

“I was with this guy before I met you. I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together at the moment. I had entire faith in him and adored the path he took.”

“As an orphan, I’ve always wanted to be a part of a family. I yearned for my own family because I had never been a part of one as a child. Life wasn’t easy for me as an orphan out there, and all I wanted was to belong.”

“I was only twenty at the time when I found out I was pregnant, and I was honestly excited. I couldn’t wait to bring this child into the world and begin my own life.”

“I told him the news, and he was happy for me, for us, and from his words, I could tell he couldn’t wait to see this child born. But I was a fool, and my dreams got the better of me.”

Felicia was narrating with a gloomy expression on her face, eyes filled with hatred and other terrible feelings.

Miguel sat on the chair and listened to this without interrupting.