

'You are joking right? 'I asked Emily, my 13-year old sister.

'Nope, that's what I heard when mom and dad were talking. 'she said.

I couldn't believe it. My parents said that there may be a transfer of me and Emily to the Walker town, but, this right now is not what I imagined.

I was waken from my daze by Emmy when she said that my parents had called me down to discuss something important. I crossed my fingers and went down to our living room.

'Hey mom, Emmy said that you and dad wanted to talk to me..? ' I said.

'Yes Claire, that's right. Take a seat first. '

I went and sat down opposite to her beside the coffee table.

'I and dad decided to take things slowly ,but we had no other choice, so please don't be mad at us. 'mom said.

'okayy.. '

'We are shifting to Walker town next month so since your school starts next week we decided to send you to my friend's house till we manage everything.. '

I cannot believe this.!!

But who am I to argue with my parents, after all they have given me everything I wanted..

'ok mom. I wanna talk to Sally first. '

'sure , dear'

Sally my best friend at school gave me a huge bucket of water the next day saying that it is filled with her tears.. :p

yeah right..

Tomorrow is my first day at 'Charming high school' and I can't wait! (sarcasm).