himawari are you home. I am back.

Father:- oh man who hell are you acting like Sunichi.

Sunich:- uncle I am Sunichi. Ohh did you forget me.

Father:- A-re- are you alive.

Sunichi:- I am alive like I was the strongest person in the world.

Father:- I think you are alive , but who is that girl.

Sunichi:- she is the one save me that day. I told her to be with me. It's good to have a strongest person by your side

Father:- hmm, i know , but tell me that you two are not in love.

Sunichi:- it's not like that she is just one of my closest friend.

Father:- hmm

Sunichi:- where is Himawari. I haven't seen her since I came here.

Father:- she is suffering from trauma since that day. She thought that you are dead. She was not even eating properly.

Sunichi:- hmm where is she.

Father :- at her room

Sunichi:- I will go and surprise her

Father:- hmm , but your saviour can't go with you, can I have a talk with your saviour.

Sunichi:- yes she all yours

Hikari:- Sunichi( worried)

Sunichi:- he's one of my closest uncle don't get afraid of him.

Hikari:- Sunichi, don't take too much time.

(At Himawari's room)

Himawari's seem good but full of guilt. I love to surprise her but she is not good condition though.

Sunichi:- Himawari it's me I am back from hel-l. (Suddenly she just hugged me)

Himawari's:- just don't say anything you are all right it's just okay for me. I just thought you are de-d-d. Ah just forgot it be careful I just wanted to tell that that person threatened that that he just killed you stab stab. i your heart is okay right. Strip infront of me now I need to check. Your body if something happens to you. I said strip infront of me now.

Sunichi:- Himawari clam down I am alright. I just doged his attack and he never stabed me in my heart that's why I am alive. Okay clam down

Suddenly from now she tear up my t-shirt and hugged me with love, but that time her father,mother and Hikari came upstairs to check what happened. Oh no I am screwed. I actually dead.

Father:- hmmm, something between adults are going on, Sunichi you should control yourself you are adult but not married though. Love is inthe air.

Sunichi:- it's not what you are all thinking. She was just checking me.

Hikari:- Sunichi (angry) what in the world you are doing

Father:- what happened they are love birds. You child don't interfere in there matters

Mother:- (coldhearted)Sunichi come down stare i neeed to talk to you

Sunichi:- Himawari leave me your mom wants to talk about some thing.

Himawari:- noo

Mother:- Himawari (angry)

Father:- Sunichi be careful (joke)

Himawari's mother told me not to se her any more since Himawari is suffering from this trauma because of me. She told me to forget her and start a new life she doesn't want to get hurt Himawari in future because of me.

Sunichi:-(sad)okay, but

Mother:- enough, just leave her. If you want her alive.

After that I asked to take my leave. I was so disappointed but it's okay because it's for her indeed