

Chaos in its truest forms desends unto the world when an entity with a twisted perspective on fate forces people to choose their fate or get chosen by it. You or them, Good or bad, Guilty or innocent, Strong or weak, Dead or alive, Savior or survivor , hero or villian, human or not,.. all this would be determined by the choices you make in a rigged reality where selfishness is rewarded with the power to make more selfish delicious and those who managed to make all the 'right' choices would be given a shot at 'salvation'.. Well all but one man. A man who is called Angel, a man completely exempted from the system but for what purpose does he stand? What made him a butterfly effect in this reality?, What do we call a man totally free from the unbreakable shackles of fate? Was he the hero or villian in this story? Follow the story as well as all our major characters as they journey a path to power admist pain as well as the choices that make and break them as they pursue what seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel, 'Salvation'.

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23 Chs



     In a semi-basement on Gaunglund Street lies a young man with indescribable features due to the countless shadows and darkness that surrounded the room. This apartment looks like it wasn't designed with human accommodation in mind as its relatively low ceilings and road level windows (due to it being underground) provided an illustrious view usually only seen in prisons.

     A single orange light bulb hung down from a division of the three meter square apartment but instead of providing light it only casted eerie shadows all over as the creaking ceiling fan which looks like it will fall any second rotated very slowly while making the *Creak* sound of broken gears with every turn.

     Lying on a foldable mattress in the corner of the room was the owner of the apartment who seemed asleep while wearing nothing except an abundance of blood stained bandages from torso up.

     With uneven breaths and cold sweats running through his neck and brows, he seemed to be having a nightmare as he would sometimes jerk his body in different directions while softly muttering a name or saying other words in either pain or extreme desperation.

     Gun shots after gun shots rang through his sub consciousness as a slightly blurry scene replayed in his mind from a third person's perspective.

     A young woman who was clad in full solders gear with her hair tied into a pony tail and a brown handkerchief tied over her nose stepped slowly forward through what seemed like a massive fortresses while leading her one and half foot long barrel gun ahead of her figure as she  walked past bodies of badly decapitated people before arriving at a specific door.

     Taking a deep breath, she turns back to face the young man who was following behind her while wearing a blood stained bullet prove vest over ragged clothes, (He has obviously taken the vest off someone else's body) as well as holding a small gun which had a knife screwed to its barrel.

     Amidst the gunshots and countless explosions, the woman says, "Stay close but not too close, kill those you can but always keep looking for the next door, Ok?", she says both like a soldier and like a mother giving instructions.

     The young man behind her gave a firm nod as the woman swings her gun over her back before pulling him forward with her hand in his hair at the back of his head until both their foreheads were touching.

     With her ocean eyes locked on his slightly purple-black eyes, she said in a order-like yet slightly begging tone, "Don't die out there.. and even if you do, don't let me be alive to witness it"

     The young man looks into her eyes for a few seconds as emotions overlapped in his eyes before he quietly nods twice. As pathetic as he considered his actions to be, they were the best he could do for her now even though he badly wanted to tell her the exact same words.

     The woman pulls away as she repositions her barrel before sending a big foot at the iron door which immediately broke free of its constraints hence making the formerly blocked howls of fire, gunshots as well as explosions on the other side hit a whole different frequency.

     Behind the door was pure and unrestrained chaos in a massive hall filled with both dead and alive people who were brawling each other with knives, guns and grenades In the most brutal fashions while trying to run through different doors at different parts of the great halls.

     They all wore different attires that signified their different identities and affliations. People from the same affiliations tried to help themselves, seemingly in search of something.

     The door that just got broken down resembles a plain wall from the outside but seeing two people roll out of the wall-door immediately gathers the attention of a significant portion of the people present.

     Due to the minute confusion in the halls, the young man and the soldier-woman he is with immediately bombarded the halls with an hurricane of bullets with the woman taking the star of the show due to her super gun which tore through vests, flesh and bones alike while the young man delivers a chain of headshots and single bullets critical hits.

     Tens of soldiers fell on seconds regardless of their identities but those who managed to react on time immediately hid behind thick pillars, over turned tables, other dead people or escaped through the closest doors to regroup and replan.

While the commotion of surprise keeps brewing, a smart solder manages to react on time as he throws an unpinned grenade directly towards the duo.

The young man beinf covered by his female partner immediately stepped forward as he delivers a kick to the grenade that sent it behind a turned table before he bends down to pick up the iron door that they just broke through as he holds it down horizontally like a Shield to which himself and his female partner immediately seeks shelter.

PA! PA! RA! PA! PA!..

      Tens of gunshots rang through in an instant as rounds after rounds of bullets from the already composed soldiers fell onto the door like rain while leaving behind metallic scars but none of them managed to break through the doors defences or atleast, for now.

     With a heave, the young man lifted the iron door a few inches above the ground with his hands and shoulder as support thus showing an inhumane display of strenght as he rams forward while taking the recoil from the persistent shootings as the duo moves forward in complete coordination.

     The oppositions in the room were definitely not going to allow them through that easily as each of them were the top icing on the cake of their respective forces and so they immediately gave hand signals to one another and showed no fluster as they skilfully moved on top of tables or other higher grounds to get shots at various new angles the door shield wouldn't be able to block.

     But If they could adapt yo the situation fast enough then so could the opposition. With a silent growl, the young man heaves the door almost three feet's above the ground in order the block the storm of bullets while the woman with him slid underneath the door shield as she uses her super gun to tear fist sixed holes through the body of every unhidden solder in her line of sight within mere seconds. Due to the momentum of her slide, the woman soon hits a stop as she crashes against a pillar for protection having already eliminated over ninety percent of the total opposition in just a minute!

     Incaring about their partners death and uncluttered by the skill level on display, the only fact on the rest of the soldiers mind is that the female is biw finally out of the protection of the steel door.

Somebody shoots the light in the room hence putting everyone in darkness as the heared up agents starts moving silently I the shadows.

Everyone starts to silenyly move themselves in ideal position for a death shot but they weren't expecting that from a certain door of the hall, a fully armoured soldier brings forward a heat seeking missile launcher before releasing a single round from its torrents.

With a small trail of smoke and flame behind it, the missiles target was obvious, the unprotected female partner hiding behind a pillar.

     *In reality

The young man on the bed who was having the nightmare frowned slightly in horror as all electric appliances in the room began to fluctuate in a very irregular manner while in his dream, he could see the already launched missile drawing closer and closer to his partner in slow-motion and then,..


     His eyes shoots open as a pair of dangerously dilated purple-black pupils looked towards the celling with his steamy laboured breaths resounding through the room alongside the mechanical creaking of the broken fan.

     He closes his eyes once more to catch his breath before smelling a slightly pungent burning smell. Turning his head to the side, he sees the smoking orange bulb which have obviously exploded from electric fluctuations.

     "Darn it..", he mutters to himself.

     The room is a mess like always with the only difference being the dark smoke rising from the orange bulb which formerly gave the illusion of light.

     The young man pushed himself up with his bandaged shoulders before looking at the blood stained bandages around his torso indifferently.

     With slightly sluggish steps, he finds himself in front of a small fridge which is filled only to contains whisky as well as other bottles of expensive and half finished alcohol brands completely unsuited for such an apartment.

     His arms immediately shot forward to the rum bottle but he stops himself halfway before choosing the whisky bottle as well as taking the first aid bag by the side of the fridge as he walks towards the space meant for a bathroom.

     A single bathtub of four feet's in length and two in width took most of the space in the tiny room as a inappropriate water closet takes up what little space is left. The bathroom is so small that the only movements that can be fluidly carried out in it is either in or out.

The roof of the bathroom is so low that it left one cursing whoever made its designs to live as a dwarf.

     Without caring about the state of the pathetic excuse of a bathroom, Angel sits in the bath tub before turning on the water as he calmly redressed his wounds with practiced motions while occasionally taking gulps of whisky to sooth his mind.

     Cahging his bandages and checking the terrible state of his stab wound has been the highlight of his mornings for quite a few days now.

After he's done with bathing and attending to his wounds, he lazily brushes  his teeth before throwing on a fancy white hoody and a pair of trousers as well as a pair of sneakers as he steps out of his room only to hear overlapping series of unpleasant sounds from a distant room whose doors stand on the left side of the two and half feet wide apartment walkway.

     Right in front of the room stood a middle aged man in a pair of over sized singlet and pants with dark eye circles as he held a hammer in his right hand and headphones in the other.

     The door in front of him had countless scars over its frame showing the brutality it have endured over the years. With twitching lips, the middle aged brutally bangs the  door three times in a row with his hammer hence shutting down the upsetting choir of sounds coming from the room.


     Listening to the odd yet familiar rants being displayedby his neighbours, Angel gives a slight sigh of what seems to be relieve as he walks down the halls before taking the stairs to the surface building where he meets a familiar face who's wearing a combo of a cowboys hat, a layered black jacket and inner vests that looks like it'll collapse soon under his straining muscles. Angel was rather tall for a man but the guy next to him was an absolute monster as he stood over two heads taller than him with his body proportions almost as wide as a door frame despite being fit.

     "Went to get beat up again?..", The huge guy asks in a thick voice as he pulls in an hurricane of smoke from his thick cigar before releasing it from his nose like some overheated cast furnace.

     "Everybody has their own form of therapy..", Angel replies as he runs his hand through his long black hair that has long been overdue for a cut.

     The huge guy nods in forced agreement as he looks at his thick cigar before saying, "YOU should really look for a milder level of therapy, yours doesn't seem to be working much..", The big guy says as he seems to be able to see through Angel's white hood and right at his stabbed abdomen.

     "It works enough to keep me sane..", Angel says before changing the topic as he continues speaking.

     "..Be safe, the world's going to shit pretty soon and it's gonna be worse that whatever lies have been circulating", Angel warns the big guy  who raises his fingers thick eyebrows in curiosity before licking the traces of weed on his lips to talk.

     "..Whatever happens cannot possibly be much worse than hundreds of heartless leaders planning on wasting billions of lives for completely unclear goals"

     Angel shrugged his shoulders slightly before saying something completely unexpected, "Do you really believe that this undercurrents are all preparations for war or for something much more Terrifying than bombs and bullets?!, The only thing that can put the entire world in such unrest, the only thing that can cause allies to become enemies and sworn enemies into allies, the only thing that can make weapons being legalised on such a massive scale, the only thing that can make terrorist retreat as well as ally with one another is all in one word,.. CHAOS, complete irreversible and uncontrollable pure chaos."

     Looking at his friend who took in another cloud of smoke with a frown, Angel gives a small smile as he walks to the door before finally going out to the street's.

     "Chaos,..", The huge guy mutters to himself before mumbling annoyedly through fog like smoke, "I'm too old for this shit".

     The hustle and bustle of the streets were kept to bare minimum due to the early morning as people were just beginning to find their way through the city to their various  stations.

     Angel pulls out his head phones, puts than over his hood before playing some slow music on his phone as he begins to walk down the streets with his arms in his pockets until he gets to an underground parking lot.

     Passing by rows of cars of different models, Angel walks slowly until he reaches a corner which hid a sparkling alpha's motorcycle painted in black and purple.

     With practiced motions, Angel hurriedly unlocks all its restrictions before opening the door of the car by his left as he takes out a black bag from its booth which he swings over his shoulders as his hands shot forward to the motorcycle's handles.

     VROOOMM,.. The engines of the cycle roars to life as Angel puts on his helmet before driving out of the lot.

Hey guys, this is my first novel among many to come and I'll be needing a lot of support to grow this novel into something huge.

I'm not the best author out there but I'm sure to improve drastically over time, your support, suggestions as well as idea's would be a blessing to Foster this growth

I hope you enjoy reading my novels as much as I enjoy writing them.


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