
Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

A previous affair had left him devastated. “I told no woman is allowed in my room!” he snatched the papers from her hands and hurled them in the air. “Leave this room! Now!” His resentment was clearly showing, he was furious, as he became breathless. Cold and aloof, with distressingly good looks, Yang Xinyu was the most eligible bachelor of City H. The magazines also labeled him as the most handsome demon king devoid of any emotions who was only interested in making money. Being a CEO of a multi-billion software company, he could have girlfriends at the drop of a hat. But after a chance event he was drawn to the pert and beautiful youth of Wu Lina. Was this love or madness to possess her, cage her? A brilliant and demure girl, Wu Lina was tied into a lifetime of sorrows and pain with two extremely binding contracts. Can Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina be happy together? *** He came and stood in front of her and pulled her chin up with one hand. His other hand snaked her tiny waist to pull her closer to him. He pressed her hard as if trying to merge her into his body. “You know how I yearn for you…” he kissed her lightly on her lips. “Please Lina…” he continued brushing against her lips. Her eyes became misty. She tried her best not to show her weakness to him but tears came unbridled. *** You can join me to discuss the story and characters on discord at https://discord.gg/yqKgCvQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MishakWrites-111759630206886/ Check out my other two novels: Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife - https://www.webnovel.com/book/14070042506289905 Feral Confessions - Adrianna and the Alpha - https://www.webnovel.com/book/13855323005708205/Feral-Confessions

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311 Chs

The Trauma

Yang Xinyu didn't return home, instead he drove his car to find her. He drove madly for three days, continuously searching for her on their favorite spots, but she remained elusive...

At one point of time he contemplated taking his life. When he could no longer drive and felt weak, he hid in a resort. The trauma was so severe that he lost his mental balance.

Worried, his parents finally traced him to that resort on the fifth day. When the manager of the resort opened his room with the master key, Mrs. Yang couldn't see anything properly inside because of thick smoke in the air that was reeking of tobacco. When she figured out where he was sitting, she paled at the sight and started crying upon seeing his face. He was sitting curled up in a corner. He hadn't eaten properly for days and appeared haggard. There were dark circles under his eyes and he hadn't even showered. He looked filthy and sweaty.

When he saw his mother and father, his smirked and wanted to explain the emptiness left in his life, instead he started laughing loudly. The police officer who accompanied them was baffled.

As the sweat ran down from his forehead into his eyes, Yang Xinyu's vision became hazy. He pointed at the officer and asked his parents, "Is he Ying Yue's boyfriend? I'll kill him!" And he charged at him, but the police officer was fast enough to dodge his attack. With much difficulty Yang Xinyu could be brought in control. Five men had to forcibly pin him to the floor.

Mr. and Mrs. Yang took their son back home with the help of the staff. They gave a lot of money to the resort staff so that they don't reveal anything about it to the media. They wanted to avoid any scandal and were scared that company's image might suffer. Their lawyer was later sent to the resort to get a signed letter of agreement.

However, at home Yang Xinyu's condition worsened with each passing day to the point that he had a nervous breakdown one day.

The housemaid aunt Si who had been with the Yang mansion ever since Yang Xinyu was a three year old child, discovered him in his room leaning against the cupboard, crying, on the verge of fainting. He was repeating idiotic sentences to himself. Yang Xinyu's condition made her miserable. She ran downstairs to call his parents immediately.

Chairman Yang Min-Chang was reluctant to the treatment earlier but later had to agree to the advice of his family's health physician to admit Yang Xinyu to the psychiatric hospital for some days.

Yang Xinyu was referred to the best psychiatric facility available in City H.


Of course this was all mentioned in the patient's history, which Wu Lina had read. At twenty-one she was one of the youngest and brilliant nurses of Hospital Goldmine. Although she was a new recruit she was already creating interest amongst the seniors in just a few months. She would follow the doctors orders exactly and often helped them with the most difficult cases in the most patient manner. For this reason the director of the hospital assigned her to Yang Xinyu.

He had briefed her with patient's history and directed her to read it in detail.

Dr. Zhou who was treating Yang Xinyu was in his late fifties and one of the most well experienced doctors in the faculty out there. He had specifically asked the director to assign nurse Wu Lina for the patient.

On the first day in the hospital, Yang Xinyu was given a sedative. He had slept the entire day only waking up for a short while in the evening to have some water. The doctor followed by the head nurse Su sāng ní came in his room during that time and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" asked Yang Xinyu wary of the man in front of him.

"I am your doctor and came to ask your general well-being," he replied with a gentle expression.

"Who is this woman next to you?" He looked as if he would strangle her. The head nurse quailed a bit.

"She's just a woman working here."

"Why is she here? Ask her to leave immediately! No woman is allowed to enter my room!" he shouted so loud that the head nurse cowered and took a few steps back.