
Two Different Majors Reincarnated as Siblings in Another World

They fought each other for their country. They shed blood everywhere just for peace. They died and disappeared and their bodies were respected by the people of their respective countries for what they had given. A war involving two men who have the rank of Major in the army, who are enemies, from different countries, must end with the harsh reality that the war they are participating in is not for the peace of their country. They were betrayed, betrayed by the superiors of their own country, then died in that rotten war and were reborn in another world at the same time and became twin brothers.

Bolcurut · Fantasy
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148 Chs


I had information about the wizard, so that's why I had a meeting in this library with Arsenio, which was full of bookshelves and there was no one but us.

It was only natural for the army to attend impromptu gatherings like this. I, who has the rank of Major in my country, always start impromptu meetings after getting information about our enemies. This happened because I had to quickly convey that to them. For that, I prioritize speed in sharing information, especially with something dangerous.

Arsenio, who opened and closed the book, was here as well. He's here to take my word for it, to attend this meeting. He was here even though with a dead face, looking lazy.

When you see his face, you will know that he is not comfortable with what I want to do; meeting. But, the fact that happened was, he was like that because this room felt so quiet, that it made him feel exhausted, and wanted to get out of here right away. In other words, I was the one at fault for holding a meeting in this very quiet library.

It can't be helped, this is the only room I can use. This library was rarely used by Androcles, Cecelia, or the maids. So, this is the best room to hold important hidden meetings.

I brought 3 thick books. I put the books on the chair, then I sat on it. I managed to sit up and be level with the table. Arsenio did that too before.

"I... I want coffee and a smoke."

I was confused to respond to his words. To be honest, he is ridiculous, but somehow he can say that at only 7 years old, he is not allowed to do that yet.

"So?" He looked at me with a questioning expression.

"Listen, this may be crazy, but I've managed to get information about Evan from Androcles. I've made Androcles say that. For that, I finally found out that Evan is a former knight."

"You believe the information the old man said?"

Arsenio still thinks Androcles is an old man, even though he already knows the real facts which he has witnessed with his own eyes.

Androcles and Cecelia are a young couple and have just occupied this castle which was given by the king of this land. When they got married, Androcles was 23 years old, while Cecelia was 20 years old. And now, the two of them are 30 years old and 27 years old. Even so, Arsenio still thinks Androcles is an old man.

He was like that because he didn't expect Androcles had natural hair. He had thought it was his gray hair from the first time he saw Androcles. His first impression of Androcles was that he thought Androcles was a grizzled man, who was over 50 years old.

He finally realized that Androcles wasn't that old when my hair started to the body. Arsenio is aware that both Androcles' hair, as well as mine, is natural. I have silver hair, so it's neither dyed nor gray.

"It can't be helped? We have to trust that information. What's more, we're very limited. You know, we can only be in this castle environment, right? We can't get out of here because we're only 7 years old."

Age is a barrier for me and Arsenio to leave here. We couldn't find information from the outside, we could only rely on the people and books in the castle.

"You're right," Arsenio said, agreeing with me.

"Right, isn't it? For that, whatever our father gives us, be it information or other hints, we must make good use of it. Remember, all forms..."

"Something small put to good use."

Arsenio cut me off. He knows what I want to say.

"Well, that's why we have to use this to find out about Evan's goals."

"So, what did you get from the information the old man said?"

I explained what I got to Arsenio, who was an army Major as well as me.

Evan, that's what he said earlier. He gave the name to me, Androcles, and Cecelia. Androcles knew that Evan was a former knight who had retired from it. Since retiring, Evan decided to become a magic teacher. He trains his students on how to use magic. That's why he was able to be there, teaching me how to use magic.

His face was indeed so innocent, and it looked like he was a good person. Even so, for humans living in a world of war, they would know that behind that innocent face was a thirst for blood. If he lived in Arsenio's and I's world, maybe he would be famous as a soldier who was at the forefront of war and brutally killed his enemies.

That could have happened if he lived there, but considering his environment wasn't there, he wouldn't show his brutal side to people. Maybe that's why he put on an innocent face in front of people.

I was able to notice it because of his conspicuous aura. It was the aura of the assassin. Arsenio knows that too. He was the first to be frightened when he saw Evan.

We share the same feelings. We firmly believe that Evan has a purpose other than teaching me magic.

"Former knight? Is that to say, soldier?"

"Yeah, it seems that way. It's just that, unlike us, they must protect the kingdoms and cities of this world from being attacked by monsters."

I have read books about knights in this world. They had a duty to guard cities and kingdoms. Their superiors are nobles who have high positions, including the leader of the kingdom, namely the king or queen.

They were very different from adventurers. They will not leave their environment until they receive orders from the kingdom. If adventurers freely determine their task, to explore places or just want to make money, knights can only wait, wait, and keep waiting until they get orders. In other words, they would only be in the city before receiving orders or attacking the city.

The lands of this world were almost completely peaceful, only a few conflicts were going on between the kingdoms. For this reason, wars are very rare in this world. There is only one thing that causes war and makes people gather as one, that is when bad demons appear and destroy some of the living beings in this world.

The lands would be at peace for a while, and they ordered their knights to confront the demons. To that end, the knights had other duties besides guarding the city and taking orders. They must protect this world.

That's what I read in a book about knights.

Evan is a former knight, but that doesn't mean he can be trusted. Maybe with his rank, knight, he would look good in people's eyes. For me, what I know is to be the deciding choice. I just couldn't believe Evan when I found out that Evan's aura was so bad, even though he was a former knight.

Arsenio seems to have started to understand what I explained, which is about the knight system in this world. He nodded once before finally opening it.

"In conclusion, he is a bad person," Arsenio said, scrolling through the pages of the book.

"That's how it is."

"I finally realized that I can't trust someone just because he has a good reputation. If Evan was a knight, he would be viewed by society as a good man. They wouldn't know what he was hiding and plotting thanks to his good reputation. This has already happened, and I felt it. I was betrayed by people I thought were good, and worst of all, I believed everything they said."

He seems to be starting to have a hard time trusting humans. He was just like me, died because he was betrayed by the country he fought for. We both died during the war.

"So Ernesto," Arsenio continued, glancing at me. "What do you think the former knight is up to? It's pretty easy for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You said that a knight's job is to take orders from the kingdoms, which also includes the nobles, right?"

"Yeah, I said that."

"He didn't quit his job. He was still a knight for his kingdom. If he worked on the orders of the royal leader, king or queen, not for the nobles, who were relatives of the royal leader, then he would never show he's here."

"I don't understand what you mean, Arsenio. What do you mean, it doesn't appear here that he works for the ruler of the kingdom?"

"Simply put, he gets orders from one of the nobles of that kingdom, not orders from the leader of that kingdom. You know what they ordered, right?"

I thought for a moment to find out about that command.

"I know."

"Yeah, you're the son of a noble family. Androcles and Cecelia are a couple from a noble family. You know what other nobles would do to a noble family they don't like, right?"

"They're going to get rid of the family."

"That is very correct."


"Evan will kidnap and sell me."


I was surprised when he said that. I didn't mean to say what he said at all. What I want to say is, Evan came here to kill Androcles and Cecelia. Somehow he could say that with confidence.

"It's true, having a good-looking face is very difficult," Arsenio continued, not thinking of me who was confused by his words. "A lot of people envy this handsome face. You know, Ernesto, maybe by kidnapping and selling me, the nobleman will make a fortune."

"No! It's not like that."

"It can't be helped, I have to accept that fact, the fact that my face is so handsome."

He ignored me. He tries to win over that thought, which says that Evan's goal is to kidnap and sell him at the behest of one of those noble families. I had no idea that he was so confident in thinking that.

He's so ridiculous.

"Listen to me, Arsenio!"

"What's wrong? Are you saying you'll be kidnapped too?"

"No! It's not like that!"

"So what?"

"Evan's goal... If what you say about he's still a knight is true, then he's planning to kill Androcles and Cecelia. He intends to kill our noble parents."

He wasn't surprised when I said that. The expression on his face is still the same. He was still stuck in this room even though he had proudly said something ridiculous earlier.

"And after that..." He glared at me. "He's going to kidnap you and me. That's probably another purpose of being here, not according to the orders of one of these nobles who hate our family. That's why, by kidnapping and selling you and me, he will earn money and become rich."


He stuck to that thought. I can only confirm that thought.

Arsenio had found a clue of Evan's arrival here. With that hint, I finally knew what Evan was here for. Even if it's uncertain, I'm still convinced of it and suspect Evan. Because after all, that aura from him, that murderous aura, I believe that it is real.