
Two abilities in Another World?

Irish_Mike_Obrique · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Awakening

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the land, Rish awoke to a new day filled with anticipation. The events of his enrollment at the Blue Academy still fresh in his mind, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness for what lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Rish set out for his first day of classes at the academy. The halls buzzed with activity as students gathered in groups, eagerly discussing their awakened abilities and sharing stories of their experiences. Rish listened intently, absorbing every word, eager to learn more about the vast array of powers that existed within the student body.

In his first class, Introduction to Awakened Abilities, Rish found himself surrounded by a diverse group of students, each with their own unique talents and stories. The teacher, a wise and experienced mentor, began the lesson by explaining the different ranks of abilities and the significance of each. Rish listened intently, his mind racing with questions and curiosity.

As the lesson progressed, the teacher shared stories of legendary individuals who had harnessed the full potential of their abilities, becoming revered figures in the history of Blue. Rish's imagination soared as he envisioned himself standing among those great heroes, his hidden SSS rank ability shining brightly.

During a practical demonstration, Rish had the opportunity to witness firsthand the awe-inspiring powers of his classmates. Fire danced at the fingertips of one student, while another effortlessly manipulated water into intricate shapes. Rish marveled at the sheer beauty and diversity of the awakened abilities, feeling a renewed determination to unlock the full potential of his own powers.

Outside of class, Rish found solace in the academy's expansive library. Surrounded by shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, he immersed himself in the study of plant manipulation. With each page turned, he uncovered new techniques and insights, honing his skills and expanding his understanding of the intricate relationship between plants and magic.

As the days turned into weeks, Rish's confidence grew. He became more comfortable with his classmates, forming friendships with those who appreciated his unique abilities and shared his passion for exploration. Together, they embarked on expeditions into the surrounding forests, putting their awakened powers to the test and discovering the hidden wonders of the natural world.

But amidst the excitement and camaraderie, Rish couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his abilities than he had yet discovered. Deep within him, the power of his SSS rank "ABSORB" ability pulsed, urging him to explore its potential. With each passing day, he felt the call to unlock the true extent of his powers, to embrace his destiny as a catalyst for change.