
Twisted Mates

Freya Parrish was orphaned at age three by her family's rival pack, which forcefully took power from the Blue Moon Pack, murdering everyone except 'Lucky Freya.' After the death of everyone in her pack, Freya was supposed to be the ruling Omega being the only survivor, but she suffered from amnesia, leaving Alpha Hero Ian at advantage. The Omegas were never seen as worthy or relevant. They were the bitches and their pack was the most fragile. This implicated anyone from their pack because their hate came naturally. Alpha Hero Ian turned Freya into a slave for his pack, the Blood Moon Pack. For some reason, everyone felt intimidated by Freya, even though she was fragile. This led to everyone to hate and maltreat her, including the Alpha's rude and spoilt son, Dante Ian. As the governing rule of the Blood Moon Pack states, 'All slaves must be set free on their eighteenth birthday,' Freya got sent far away into the human world without any orientation or shelter. Dante on his path took over as the Alpha after the death of his father. For him to become true after, he must also bond with his mate. Desperate to make his pack whole, he goes searching for his mate, which was no other than the girl who hates even the air that he breathes. Despite all the ugliness, is there a chance for Freya and Dante to put their past and differences aside for both packs? Being the only survivor, Freya needs to bear the child of a true Alpha to avoid the extinction of the Blue Moon Pack. “Forgiveness is a pricey pearl that cannot be handed out with ease. It takes more than love and mate bond to win this battle.”

Shining · Urban
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100 Chs


  As he worked, the neckline of his T-shirt slid down, baring the deep cut that ran around his throat that had healed up.

  Freya unintentionally bent over to him, the top of her dress dangerously open, the warmth of her touching his cheek.

  "Holy shit," she said. "You're a warrior. A werewolf at that."

  "Yes. How did you know?"

  "Let's just say my intuition is sharp," Freya said, covering up her shocked expression.

  Of course, she knew. Years of staying with werewolves of different breeds made her familiar with all the species, even if they took human forms. Why would a werewolf be in Oklahoma City? Why would she be seeing one after all these years? The presence of one was eerie to her. 

  She lifted her sunglasses and stared at him. Her eyes were clear blue, flecked with a little brown.

  She stared at him frankly, in open curiosity, and fear that made her heart drum.

  Of course, she was afraid of a tribe that drove her out of her home. She wanted nothing to do with her past. The presence of them here was absolute bad news for everyone.

  The stranger met her gaze, unblinking. 

  Her eyes widened the slightest bit, as though she realized something had happened between them, but she didn't know what.

  She restored her sunglasses and straightened up. "I've never seen your breed around

  before. I didn't know that you were allowed out of the pack house to roam around freely. Or, has the rules changed?"

  The stranger picked up the wrench with one hand and moved the other to the timing belt chain, which had come loose from the gear. "We're allowed."

  The repair needed both delicacy and strength, but the stranger finished quickly, leaning all the way inside and letting his fingers know what to do. He backed out and closed the toolbox. "Start it now."

  Freya eagerly rushed to the car, slid inside, and cranked it to life. She emerged again, leaving the car running, while the stranger scanned a few more things.

  "The timing belt will hold for now, but the whole shaft is worn out and could break. Take the car home and don't use it again until it's fixed."

  "Terrific. Jake is going to kill me."

  The stranger didn't know who Jake was and didn't much care. He carried the toolbox to the back for her and closed the small trunk, then returned to close the food.

  He found her smiling at him on the other side of the trunk as it came down.

  "You're somewhat amazing, you know that?" she asked. "So what were you doing out in that field? Being far from home could be distressing. Does your Alpha know of your absence?"

  He let his lips twitch. "I doubt that," Stranger simply said.

  "Very funny. I've never met a wolf with such boldness. I like rule-breakers. Call it a clue, but, I think you are one. A badass at that. Anyway, you're a lifesaver. I'm Freya, by the way." She stuck out her hand, then pulled it back from his now-greasy one. "Hang on. I think there are some wipes in here."

  Freya leaned in through the passenger window again. The stranger stood still and enjoyed watching her, and when she straightened, she knew he'd been looking.

  "Like what you see?" she asked, her voice holding a challenge.

  The stranger saw no reason to lie. "Yes," he said.

  "You are straightforward." Freya pulled out two damp wipes for him.

  The stranger took them and wiped them off his hands. Wet wipes were unfamiliar to him. He got into the city to find someone, and this was his second day of being exposed to unimportant things. Not that he didn't know about the basic things, but, he was hardly used to them. 

  "You need a ride into Oklahoma?" Freya asked. "It's still two hours from here to my company, so I'd better take this car back to Jake's and not risk it. Jake loves this car.  My boss is going to kill me, but I'm so late now, it's not going to matter."


  Freya sent him a wide smile. "Yes, you want a ride? Or are you just being polite while I rant?"

  "The ride." He hadn't intended to go further. Just stay at a safe distance and observe the city while laying in wait for his destined mate. He wasn't going to risk losing her over protecting himself since he was unfamiliar with the environment. 

  "Man of few words. I like it. Jake, my boyfriend, can talk on and on and on about his family, his business, his day, his life-Jake. His favorite topic. He keeps the environment lively."

  Stranger stopped. "Boyfriend."

  "Yes? You know, someone you are dating hoping it will lead to both of you being engaged and eventually gets married"

  Stranger wadded up the now-dirty wipes in his big hands. "I didn't know you'd have a boyfriend. Moreover, I know what it means."

  "You still didn't tell me your name." Freya pressed. "You really do look familiar."

  The stranger opened the door of the running car as though he hadn't heard her. "Get in. I thought you had places to be at."

  "I know. I know. Jake's house is a few miles drive away from the city. I can take you halfway and get you a taxi to complete your journey."

  "Why are you dating him?"

  Freya's eyes went wide. "That is an absurd question." She took a few seconds to gather her words. Shrugging, "he completes me. I am happy and understand the word love only with Jake. When I am away from him, nothing matters until he comes back. Jake is my world."

  Yes, she was in love. Jake rescued her when she almost gave up on life. He gave her peace of mind and didn't judge her. 

  The Stranger scented the confidence and her steady body language, which gave away the truth. The stranger felt the pang in his gut. This was going to be more than he bargained for.