
22. What we don't say

Mirabel liked Casita. Casa was tiny in comparison, with its six rooms fitting inside of one side of Casita's upper floor. Mirabel felt like she could easily get lost in Casita. There was an actual upstairs to explore, along with the entire first floor. There was a room devoted entirely to music, and Mirabel wished that she knew more instruments besides the accordion. She wondered how Bruno had gotten used to living in a small house when he was raised in this one, and hoped that one day she'd feel comfortable in this big of an area.

Casita made Mirabel feel small. Even though it and the people who lived inside it were friendly and welcoming. Mirabel felt like she could fade into the background and no one would really notice.

There was so much to see in the Encanto. There were so many people, and animals, and sights and sounds and lights and...

Mirabel found herself retreating into her mind once she returned back to Casita with Julieta. With her one assignment done for the day Mirabel was left in the almost empty house, alone with her thoughts.

So she decided she was going to explore. She needed to learn how Casita was laid out so she could find her way around without following another member of her family.

But before she could even close the nursery door (she still was a little upset that her room was a nursery. Even Casa had a spare bedroom!) she ran into one member of the family she hadn't really spoken to before.

Abuela was leaving Isabela's room, a sad smile on her face. As soon as she locked eyes with her, Mirabel knew she wasn't going anywhere.

The teenage girl was frozen as Abuela walked towards her. "Mirabel," Abuela said, and Mirabel swallowed and answered, "Yes Abuela?"

Abuela was the only one in their family that Bruno didn't really talk about all that much. Mirabel knew more about Abuelo Pedro then she did Abuela. And... seeing how she had talked at the meals they shared, and the state of some of Mirabel's relatives... Mirabel didn't blame him.

But Abuela wasn't bad. She'd had a rough life, and was the person in charge. As long as Mirabel was under her roof she needed to respect her and her decisions.

"I just wanted to let you know that we are glad you are here." Abuela said, and Mirabel nodded, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable. But it was what Abuela said next that made her blood run cold. "And you never have to defend your Tio again."

Defend her Tio? She meant Bruno... She had to. Mirabel froze, but Abuela didn't seem to notice. Instead she smiled at Mirabel and asked in a sickly sweet way, "Do you understand Mirabel?"

What was she supposed to do? Claim that her Papá did in fact need defending? That he hadn't actually done anything wrong to make people hate him? Was she supposed to just upend everything that her Abuela, her elder, said?

This woman was Papá's mother, and if he respected her, so should Mirabel. So she simply nodded. Abuela sighed in relief, then said, "And one more thing, I must ask you to never go into his tower. I know it will be tempting, but do not give into that temptation. Promise me that you won't go in there."

Mirabel's eyes met her grandmother's, and ,without skipping a beat she replied, "I promise. I won't go in Bruno's tower." That should be easy, it was a dangerous place. And she already had all she needed from there. Not that Abuela needed to know that.

"Good," Abuela placed a hand on Mirabel's shoulder, but before she could say anything else a loud wail came from the staircase.

The two of them looked over at the steps, where Luisa was standing, looking terrified. "I'm losing my gift!" She cried out, and Mirabel's eyes widened.

Papá getting thrown into an involuntary vision...

Dolores hearing a loud ringing in her ears...

The cracks in Casita...

Now Luisa was losing her gift?

"What?" Abuela asked, sounding a little scared. Luisa looked to be on the verge of tears, she waved her hands frantically as she explained. "Mirabel and I had this little talk yesterday about me carrying too much. So I tried not to carry so much. But then I realized I was falling behind... And I was taking care of the donkeys, and when I went to put the donkeys in the barn they were... they were..." Luisa stopped for a moment to breathe, and Mirabel could feel the tension radiating off of Abuela.

"Heavy!" Luisa got out, and then she started bawling. Before Abuela or Mirabel could react though she ran into her room and slammed the door shut behind her.

Abuela turned to look at Mirabel, who stood there stunned. "What did you do?" Abuela asked, nervousness seeping through her voice. "What did you say to her?"

Mirabel tensed. Had she actually made Luisa start to lose her gift? What would happen if her gift didn't come back? Would she lose her door? Would the magic start to crumble?

As Mirabel opened her mouth to respond, the two Madrigals in the breezeway heard a loud crack. Abuela and Mirabel turned towards the sound, which was coming from the walls by Luisa's door. Luisa's door flickered violently, and then dulled dramatically.

Mirabel couldn't tell which one of them was more scared, her, or her grandmother. Abuela stared at the deep crack in the wall, and Mirabel heard her whisper something incoherent under her breath. Then Abuela turned to Mirabel and said, "I believe its for the best that you stay away from your sister for now. Until I can properly talk to her about this. For now... Just try not to say things to the rest of the family to make them lose their gifts too."

Had Mirabel really made Luisa lose her gift? What about Julieta? Would she be okay? Or Dolores!? Was this Mirabel's fault? Why weren't the cracks disappearing like they had last night?

She watched Abuela walk over to the wall, and place a trembling hand over the crack. "This can't be happening..." she heard her say. Mirabel flinched. Was this all her fault? What if they didn't stop?

She remembered the vision tablet, sitting in the nursery. Was Mirabel's very presence here hurting the magic? Was that why Papá had wanted her to stay home?

She wished that he was here more than anything at that moment. He would be able to explain everything.

She considered telling Abuela about Bruno's journey he had to be making right then, but before she could she heard the church bells ringing in town. Abuela tore her eyes off of the cracks, then turned towards Mirabel.

"I'm going into town to speak with the Guzman's about continuing Isabela's engagement. Hopefully this time we won't be interrupted." Mirabel felt her heart freeze when Abuela said that, and said quietly, "Of course... We shouldn't be having any other long lost family members crashing the party again."

Abuela nodded, not taking what Mirabel said as a joke. She had a distant look in her eyes, but before Mirabel could ask about it Abuela began descending the steps.

Mirabel hoped that this time all would be well with Isabela, and that she could grow closer to her. If she got engaged to her man everything would be okay... right?

Mirabel didn't sleep well that night. Abuela's words kept repeating in her ears. She wasn't supposed to go to Papá's room. She wasn't supposed to defend him. She was supposed to follow everyone else and just not talk about him.

But she couldn't do that! He was all that she knew! Even though it was a dangerous place Bruno's room still felt more like home than the rest of Casita.

She looked over at the dresser, where the fateful vision tablet lay. Was she really the one who was breaking the house? She hoped not. She wasn't doing it on purpose.

She really needed to hug Isabela, and soon.

She bet Isabela gave really good hugs too.

Before Mirabel knew it it was breakfast time again. She tried to talk to Isabela again, but she shut her down before she could even get five words out. Isabela was making it very clear that she didn't want anything to do with Mirabel at the moment.Mirabel couldn't stand the sad look Julieta sent her way, and so she stopped bugging Isabela. Instead she sat next to Dolores, who had watched their interaction silently.

"Morning Dolores," Mirabel said, then she squeaked in fear as she heard... Dolores's voice... coming from behind her. "Morning Mirabel," the voice said, and Mirabel spun around to see her older cousin standing there.

There were two Doloreses? What?

"Camilo!" the Dolores from behind Mirabel said to the Dolores sitting next to her. "Why do you do this? I don't eat that much. Plus, you're freaking out Mirabel."

Mirabel turned to look at her other cousin just in time to see the person she thought was Dolores shift into a teenage boy. Camilo had a wicked grin on his face, then said, "Gotcha." He laughed as Mirabel stammered at him, then shocked her even further as he transformed... into her.

"You should see your face!" he said with her voice. Camilo/Mirabel dropped his (her?) mouth open and slightly crossed her (his?) eyes. Mirabel stared stupidly at him (them?) until her attention was given to her Tio Felix smacking Camilo in the back of the head.

"Camilo! Stop scaring your cousin. She's not used to that remember?" Camilo shifted back into himself, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, sorry," he said, sounding... almost sorry.

Mirabel didn't know how to react. Was she supposed to laugh? Cry? Beg him to never do anything like that again? Or to show her a second time.

Camilo poked her in the arm when she didn't move. "Oops, I think I broke her." he said, and Mirabel vaguely noticed Dolores sitting down next to her. "Mirabel? Mirabel? Snap out of it!" He snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, and Mirabel blinked hard.

"Sorry, sorry," she said, rubbing her eyes. "I'm just... wow... Your gift is so..." Camilo laughed loudly, gaining him a shush from his sister. "Cool?" he offered, and Mirabel replied with, "Intriguing. How does it work? Do you like... change everything about you? How did your clothes change too? If you commited a crime as me would anyone be able to tell?"

Camilo blinked at her, then said, "Uh... Magic?" he answered, and Mirabel felt like hitting herself in the forehead. Of course it was magic. Duh. How did Papá make glass? Magic. How did Dolores hear everything? Magic. Camilo didn't know how it worked any better than Mirabel did.

"Oh." she said quietly, and Camilo laughed. "Wow prima," he said, and Mirabel felt a warm feeling flow through her uncomfortableness. "Didn't think that one through, did ya?"

Mirabel was about to answer when Abuela came into the room. Mirabel felt her heart seize up, and she stiffened. Don't talk about Papá. Don't think about Papá. Abuela didn't want her to talk about him. He was 'bad' in her eyes, and Mirabel shouldn't be talking about a bad person.

She felt numb as Abuela sat down and the family officially began breakfast. Mirabel didn't register any of the conversations happening around her, her thoughts consumed by Bruno. Or rather, the distinct lack of Bruno in her family members' lives.

It wasn't until she heard a loud, "Mirabel!" that she finally tore her thoughts away from her Papá. She looked at Abuela, who was watching her with questioning eyes. "Are you paying attention Mirabel?"

Mirabel nodded. "Sorry Abuela, I was lost in thought." A strange look passed over Abuela's eyes, and Mirabel saw Julieta gain a similar look. "Well, I have just decided that you will be going into town with Camilo today." Abuela said, motioning to Mirabel's cousin.

Both Mirabel and Camilo let out matching, "What?"s. Abuela sent a stern look at Camilo, who shook his head and replied, "Yes Abuela. I'd love to take Mirabel into town today." Mirabel found her eyes glued to Camilo. It wasn't that she didn't want to go into town with him.

His hand grabbed hers from under the table, and she heard him whisper to her, "Please just don't freak out again. Sometimes the kids think I'm a little... weird. I don't need them to be more scared." Mirabel nodded, and spent the rest of breakfast picking at her food.