
Two Diaries: His and Hers

Kiara Noels and Jeremy Rain start off as friends. Their friendship blossoms into love, and they sincerely and truly love each other; until a third party comes along and separates them. Having no other friends except each other, the loneliness drives each to a point of desperation. Is it really possible to separate two people in love, and expect them to forget about each other? When they start to think in sync, and they find ways to reconnect; can they be brought back together? This is the story of two diaries; the story of two hearts born to be together!

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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110 Chs


Kevin sat facing the events manager, feeling very uneasy.

"You do know what you have been up to, don't you?" the lady asked in a cold tone.

"I have no idea, ma'am."

"Well, if it wasn't for me, you would have left Two-Sons a while ago. I have been trying hard to stand up for you."

"To stand up for me? In relation to what, ma'am?"

"Well, management received a complaint from the Pinkertons. They know that you were telling people about their private affairs. I'm afraid they may ruin Two-Sons, and we will all lose our jobs."

Kevin was silent. He thought about it and wondered how on earth the events manager came to know about that.

He did his best to explain that he did not say anything personal about the Pinkertons, but her manager did not listen to him.

"What is going to happen to me, then?" he asked in fear.

"In order to evade the Pinkertons' wrath, I suggest you just resign. Leave the job. It's decent for you to resign, compared to being fired."

"I cannot resign, ma'am. I really need this job! My parents are relying on me, please please, ma'am. I need this job." Kevin stood up and he felt tears clouding his vision.

"It's too late for that. You should have thought of that before talking too much."

"But I never said anything personal."

"OK, I will go back and report to senior management that you want to stay. Either way, you are leaving Two-Sons. Its either you will be fired or you will resign. Choose the better option."


When Kevin met Kiara to collect the phone, he was fuming in anger, accusing Kiara of selling him out.

"It wasn't me. Why on earth would I tell her, when I also have an issue to cover up? The best I can do, when it comes to this issue, is to talk to as few people as I possibly can. And that events manager, of all the people…surely you don't think I would ever want to talk to her about anything? Why would I want you out of your job? You're protecting my secret, remember? I wouldn't wish anything bad on you."

"So how did she find out?" he asked.

"I have no idea. And I don't want to receive a call from you ever again."

Kevin took the phone and said, "if you don't mind me asking, why do you hate Vine? You hate him, don't you? I cannot believe that there is a lady who can refuse to be with Vine, when the chance arises. I thought he was every lady's dream man."

"Well, I am not every lady," Kiara got into her car and drove off.

The miserable Kevin remained standing there, no longer excited about the new phone. Selling it was the first option on his mind, and he was still trying to find the right words to break the bad news to his family. He dreaded to imagine how his parents were going to react upon realizing that he was out of employment.

When Kiara left Kevin, she felt happy and relieved. Jeremy was going to be home late, so Kiara rushed home and started to prepare some food. Using some of her mother's finest recipes, Kiara prepared a very beautiful meal. She set the table and placed everything in red. On top of the red shiny placemats, she placed dinner plates which were red and gold. There were gold-rimmed glasses which she set on the table, together with beautiful cutlery.

The meal was really nice. During the preparation, Kiara picked her phone and asked her mother for a few steps,

"Add some cheese," her mother advised.

"Oh no, there is no cheese in the house," she said.

In a short while, Aletha knocked on the door, and brought along some cheese. She helped Kiara to finish up the preparation of the dishes, and she offered her red napkins to be used at the dinner. She also had some gold napkin holders which Kiara borrowed for the day.

Soon after everything was set, Aletha rushed back to her home, and Kiara went to take a quick shower.

While she was showering, Sharon walked into the house and was stunned.

"Wow, am I supposed to be a part of this, or it's a dinner for the two of them?" she spoke out loud to herself, walking closer to the table.

She saw that the table was set for three people, so she convinced herself that she too was part of the deal.

Kiara came down, all dressed up in one of the dresses that Sharon had previously bought. She had never worn it before, and on that day she wore it for the first time. Sharon's heart melted with joy. Kiara also wore a beautiful necklace with matching earrings.

Seeing that the mood was looking exorbitant, Sharon dashed to her room to freshen up, and she too wore a beautiful dress.

Jeremy walked in to seeing his two favourite ladies looking all smart.

"What's the occasion? What's happening today?" he asked.

"We're having dinner as a family, and I do have a few words to say to you both," Kiara said.

Jeremy couldn't wait. He rushed upstairs and dressed smartly, then came back to the table.

"I thought it was good to prepare this dinner, to express my gratitude for everything you are doing for me. I also want to apologise for my very bad emotional ups and downs, and I believe by now it is all over."

"Aww, my child. You really don't need to apologise."

"I need to, mum. I have to. I have not been the easiest person to stay with, but today I want to say you will not see the old Kiara again."

"Oh babe, I'm so happy to hear this," Jeremy squeezed her hand in his.

Kiara continued, "mum, you are the best mother any daughter-in-law can ever ask for. I wake up every morning to see some mango slices prepared for me, some ginger tea, some fresh pies...you go all out, mum, you just go all out." She began to cry some emotional tears.

'It's OK, my child. It is all OK."

"I am touched, mum. You wake up very early every day to bake some burgers to sell at your workplace. You have shown me nothing but love, mum. You even gave up your room for me, you gave up your comfort for me…" she trailed off and began to cry again.

"Aww, child. It's a happy day. Let us be happy and bury the past." Sharon stood up and stood behind Kiara's chair, massaging her.

"I'm grateful for you, mum. And you Jeremy, I am thankful that I have you in my life. I'm sorry for all the hurts I have made you go through because of me. And I know that you have been patiently waiting for our wedding. I'm sorry that I kept you waiting, but I do have a date now, Jeremy. I now have a date, and I am proposing the 1st of March, next year. We can get married on the 1st of March. How is it?"

"The 1st of March it is," Jeremy smiled.

"I cannot wait for March, my children," Sharon said. "I will have to update Jacob and Nesisa. They too have to be involved in the wedding preparations, that is if you don't mind, dear?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind, mum. Jacob and Nesisa are family." Kiara smiled. "Today I want to make everything right. For all the times that I have hurt you, Jeremy, I apologise."

The family went on talking happily, enjoying their very nice meal. There was also a very well-prepared dessert, and they all enjoyed it. It was already late at night when they retired to bed. Sharon fell asleep immediately, but Jeremy and Kiara spoke well into the wee hours of the morning. There just was a lot of catching up to do. And in his heart Jeremy was grateful to have his old Kiara back.

Life in the Rain family continued to go beautifully well. Kiara did not hear from Kevin, and she had deleted his number. There were many dinners between the Rain and Noels families, held at either of the houses. Sometimes they all went out to have fun. They went fishing. Jeremy and Travis did most of the finishing. The ladies would have loved to join in, but they ended up sitting with Kiara, for she complained of a nagging back ache. Life was becoming as beautiful as life can be. There was nothing more anyone could have asked for.

Many weeks later, on a Wednesday night, Sharon received a call from Jacob, informing her that Nesisa was in labour. It was already past her due date, for it was on the 6th of October. In excitement, Sharon woke Jeremy and Kiara up, and asked them to join her in prayer. She clarified to Kiara that if she felt tired, she was free to go back to bed, but Jeremy was supposed to remain in prayer.

Every half an hour or so, Jacob updated them. Then he went silent.

"Why isn't he updating us anymore?" Kiara sounded worried.

"I guess he is busy. He must be supporting Nesisa. I think we shouldn't call him. Let's leave him to give 100% support to his wife," Sharon explained.

The waiting seemed to go on forever, until Sharon's phone rang.

"Yes, Jacob!" she screamed into the phone.

"It's a boy, mum. A bouncing baby boy! We now have a son!"

"Put it on speaker, mum!" Jeremy told his mom.

"Hey Jeremy!" Jacob called out. "I'm now a dad. We have a little boy!! Nesisa and I have a little boy!"

There was a lot of joy and excitement. Jacob had to end the call sooner, since he needed to be with his wife. But even after the call had ended, Sharon, Jeremy and Kiara were still up, still celebrating the arrival of Sharon's first grandchild.

"I now have a grandson," she beamed with much joy.

On the evening of the next day, Nesisa called and spoke to everyone, expressing her joy. Kiara was mainly interested in knowing how bad the labour experience was, and Nesisa explained, giving every detail. Kiara was seriously scared, but she kept telling herself that if Nesisa could do it, she too could do the same.

The child was named Elvis Aneni (God is with me).