
Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Through the mud and sand, she bloomed in defiance. In the flames and ashes, she bloomed in rebellion. Now, with the end of her life at the hands of assassins, she bloomed bright with flowers red in blood. Having lived her life in defiance and strong will to the end, Peony was brought back to life in the body of an orphan girl at an orphanage. As she once had a body of cultivation while being a peony fairy, she knew the child could cultivate. However, she discovers that others can't! The little girl, also called Peony, was abandoned in a forest, during a short excursion with the rest of the orphans. Outcasted and targetted for her small size, Peony was left to die in the forest when she accidentally stumbled upon a fairy and rescued it from a pack of wolves. Ten years later, she receives an acceptance letter from the second best magic school Night Raven College. Curious, she decides to attend, but there's a few problems. One, she has enemies who wants her dead. Two, she apparently has no magic but can cultivate. Three, apparently, the school is an all boys private school and she is a girl! A mistake? Nah, it'll be all part of her plan anyway! As she enters the school of magic, mysteries began to unravel and she begins to find a solution to her biggest problem of all in life. *Parts of the dialogue and events are from the actual game even though the Main Character will not take the Main Character role from the game.* Discord: https://discord.gg/2pW5VBkB

Faura_Phoe · Video Games
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458 Chs

Sweet Marshmallows

"Okay, quiet down. Details will be announced by Professor Vargas," He turned to Vargas, "Please do continue."

"Okay!" Vargas smiled wide eagerly and stepped up, "Listen well, children! The sports club in Night Raven College has been recognized as a power school and always been on the top. Well it's given, since I taught you after all. And now I want to help you to improve, so! I suggested the idea to do "Vargas Camp". In the 3 days of the camp, you will live in the great nature and challenge the special tasks I will give. I bet some of it will be harsh to your weak muscles... And that's why if you managed to get out of the camp, you'll be strong and popular like me."

There was a long silence as Lotus was distracted by her own deep thoughts in regards to her mother and this camp.

"Of course I know it's hard to be as strong as me" Vargas continued trying to recover himself, "But I want you to go all out, so I made a promise with the Headmaster to give you some rewards!"

"For the club that finished all the tasks, we shall buy you 1 thing you want. Anything." Crowley spoke up.

Ruggie's ears perked up at those words, "Anything"...? Did you just say, "Anything"!?"

"Ah, forget that! I take it back!" Crowley quickly said aloud as he heard the voice having come from Ruggie and recalled his greedy behaviors but quickly gave up in disappointment, "Of course there's a limit. I'd be troubled if you say you want another ground for training. Make it at most an equipment you'll use in your club activities!"

"Oh what, an equipment huh..." Ruggie sighed in dismay as Lotus noticed his ears flatten along with his tone.


"If I'm not wrong, there's a device that cleans the Magift disk automatically that has just been released." Ruggie calculated in deep thoughts, "The price is high enough that only pro teams can afford it. But that's an "equipment" too, let's ask for that."

"No matter how spartan Vargas-sensei, I'm sure he'll be nicer than Vil-san's lessons anyway..." Epel grew convinced at this thought and nodded eagerly, "Let's aim for the prize!"

"And to the clubs who can't complete the tasks... will be disbanded" Vargas added firmly in all seriousness.

"...huh?" The two looked up in bewilderment.

"Relax. I'm sure you all can finish them... if you do it seriously, of course." Vargas encouraged them as though seeing them struck by lightning as this is exactly how it was like, "You have to show me working your trained muscles. Don't disappoint me!"

"Disband, huh... I was thinking to go all out anyway, but that's quite a harsh penalty." Silver muttered in disappointment.

"How naïve." Lotus sighed, "This is Night Raven College and, aside from the magic stone situation, who would want to use energy to go camping? I bet some would just relax as soon as they left school grounds and forget about being on a camping trip."

"No, Silver. There's a bigger problem than that." Sebek cried aloud, "I have to be separated by Malleus-sama's side for 3 whole days! Riddle-senpai, can I not go..."

"Of course you can't." Riddle stated firmly, "Headmaster said that everyone will participate. We have to abide the rules."

"Besides," Lotus sighed, "This will be a good change of pace for us after all that has occurred. Compared to grades being on the line, the only thing we have to worry about is how to survive in the mines. As students, the teachers will make sure that nothing terrible will happen to us. I think this will be fun."

"No way...!" Sebek lamented in tears.

"The tasks sounds annoying, but I'm a little excited for the camp."

Lotus glanced over to find Ace complaining yet a little excited.

"We'll do campfires and roast marshmallows, right?" Ace questioned eagerly.

"Huh? What do you mean, Crab-chan?" Floyd questioned in confusion, "...You do that in land~!? So we won't just look at footballfish all day long? Sounds fun!"

"We're at the edge of being disbanded and look at yourself..." Jamil sighed in dismay.

"I used to go into the forest and build a tent with my siblings back in my home." Jack reminisced in nostalgia, "As Vargas-sensei said, there should be many things we can learn in the forest."

"If Jack says so..." Deuce hesitated, "To put it simply, we're just sleeping outside right? Will we really improve just by doing that?"

"YOU'RE NOISY!!!!!" Vargas scolded them before continuing, "You will be stronger if you participate in "Vargas Camp". No matter what you say!!"

"...tch. So noisy. Hey Ruggie, what's with the damn ruckus?" Leona complained in frustration having just awoken in the tree above them.

"Leona-san... what a bad timing..." Ruggie sighed, "Vargas-sensei is in the middle of being angry, so please hold your mouth."

"Huh?" Leona raised a brow in confusion having awoken from his nap.

"Geez, such troublesome students." Vargas sighed in disappointment.

"Now, now, Professor Vargas." Crowley tried to coax him to continue with the plan, "They'll change as soon as the start the camp. Don't you think so?"

"Hey, Riddle?" Lotus whispered over to him curiously.

"Yeah?" Riddle raised a brow and turned to her.

"What sort of food is marshmallows? Are they vegetables or meat?" Lotus questioned curiously.

Hearing this, the others in her club were equally as surprised as Riddle was.

"Seriously?!" Sebek questioned her in bewilderment, "Have you never had the sweets during Halloween event?!"

"Eh?" Lotus raised a brow, "I gave all of it to Grim and Yuu since I wasn't fond of candies. Could it be that there were marshmallows in it? So, it's a type of candy? Could it be for dessert?"

Though she was quiet, her voice could be heard by those within her surroundings. To this, Vargas laughed having recovered from his disappointment and smiled while, "Yes, as you said. I'm excited for next week!"

Vargas clapped his hands bringing all attention to him, "Okay, you all. I will now distribute this "Camp Bookmark" that includes the details of the camp. Make sure to read through it all!"

Having seen the book, Lotus turned to Riddle curiously, "If Marshmallows are sweets, why roast them over the fire by themselves? Wouldn't it be too sweet?"

Hearing this, Riddle was lost in confusion. Wasn't it the other day that she was radiating with confidence and arrogance? Why is it that she doesn't know about somethings like marshmallows? Isn't this a little...

Riddle cleared his throat in embarrassment and responded, "Yes, they're sweet. It's made from the roots of a plant. They extract the liquid from it and solidify it creating a fluffy and sweet treat often used in desserts and taken to camps or on the road."

"Solidifying a sweet from liquid without freezing it?" Lotus hummed in deep thought, "That means it'll probably melt from the heat, right? Why roast it?"

"This..." Riddle hesitated.

"Well, it's because it's more fun and it tastes sweet when made into smores." Silver responded.

"Smores?" Lotus looked to him in confusion.

Seeing her look to him in a new behavior surprised him as he was taken aback, "It's two pieces of graham crackers with a piece of chocolate and roasted marshmallow in the middle."

"So sweet, then?" Lotus pondered in confusion, "Should I try to bring some marshmallows and try it out myself? But, it's so sweet. Still..."

Seemingly troubled, Lotus pondered in deep thoughts to herself. Seeing her like this over sweets, the others were flabberghasted! Was this really that same guy who was so arrogant and talented?! Just because of some marshmallows, she suddenly becomes like a child curious about the world she has never seen before! To be troubled over something so trivial. Was there such an innocent Lotus before?

"Guess, I'll just give it a try. If I can't handle it, I'll just give it to Grim. But, can cats have chocolate? Pretty sure it'll give him stomach aches." Lotus hummed in deep thoughts, "Although, it would be a different issue if I used it as a way to keep him from eating random things off the ground... But, has that guy ever gotten a stomach ache before?"

Suddenly, the innocent air around them quickly turned cold as the thought of food poisoning the small creature in Ramshackle dorm gave them a shudder! As expected...

She has never been such an innocent person to begin with!

Riddle and the others too were speechless! It was ridiculous for them to have imagined her being all cute and innocent in the first place!

"I should've known..." Sebek finally spoke up after his silent moments of disbelief, "This guy can be anything but delicate..."


Lotus looked to him in confusion. Delicate? Just what is this guy talking about? How can a guy be delicate? If Lady Zigvolt were to hear of this, she would've stated that men can't be delicate but either smart or strong. Since when did a guy have to be delicate? Heck, even Epel is strong and clever, while that Vil is a pure blooded dumb ass with only the looks! If asked, she'd say that Vil was the only person to be disappointed about!

Knowing her heart, Xiao Li and the others shuddered with a heavy sigh. As expected, if not because they are her family, every other guys with feminine beauty are nothing but idiots in her eyes, even if she did recognize and respected their skills.